Dear Freesurfers, I tried to generate annotations by using the command mris_label2annot --s K_TS66 --h rh --ctab aparc.annot.ctab --a Liu --nhits nhits.mgh. But Could not succeed. Any helps would be appreciated.
------- freesurfer-Linux-centos6_x86_64-stable-pub-v5.3.0 -------- Setting up environment for FreeSurfer/FS-FAST (and FSL) FREESURFER_HOME /home/Liu/freesurfer FSFAST_HOME /home/Liu/freesurfer/fsfast FSF_OUTPUT_FORMAT nii.gz SUBJECTS_DIR /home/Liu/freesurfer/subjects MNI_DIR /home/Liu/freesurfer/mni FSL_DIR /usr/local/fsl under folder /home/Liu/freesurfer/subjects/K_TS66/label, I run mris_label2annot --s K_TS66 --h rh --ctab aparc.annot.ctab --a Liu --nhits nhits.mgh. output: Reading ctab aparc.annot.ctab Number of ctab entries 36 INFO: no labels specified, generating from ctab 0 ./rh.unknown.label 1 ./rh.bankssts.label 2 ./rh.caudalanteriorcingulate.label 3 ./rh.caudalmiddlefrontal.label 4 ./rh.corpuscallosum.label 5 ./rh.cuneus.label 6 ./rh.entorhinal.label 7 ./rh.fusiform.label 8 ./rh.inferiorparietal.label 9 ./rh.inferiortemporal.label 10 ./rh.isthmuscingulate.label 11 ./rh.lateraloccipital.label 12 ./rh.lateralorbitofrontal.label 13 ./rh.lingual.label 14 ./rh.medialorbitofrontal.label 15 ./rh.middletemporal.label 16 ./rh.parahippocampal.label 17 ./rh.paracentral.label 18 ./rh.parsopercularis.label 19 ./rh.parsorbitalis.label 20 ./rh.parstriangularis.label 21 ./rh.pericalcarine.label 22 ./rh.postcentral.label 23 ./rh.posteriorcingulate.label 24 ./rh.precentral.label 25 ./rh.precuneus.label 26 ./rh.rostralanteriorcingulate.label 27 ./rh.rostralmiddlefrontal.label 28 ./rh.superiorfrontal.label 29 ./rh.superiorparietal.label 30 ./rh.superiortemporal.label 31 ./rh.supramarginal.label 32 ./rh.frontalpole.label 33 ./rh.temporalpole.label 34 ./rh.transversetemporal.label 35 ./rh.insula.label $Id: mris_label2annot.c,v 1.17 2011/03/02 00:04:32 nicks Exp $ cwd /home/Liu/freesurfer/subjects/K_TS66/label cmdline mris_label2annot --s K_TS66 --h rh --ctab aparc.annot.ctab --a Liu --nhits nhits.mgh sysname Linux hostname D4201Z machine x86_64 user Liu subject K_TS66 hemi rh SUBJECTS_DIR /home/Liu/freesurfer/subjects ColorTable aparc.annot.ctab AnnotName Liu NHitsFile nhits.mgh nlables 36 LabelThresh 0 0.000000 Loading /home/Liu/freesurfer/subjects/K_TS66/surf/rh.orig No such file or directory mris_label2annot: could not open label file ./rh.unknown.label No such file or directory ERROR: reading ./rh.unknown.label There is indeed a rh.orig file under /home/Liu/freesurfer/subjects/K_TS66/surf/ Thanks, Yawu
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