[Freesurfer] mri_surfcluster to obtain ROI (label) centroid MNI coordinates

2017-03-09 Thread Ladan Shahshahani
Hi, Following previous discussions on the mailing list, I am using mri_surfcluster to extract MNI (or Talairach) coordinates of a label using: mri_surfcluster --in $SUBJECTS_DIR/fsaverage/surf/lh.area --clabel lh.G_cingulate-Isthmus.label --sum ~/Desktop/pract3 --centroid --thmin 0 --hemi lh --su

[Freesurfer] Error mri_surf2surf FS6

2017-03-09 Thread Juergen Haenggi
Dear FS experts we are trying to run statistics in FS6 Linux. Everthing worked fine until we applied the command mris_preproc that called mri_surf2surf and produced the following error: # ---

Re: [Freesurfer] mri_label2vol error: could not scan # of lines from label file

2017-03-09 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Joshua hmmm, label2vol takes our text label file format as input, not a .gii file. You probably need to ask the Wash U HCP folks how to do this conversion as I believe there should be a step before label2vol cheers Bruce On Thu, 9 Mar 2017, Burks, Joshua D (HSC) wrote: Hello FreeSurf

Re: [Freesurfer] Results from R to Freesurfer

2017-03-09 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Dorian that is a bit worriesome. Typically the surfaces are "frozen" at the midline and hence the thickness is 0, so there should be no difference. I guess if a single subject had an incorrect CC segmentation you would be 0 variance within one group and hence significant results or something

Re: [Freesurfer] mri_concat pet images into 1 template image

2017-03-09 Thread Douglas N Greve
How are you planning on analyzing the different time points? On 03/08/2017 05:33 PM, Shane S wrote: > Dear Doug, > > My PET data is 3 x 5 minute acquisitions. Each subject has > subject123_a.nii.gz, subject123_b.nii.gz, subject123_c.nii.gz and I am > supposed to align and average them. > > Pleas

Re: [Freesurfer] Issue with mri_segstats to extract cortical thickness from a volume ROI

2017-03-09 Thread Douglas N Greve
How did you create lh.fsaverage.ROI5.mgh and lh.thickness.fsaverage.mgh? On 03/08/2017 08:15 PM, Elodie Boudes wrote: > Hello FreeSurfer community, > > I am trying to extract the cortical thickness from a specific ROI. > I followed the pipeline: cortical thickness of a volume-defined ROI. > But

Re: [Freesurfer] Results from R to Freesurfer

2017-03-09 Thread Douglas N Greve
On 03/08/2017 09:27 PM, Dorian P. wrote: > Hi Freesurfers, > > I am using R to perform thickness analyses. All subjects are > transformed in fsaverage space and all values are placed in a matrix > with 327684 columns (163842 for each hemisphere). I put the results > back in a surface file (.as

Re: [Freesurfer] Error mri_surf2surf FS6

2017-03-09 Thread Douglas N Greve
This was done to clear up a misunderstanding when using a target subject other than fsaverage. The way that 5.3 worked is that the data were actually sampled onto fsaverage through the ?h.sphere.reg. The target subject was only used in the smoothing process (if you even specified that as part o

Re: [Freesurfer] mri_concat pet images into 1 template image

2017-03-09 Thread Douglas N Greve
If the 3 volumes are in register (ie, no motion between them), then I would just run the mri_concat command to create a single volume which is the average of the 3, then proceed as described. On 03/09/2017 11:58 AM, Shane S wrote: > Hi Doug, > > I want to derive a single averaged PET volume fro

Re: [Freesurfer] mri_concat pet images into 1 template image

2017-03-09 Thread Shane S
Hi Doug, I want to derive a single averaged PET volume from the three reconstructed 5 min acquisitions, expressed in detected counts. Then we will divide the counts based on the cerebellum. Following that, I want to use PetSurfer for partial volume correction and GLM comparisons. May I upload t

Re: [Freesurfer] glmfit error / group analysis

2017-03-09 Thread Douglas N Greve
The design matrix does not match the FSGD file. It could be because you have commas (i,e ",") instead of decimal points (ie, ".") in the FSGD file. Try replacing and rerunning. On 03/08/2017 04:32 AM, teodora petrova wrote: > Hello, > > I am trying to test for the effect of different variables

Re: [Freesurfer] mri_vol2surf

2017-03-09 Thread Douglas N Greve
didn't I respond to this earlier this week? the images appear to be binarized regions of interest and not whole (or ever partial) brain. To run the registration, you will need an actual brain. If you created the ROI from a brain image, then use that image to create the reg, then run vol2surf us

Re: [Freesurfer] mri_concat pet images into 1 template image

2017-03-09 Thread Shane S
Thank you very much!! --  Shane S On 9 March 2017 at 17:01:28, Douglas N Greve (gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu) wrote: If the 3 volumes are in register (ie, no motion between them), then I would just run the mri_concat command to create a single volume which is the average of the 3, then proceed

