Hi Anastasia,
I intend to use mri_label2vol to map the label file into the diffusion space.
Can you say me what for a diffusion file I can use for that and where I can
find it?
Thanks again for your help
Von: freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
Hi Pedro
they should be based on the input to mris_make_surfaces, which I believe
is brain.finalsurfs.mgz
On Tue, 17 Mar 2015, Pedro Rosa wrote:
Hi, Bruce.
I tried several thresholds in some subjects and it seems to work reallh well.
Thanks for the help!
However, I would like t
anyone interested, please contact Gitte directly
Forwarded Message
Subject: Postdoc position in biostatistics in Copenhagen, Denmark,
Date: Tue, 17 Mar 2015 14:35:36 +0100
From: Gitte Moos Knudsen
To: Douglas N Greve
Hi Doug
Hope things are we
Hi, I'm using FreeSurfer for analyses on lesioned brains, and so far it has
worked well for most of my patient group and control group. However, for a
few subjects (lesion size does not seem to be the case here) the recon-all
stream crashes at the stage of talairach_afd.
Here is the exact error lo
Dear Freesurfers,
We are looking for a cognitive neuroscientist to join our growing team in
the Neurocognition and Functional Imaging group at Pfizer (Cambridge, MA).
Please feel free to forward this listing to interested parties or other
See the full job posting or apply via
Hi Amelia - Sorry, not that I know of. Perhaps this can be a feature
request for Ruopeng to add to freeview :)
BTW, freeview in 5.3 had a bug with the vector display for some input
image orientations, but this has been fixed in the dev version (that you
can download on the web site).
Hi Andre - What do you mean by diffusion file? The registration file that
transforms between diffusion and anatomical space is output by bbregister
(see part A of the tutorial that I mentioned below).
On Tue, 17 Mar 2015, André Schmidt wrote:
Hi Anastasia,
I intend to use mri_label2vo
Hi FreeSurfer Experts,
I am trying to use mri_label_volume to correct for head size differences
in volumetric outputs. I know that this command needs a scale factor.
Where do I find this scale factor? Is this scale factor different for
each participant? I read through the eTIV wiki information
Hi FS expert,
I was wondering if it is possible to create multiple "circular" ROIs on a
surface with equidistant distance. Since the distance between vertex is not
constant, it works if the number of vertices between ROIs it is the same.
Any suggestion will be very appreciated!
Thank you in advan
what do you mean by equidistant distance?
On 3/17/15 12:54 PM, Victor Montal Blancafort wrote:
Hi FS expert,
I was wondering if it is possible to create multiple "circular" ROIs
on a surface with equidistant distance. Since the distance between
vertex is not constant, it works if the number o
Hi Anatasia,
I was able to create a registration.dat with bbregister now ("bbregister --s
HC001 --mov HC001/mri/bo_brain.nii.gz --reg HC001/mri/registration2b0.dat --dti
--init-fsl"). However, I got an error message after using mri_label2vol - ERROR
reading left_accumbens.nii.gz
I think someth
Hi Doug,
We conducted a cortical thickness analysis in patients versus controls and
generated a group atrophy map. We additionally conducted a resting state
functional connectivity study in volume space using healthy controls.
Ideally we would like to create a series of circular ROIs evenly
Bruce may know better, but mris_make_face_parcellation will may do what
you need. You'll need to choose an icosohedron order based on the number
of ROIs ("vertices" below) you want.
Order Number of Vertices
0 12
1 42
Hi Andre - There is no way for us to guess what went wrong if we don't
know the output of the command that you're trying to run. For example,
"something went wrong" could mean that that the command failed without
creating any volume, that the volume was created but it doesn't look
right, etc.
that's what I was going to suggest.
On Tue, 17 Mar 2015, Douglas N Greve
> Bruce may know better, but mris_make_face_parcellation will may do what
> you need. You'll need to choose an icosohedron order based on the number
> of ROIs ("vertices" below) you want.
Hi Raul,
Thank you for your answer. Yes, the aparc2009 should work fine.
But if I may suggest something, I think that just changing the label name to
Sup. Parietal + Sup. Occipital Cortex would be a good way to warn the users
about the extend of this label.
Best Regards.
- Mensage
You can try putting them into a label file and displaying them on
fsaverage. If there is a template brain used by BV, then you can try
running that through recon-all. If that works, you can create a label
file for the BV template, then map it to fsaverage or other subjects
using mri_label2labe
I don't think it does.
On 03/16/2015 10:36 PM, Mauricio Anés wrote:
> Dear Freesurfer users,
> Does anybody knows if the steps after the segmentation have some
> impact in subcortical structures volume? If it does, how can I have
> this measurements back even if I had already run recon-all?
What about:
freeview -v FA.nii.gz -v V1.nii.gz:vector=yes
From: freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
[freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu] on behalf of Anastasia Yendiki
Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2015 11:57 AM
To: Freesu
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