Hi Amelia - Sorry, not that I know of. Perhaps this can be a feature
request for Ruopeng to add to freeview :)
BTW, freeview in 5.3 had a bug with the vector display for some input
image orientations, but this has been fixed in the dev version (that you
can download on the web site).
On Thu, 12 Mar 2015, Versace, Amelia wrote:
Dear Anastasia,
I was wondering if there is a way to automatically (in command line) derive the
FA/V1 vector image.
fslview FA.nii.gz V1.nii.gz allows to load the FA and V1 image, but then
manual section of the (lines) is needed.
freeview -dti V1 FA does it too (with different xyz convention),
but the 'display as vectors' needs to be manually checked.
Is there any way to produce this image using command line only? Thanks a lot!!
-----Original Message-----
From: freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
[mailto:freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu] On Behalf Of Anastasia Yendiki
Sent: Friday, March 06, 2015 6:56 PM
To: Freesurfer support list
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] Tracula: missing or incomplete tracts
Hi Eileen - It looks like there was a A-P flip introduced to your gradient
vectors. (See screenshot of the tensor eigenvectors. Because they look right in
the coronal view but wrong in the sagittal and axial views, that's why I'm
assuming the flip is in the A-P direction.) To fix this you need to multiply
the y coordinate of your gradient vectors with -1 and rerun.
If there are still any cases of missing tracts, please look at the bottom of
your dmrirc file for instructions on how to use the reinit parameter (or search
for previous emails on that parameter in the archives).
Note that your DWI voxel size is anisotropic (finer resolution in x/y than z),
this may cause bias in tractography, so I'd recommend that you switch to
isotropic resolution for future acquisitions if you have control over it.
Hope this helps,
On Fri, 27 Feb 2015, Eileen Moore wrote:
Hi Anastasia,
Sorry for the delay -- I missed your response. I did look at the
anatomical segmentations and thought they looked OK. I've uploaded the
tracula and corresponding freesurfer data for two subjects: one with complete
tracts and one with missing/incomplete tracts. I also uploaded my dmrirc file.
Thanks for taking a look for me.
Hi Eileen - Have you checked the anatomical segmentations of the
subjects? The mask that's used by default is the aparc+aseg_mask,
which comes from registering the cortical parcellationg and subcortical
segmentation from T1 to diffusion space, and then dilating it by a couple of
If you upload an example data set for me here, I can take a look:
Please include all tracula-related directories of the subject (dmri, dlabel,
On Thu, 18 Dec 2014, Eileen Moore wrote:
Hi - I'm having difficulty with missing or incomplete tracts most of
my subjects. I'm hoping for suggestions on where I can look for data
problems. The majority of my subjects have at least one
missing/incomplete tract, but the specific problematic tract varies
across subjects (e.g., one subject has a missing L.Uncinate; another
subject has a missing Forceps Major; another is missing the ILF
bilaterally, etc.). For my problematic tracts, the path.pd.nii.gz is
a single line/curve rather than the diffuse volumetric distribution.
I'm not sure how to correct this.
I have checked my eigenvectors -- the lines appear to be pointing in
the correct directions in my dtifit_V1 -- so I believe my gradient
table is correct
I've checked my images for motion via visual inspection and by
excluding any subjects with dwi_motion outliers in AvgTranslation,
AvgRotation, PercentBadSlices, and AvgDropoutScore.
I inspected the nodif_brain_mask.nii.gz to look for chunks of missing
brain and did not identify any problems here.
I've tried increasing the number of control points for each tract.
I'd very much appreciate any suggestions on how to troubleshoot next.
Thank you,
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