Dear Freesurfers,
I tried to generate annotations by using the command mris_label2annot --s
K_TS66 --h rh --ctab aparc.annot.ctab --a Liu --nhits nhits.mgh. But Could
not succeed. Any helps would be appreciated.
--- freesurfer-Linux-centos6_x86_64-stable-pub-v5.3.0
Setting up environm
THank you Zeke!
Do I have to repeat all the reconall command with the new freesurfer
version or I can use the processed files and run only the hippo
> You can download the dev version of freesurfer which contains the new
> hippocampal segmentation from the following page:
Is there a file called ./rh.unknown.label ?
On 5/25/15 5:37 AM, Liu Y wrote:
Dear Freesurfers,
I tried to generate annotations by using the command mris_label2annot
--s K_TS66 --h rh --ctab aparc.annot.ctab --a Liu --nhits nhits.mgh.
But Could not succeed. Any helps would be appreciated.
Hi FS Experts,
I'm trying the v6 hippocampal subfield code on a subject processed with 5.3.0 and I encountered the following error in the log file
Making Unknown map to reduced label 13
Computing hyperparameters for estimation of Gaussian parameters
Estimating typical intensities of alveus
Have you looked at the documentation for FC analysis in FSFAST? It gives
sample mkanalysis-sess commands for lh. They are basically the same for
rh and mni305
On 5/22/15 7:19 PM, wrote:
Hi list,
I'm configuring mkanalysis-sess to configure an analysis for FC data by
The error says:
mris_fix_topology: could not read input surface
No such file or directory
Does that file exist? Have you run out of disc space on that volume?
On 5/22/15 8
Hi Doug,
That file does not exist, because none of the surf files got created from this
pipeline. So there was an error before that?
The mri files got created (partially) and what's there looks good. Missing are:
aseg.mgz, aparc.a2009s+aseg.mgz, aparc+aseg.mgz,,
I have a list of coordinates from a subject's scan and I want to get the
corresponding coordinates in the MNI152 template. I am running the following
mri_cvs_register --mov TWH006 --template cvs_avg35_inMNI152
applyMorph --template
Hi all,
I am seeking a little clarification regarding fMRI analyses with FS-FAST.
In the documentation and supplied PowerPoint presentations there are many
references to niftis, and statements like "Performs GLM fit at each voxel".
Given this, for the cortex, would I be correct in the assertion t
Dear Freesurfer experts,
I saw you answered one email the phase for "polar" is -pi to pi. Could you
please expain how the phase represent the location on retina? For example,
in my retinotopic experiment, the wedge rotate counterclockwise (start from
right horizontal), I wonder how the phase rotat
10 matches
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