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Hello FreeSurfer Team,
I am trying to compute the local Gyrification index on my subjects with
recon-all -s -localGI. Running this under FS 6.0 runs without errors,
with FS 5.3. I get:
mesh_outer =
struct with fields:
vertices: [68598x
External Email - Use Caution
Dear all,
I am trying to understand what is going on in my subjects (same problem with 5
different ones).
the outputs from the first steps of trac-all seems to work fine, so I am
trac-all -prep -c config_01C.txt -nocorr -noqa -nointra -no
Sorry, the person who used to support the gyrification software has left.
You're kind of on your own unfortunately.
On 10/11/2019 6:04 AM, LOSKE, PHILIPP (PGR) wrote:
External Email - Use Caution
Hello FreeSurfer Team,
I am trying to compute the local Gyrification index on my subjects
I posted this earlier and wasn't able to get a response. I am using freesurfer
version 6 and I am having an issue with changing the degrees of freedom when I
run preproc-sess. I made some registrations that are 9 and 12 dof instead of
the default 6 using bbregister, however when I try t
This is a bug. I think I have fixed it. Can you download these files
Copy them to $FREESURFER_HOME/fsf
just posted solution to the freesurfer list. Are you running your analysis
local to the martinos center?
On 10/11/2019 11:02 AM, Droppa, Kyle Salmon wrote:
I posted this earlier and wasn't able to get a response. I am using freesurfer
version 6 and I am having an issue with changing the
You will also need
On 10/11/2019 11:12 AM, Douglas N. Greve wrote:
This is a bug. I think I have fixed it. Can you download these files
Can you upload one of your problematic subjects? Follow these instructions
From the linux command line,
Create the file you want to upload, eg,
tar cvfz subject.tar.gz ./subject
Now log into our anonymous FTP site:
ftp surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
It will ask you for a user name: us
External Email - Use Caution
Dear Douglas,
Thank you very much for the help. We could solve the problem with that
subject but now we have a similar problem with another subject. In the
previous case, we have only one problematic voxel in the skull, but now the
label 75 (it shoul
External Email - Use Caution
Hello Experts,
I would like to include covariates in the freesurfer repeated anova steps
https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/RepeatedMeasuresAnova. When i
tried including 3 covariates, mri_glmfit complained about "martix is
Hi Cecilia - this commnd tells it to do the preprocessing (-prep), but then not
to do any of the steps of the preprocessing (-no...)
trac-all -prep -c config_01C.txt -nocorr -noqa -nointra -nointer -nomasks
-notensor -noprior -no-isrunning
So this command won't do anything. Have you run those st
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