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Dear Mark,
Just to make sure we’re on the same page: I’ll say that two images are in the
same voxel space when they have the same size (in voxels, e.g., 256x256x256)
and the same vox2ras matrix - the one that maps voxel coordinates to RAS
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Dear Wayne,
We have an idea of what the problem might be and will look into it soon.
Juan Eugenio Iglesias
ERC Senior Research Fellow
Translational Imaging Group
University College London
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Hello FreeSufer developers,
We're trying to have a small quality control pipeline when executing
recon-all. As a part of this, one doubt came to us, and couldn't find an
Is the -cw256 flag applied always or only when the FOV is larger than
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Dear Douglas,
thanks a lot. This can solve my problem. Could you please give my some
explanations about how to open and use the tool?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Dr. Lucia Billeci, PhD
Institute of Clinical Ph
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Dear Doug,
Thank you for your help. On the query on atlas, We have a atlas that was built
at our institute comprising of 183 regions and these 183 regions are available
each as a nifti file with the probability information of finding the structure
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Hi Team,
We would like to compute the CSF value from the MRI data. We
have both T1 and T2 weighted images.
Have processed the T1 images and obtained the CSF
value(summation of ventricular system and CSF value). But it
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Hi Team,
I have one doubt. Can I input T2 weighted images for recon-all
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Hi list,
I'm running the follow command lines:
1) mri_glmfit --y ces.nii.gz --cortex --surf fsaverage rh --glmdir MMSE.wls
--nii.gz --fsgd g1v1_MMSE.fsgd dods --C intercept.mtx --C slope.mtx --eres-save
2) mri_glmfit-sim --glmdir MMSE.wls --perm 100
Just run recon-all on the mni brain
On 05/02/2018 07:12 PM, Rongxiang Tang wrote:
> Dear All,
> I ran fsl feat on my functional data and have all my data transformed
> into standard MNI space. However, I would like to use freesurfer
> generated white matter parcellation (wmparc.mgz) to extr
Please include previous emails so that I know what you are asking about.
I get a lot of emails:)
On 05/03/2018 05:07 AM, Lucia Billeci wrote:
> Dear Douglas,
> thanks a lot. This can solve my problem. Could you please give my some
> explanations about how to open and use the tool?
> Tha
No, not currently
On 05/03/2018 11:26 AM, M Janani wrote:
> Hi Team,
> I have one doubt. Can I input T2 weighted images for
> recon-all command?
> Regards,
> Janani
> ---
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Great! I am looking forward to your solution.
Thank you, Eugenio.
On Thu, May 3, 2018 at 12:51 AM, Iglesias Gonzalez, Eugenio <
e.igles...@ucl.ac.uk> wrote:
> External Email - Use Caution
> Dear Wayne,
> We have an idea of wha
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I'm trying to register and transform some raw functional data (108x108x72x175,
2mm iso voxels) to MNI space, while keeping the low res dimensions.
I have tried:
bbregister --s MNI152_FS --mov funcVol --reg func2mni.lta --init-fsl --bold
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I'm using the following flags on my recon -all: -mprage -time -multistrip
and getting the following errors at this section of the log file:
mri_watershed -rusage
Hello Ruy,
The -r flag to will cause the build to skip some dependencies, e.g., sometimes
will rebuild the world when you don’t need them to, so if you are building only
file, then it can be useful.
It works for me to cd to ./freesurfer/trc and do the same thing without using
-r, i
What is funcVol? An individual functional? If so, then use --12 (12 dof
to account for scaling). In general, we don't recommend doing cross
subject registration with BBR as it is really not appropriate for that
kind of thing.
On 05/03/2018 01:30 PM, David Beeler wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying
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Yes, we are on the same page, thank you so much for the advice.
One followup question - is the threshold on the binary masks 50%?
Mark Wagshul, PhD
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Bronx, NY
Sent from my iPh
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Thank you for your help Rob. Could you walk me through how you ran
setup_configure and configure on Mac?
I ran (from the root of the tree):
./configure F77=/usr/local/bin/gfortran-4.9 CC=/usr/local/bin/gcc-4.9
Try this version
On 05/03/2018 03:05 AM, Klink-3, N.E.C. van wrote:
> External Email - Use Caution
> Unfortunately no, same shift and rotation.
> And in addition messed up vertices...
> Nicole
> -Oorspronkelijk ber
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Dear Douglas,
Thank you for your guidance.
I am following-up on your response with regards to setting up DODS
matrix to test interaction between two continous covariates. If I
understand your recommendation correctly (please correct me if I am
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Hello, In the past we have only used the T1 image as input for recon-all.
However, we are now also acquiring a FLAIR image and were thinking of using
both for new studies. Does anyone have any data on the differences/advantages
of using FLAIR images
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Sorry I have a few questions. The original images were NOT 256x256x256, they
were cropped, but it seems that all of the output images from Freesurfer are
256x256x256. The simplest thing for me to do is to register my DTI images to
the nor
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Hi Mark,
Even if the freesurfer recon-all stream images are 256^3, they are still in the
same physical RAS space as the input. No need to worry about that.
I don’t know how FSLview handles orientation / RAS coordinates; I encourage you
to use FreeSurf
No data, but people generally say that it improves the pial placement in
terms of avoiding dura
On 05/03/2018 03:46 PM, O'Shea,Andrew wrote:
> Hello, In the past we have only used the T1 image as input for
> recon-all. However, we are now also acquiring a FLAIR image and were
> thinking of
Hi Kambiz
we need more information than this to help you. Can you send us the
full recon-all command you ran and the recon-all.log?
On Thu, 3 May 2018, Kambiz Tavabi wrote:
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Hi all,
I noticed the following error message in a reconal
Hello Ruy - sending you a followup off list to your email.
- rob
On May 3, 2018, at 3:16 PM, Ricardo Valle
mailto:ruyval...@gmail.com>> wrote:
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Thank you for your help Rob. Could you walk me through how you ran
setup_configure and configure on Mac?
I ran
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Hi Freesurfer developers,
I have executed the recon-all command using the T1 images but I would be
interested in doing a reconstruction of the hippocampal subregions using
for that purpose a higher resolution images (eg T2 or FLAIR) as input. I
read he
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Hi Bruce,
I tried to upload the whole subject dir in the ftp site but i didn´t works.
I send you the file in 7zip format trough a google drive link . I would
know how can i extend the pial surface without affect the wm boundaries
because the pial surf
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Yes, we are on the same page, thank you so much for the advice.
One followup question - is the threshold on the binary masks 50%?
Mark Wagshul, PhD
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Bronx, NY
Sent from my iPh
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Hi again,
You pick the most probable label at each voxel. In a binary segmentation
problem, that amounts to thresholding at 50%. By with more labels, it does not,
eg if p(a)=p.4, p(b)=0.3 and p(c)=0.3, you pick a even though p(a)<0.5.
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