Hi Experts,
I am trying to inflate the brains with lesions in the LHs. The inflation
failed because of those lesions. I need the RH data from the files
"mri/wmparc.mgz" and "stats/rh.aparc.stats". Here are what I did:
1. Use "recon-all -hemi rh" to inflate the RH only but the inflation
stopped at the step "mris_volmask". it needs the "lh.white" file. Then I
tried to run the following steps manually, but not succeed.
2. Replace the LH by RH to construct a new brain image (RH+RH) for
inflation. Yes the inflation finished. I can find the RH data. However,
I'd like to verify the RH data from the inflation of "RH+RH" are the
same as those from "LH+RH" by comparing the two inflations of a healthy
brain. What I found is that the parcellations of the same RH are little
different with different LH structures, especially curvature and
thickness. I'd like to know if this is true. In other words, are the
inflations of LH and RH are correlated?
Any more suggestions to get the RH parcellation data for brains with
lesions in LH? Thank you for your time.
XJ Kang
On 7/7/2016 11:11 AM, Bruce Fischl wrote:
this is a known problem but we haven't gotten to fixing it yet. Do you
need it to complete that step? It is pretty close to the end so it may
be that the error doesn't effect you
On Thu, 7 Jul 2016, Kang, XJ wrote:
I am trying to inflate right hemisphere only using the commands:
recon-all -autorecon2 -hemi rh -subjid 160526
recon-all -autorecon3 -hemi rh -subjid 160526
The inflation stopped at the step:
mris_volmask --label_left_white 2 --label_left_ribbon 3
41 --label_right_ribbon 42 --save_ribbon 160526
SUBJECTS_DIR is /home/sata3/FreeSurfer/Subjects
MRISread(/home/sata3/FreeSurfer/Subjects/160526/surf/lh.white): could
open file
The program "mris_volmask" needs to read "lh.white", which is not
Any expert has any suggestions? Maybe I didn't use the commands
Thank you for your help.
XJ Kang
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