[Freesurfer] Adjust bbregister affine to target raw T1

2017-03-09 Thread Christopher Markiewicz
Hi all, Suppose you have a sub-pipeline: $ recon-all -s $SUBJ -i $T1 -all $ bbregister --s $SUBJ --mov $EPI --init-fsl --t2 --reg bbreg.dat --fslmat fsl.mat Now `bbreg.dat`/`fsl.mat` is registered to `$SUBJECTS_DIR/$SUBJ/mri/T1.mgz`; what's the best way to register to $T1? I've tried: $ tkregi

Re: [Freesurfer] Adjust bbregister affine to target raw T1

2017-03-09 Thread Douglas N Greve
that should have worked. what was the bbregister final cost function? It could have been that fsl did not provide a good initial registration. If you have v6, you can leave off --init-fsl and it will use mri_coreg (which is more robust). On 03/09/2017 03:24 PM, Christopher Markiewicz wrote: >

Re: [Freesurfer] Adjust bbregister affine to target raw T1

2017-03-09 Thread Christopher Markiewicz
Hi Doug, This is the final line with "cost" in it: MinCost: 0.862331 7440.183178 7411.264107 -1.819400 We're switching from FLIRT BBR (two-pass) to bbregister when there's a reconstructed subject available, so I'm using `--init-fsl` to try to minimize the differences in the pipeline in the two c

Re: [Freesurfer] Results from R to Freesurfer

2017-03-09 Thread Dorian P.
Thank you Bruce, Douglas. Yes, I think thicknesses were obtained with v 5.3.0. There might be errors as Bruce pointed out, I am going now through all maps to check them. This makes me think of a question. Volumetric template registrations sometimes go wrong. Does this happen also to surface regist

Re: [Freesurfer] Results from R to Freesurfer

2017-03-09 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Dorian you can load the aparc.annot for each subject and use it to chek if the spherical registration worked ok. It's easy enough to write a script to load these for each subject, then write a tif file with a medial view, and zip through them all with nmovie cheers Bruce On Thu, 9 Mar 2017,

Re: [Freesurfer] Results from R to Freesurfer

2017-03-09 Thread Dorian P.
Thanks. I created a video to loop through all my 170+ subjects in template space: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BxHeqEv37qqDeGFWVnpSVkVobkk I see some cases that have dramatic problems. I will need to check those more carefully and probably do an inspection of each one in individual space. Be

Re: [Freesurfer] Error viewing corrected results

2017-03-09 Thread Antonin Skoch
Dear Sahil, I would suggest at first to make check of your GLM PALM setup by comparing mri_glmfit and PALM output files (using the same design and contrast): 1. values of gamma.mgh should correspond to values of *cope.mgh 2. values of F.mgh should be (*dpv_tstat.mgh) ^2. 3. values of sig.mgh

Re: [Freesurfer] Results from R to Freesurfer

2017-03-09 Thread Bruce Fischl
you could create a mask that is the AND of all your subject masks I suppose On Thu, 9 Mar 2017, Dorian P. wrote: Thanks. I created a video to loop through all my 170+ subjects in template space: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BxHeqEv37qqDeGFWVnpSVkVobkk I see some cases that have dramatic

[Freesurfer] subject directory

2017-03-09 Thread Limachia, Gaurang (NIH/NINDS) [F]
Dear Freesurfer Experts, I want to customize the directory so I can run the following command mris_preproc --fsgd gender_age.fsgd --cache-in thickness.fwhm10.fsaverage --target fsaverage --hemi lh --out lh.gender_age.thickness.10.mgh However, after running this command it keeps checking

[Freesurfer] Inflation of RH only

2017-03-09 Thread XJ Kang
Hi Experts, I am trying to inflate the brains with lesions in the LHs. The inflation failed because of those lesions. I need the RH data from the files "mri/wmparc.mgz" and "stats/rh.aparc.stats". Here are what I did: 1. Use "recon-all -hemi rh" to inflate the RH only but the inflation stopp

[Freesurfer] WM/pial edits

2017-03-09 Thread Octavian Lie
Dear All, A simple issue of precedence. In the recon-all pipeline, wm edits take precedence to pial edits. If there are both wm and pial defects, should one apply edits sequentially, say on brainmask.mgz (first wm edits, rerun recon-all say recon-all -autorecon2 -wm, then do pial edits, rerun reco

Re: [Freesurfer] subject directory

2017-03-09 Thread Douglas Greve
can you send the terminal entire output that includes the error? On 3/9/17 7:57 PM, Limachia, Gaurang (NIH/NINDS) [F] wrote: Dear Freesurfer Experts, I want to customize the directory so I can run the following command mris_preproc --fsgd gender_age.fsgd --cache-in thickness.fwhm10.fsaver