Re: [Freesurfer] Performance of Broadwell and Haswell processors

2014-12-17 Thread pradeep mahato
Hi Nick, Can you tell me what would be best processing time to do recon-all process on one brain mri image using a high end machine ( Servers ) or using GPU based machine. We have more than 1000 of brain mri images, processing all these images is the bottleneck now. Pradeep On Tue, Dec 16, 2014

Re: [Freesurfer] use of high res T1 for subcortical segmentation

2014-12-17 Thread Lukas . Scheef
Hi Bruce! I just would like to come back to your offer to post the current version of mri_tessellate. Would you mind to send me the file? Sincerely yours, Luke > Hi Bruce! > I am working on a Mac, OS 10.10.1, FS version: > freesurfer-Darwin-lion-stable-pub-v5.3.0 > > All the best, > > Luke

Re: [Freesurfer] Qdec coordinates

2014-12-17 Thread Las Blawimo
Dear experts, Sorry for emailing you again. Can you please help me with the question in the email below? Kind regards, Las 2014-12-11 10:54 GMT+01:00 Las Blawimo : > > Dear experts, > > I had a question regarding the output of my Qdec analyses. When I run a > Monte Carlo Z simulation on my resul

Re: [Freesurfer] Fwd: Errors in recon-all

2014-12-17 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Gunjan our coordinate systems are extensively documented here: cheers Bruce On Wed, 17 Dec 2014, Gunjan Gautam wrote: Hi Bruce, I can view the file using "freeview -v file.mnc"

Re: [Freesurfer] use of high res T1 for subcortical segmentation

2014-12-17 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Luke what software/hardware version do you need? Bruce On Wed, 17 Dec 2014, wrote: Hi Bruce! I just would like to come back to your offer to post the current version of mri_tessellate. Would you mind to send me the file? Sincerely yours, Luke > Hi Bruce!

Re: [Freesurfer] Fwd: Errors in recon-all

2014-12-17 Thread Gunjan Gautam
Hi Bruce, I am sorry that you could not get me properly. My query is, how can I preserve direction cosine information. As I am new to this issue, any help would really be appreciated. Thanks, Gunjan On Wed, Dec 17, 2014 at 7:08 PM, Bruce Fischl wrote: > > Hi Gunjan > > our coordinate systems ar

Re: [Freesurfer] use of high res T1 for subcortical segmentation

2014-12-17 Thread Lukas . Scheef
Hi Bruce! I am working on a Mac, OS 10.10.1, FS version: freesurfer-Darwin-lion-stable-pub-v5.3.0 Many thanks in advance! Lukas > Hi Luke > > what software/hardware version do you need? > Bruce > On Wed, 17 Dec 2014, wrote: > > Hi Bruce! > > I just would like to

Re: [Freesurfer] Fwd: Errors in recon-all

2014-12-17 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Gunjan I can't help you preserve it in minc and using someone else's tools to convert slices to nifti. Can you work in matlb instead? If so, you can convert the minc to .mgz with mri_convert, then load the mgz into matlab using either MRIread or load_mgh (which will both return the directi

Re: [Freesurfer] Fwd: Errors in recon-all

2014-12-17 Thread Gunjan Gautam
Ok I try this out using MATLAB. Thanks Bruce, On Wed, Dec 17, 2014 at 7:32 PM, Bruce Fischl wrote: > > Hi Gunjan > > I can't help you preserve it in minc and using someone else's tools to > convert slices to nifti. Can you work in matlb instead? If so, you can > convert the minc to .mgz with mri

Re: [Freesurfer] longitudinal statistics LGI

2014-12-17 Thread jorge luis
Hi Jon We recommend toorder the columns of your design matrix in the following way: First,the intercept term (which is a column of ones); second, the timecovariate; third, any time-varying covariates (eg. cannabis use);fourth, the group covariates of interest (eg. a binary variableindicating whe

Re: [Freesurfer] Fwd: comparing lme models

2014-12-17 Thread jorge luis
p { margin-bottom: 0.1in; line-height: 120%; }Hi Lars I'm not sure whetheryou are talking about comparing different statistical models with thesame model for the mean but different models for the covariance orcomparing models with different models for the mean itself. In order touse the lreml/c

Re: [Freesurfer] Different significant regions with different cluster wise thresholds

2014-12-17 Thread Douglas N Greve
There are a bunch of contrasts there. Which one had the discrepancy? doug On 12/15/2014 07:43 PM, Bronwyn Overs wrote: > Hi Douglas, > > I uploaded my glmdir to you on the 3/12/14 (named > Can you see what > the problem is? > > Kind regards,

[Freesurfer] LME analysis and fReadQdec.m

2014-12-17 Thread Emma Thompson
Dear Freesurfers, I ran the following commands to read in mass-univariate data into matlab in prep for LME analysis: >> [Y,mri] = fs_read_Y('lh.thickness_sm10.mgh'); >> lhsphere = fs_read_surf('avgsubject/surf/lh.sphere'); >> lhcortex = fs_read_label('avgsubject/label/lh.cortex.label'); Next, I w

[Freesurfer] Altering the white matter low limit

2014-12-17 Thread Marx, Gabe
Hello freesurfers, I wanted to get your opinion on altering the white matter low limit in the mri_segment command through attaching the "-seg-wlo" flag onto -autorecon2. I am working on a Frontotemporal Dementia cohort. In patients with severe atrophy, there always tends to be a great deal of b

Re: [Freesurfer] Altering the white matter low limit

2014-12-17 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Gabe we try very hard to support a wide range of contrast types and different sequences, but sometimes that means that a particular sequence and/or pathology doesn't work that well. Setting parameters like wlo is perfectly reasonable - you are giving us more information about what to expec

[Freesurfer] Error from mri_glmfit-sim - Input volume voxel dimensions do not match

2014-12-17 Thread Peter J. Molfese
Hello, We're running into a bit of a hiccup in trying to do an analysis of subcortical volume differences between groups using mri_glmfit instead of the tables generated by asegstats2table. The error occurs at the end of our pipeline when running mri_glmfit-sim: "ERROR: Input volume voxel dime

[Freesurfer] DICOM does not contain a Siemens ASCII header

2014-12-17 Thread Ben Eliezer, Noam
Hi — I’m having trouble using the commands mri_convert and recon-all, both of which produce the same error: test.dcm does not contain a Siemens ASCII header has this file been anonymized? ERROR: cannot unpack mosiacs without ASCII header I’ve read through the forum and did find similar problem

Re: [Freesurfer] Performance of Broadwell and Haswell processors

2014-12-17 Thread Nick Schmansky, MGH
Pradeep, If you have a Sandy-Bridge or Ivy-Bridge based system, and it has at least eight cores, and those cores run at 3.4GHz, and you use the '-openmp 8' flag (available in v5.3) and you arrange recon-all to run the hemi stages in parallel, then recon-all completes in about 3.5 hours. In the up

Re: [Freesurfer] DICOM does not contain a Siemens ASCII header

2014-12-17 Thread Douglas N Greve
Can you try this version of mri_convert? Make a copy of the original one If that does not work, can you upload the dicoms to our file drop? doug On 12/17/2014 04:09 PM, Ben Eliezer, Noam wrote: > Hi — > > I’m having troub

Re: [Freesurfer] Faulty segmentation of T1 image in a patient with hemorrhage

2014-12-17 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Emad it actually did better than I would have though. Yes, you can clone back into the brainmask.mgz from the T1.mgz. Not sure how accurate a cortical model you will ever get near the injury though - would you be able to draw the gray/white boundary if you had to? cheers Bruce On Wed, 1

Re: [Freesurfer] DICOM does not contain a Siemens ASCII header

2014-12-17 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Noam do you know if they are compressed? If so, you can try decompressing them and converting them (dcmdrle dcmdjpls). I thought we detected the compression and wrote out a message, so that might not be the problem, but it's easy enough to try Bruce On Wed, 17 Dec 2014, Ben Eliezer, No

Re: [Freesurfer] Different significant regions with different cluster wise thresholds

2014-12-17 Thread Bronwyn Overs
Hi Doug, The problem is with the "int_genderXgroup" contrast (between .05 & .01 cluster forming thresholds). Kind regards, Bronwyn Overs Research Assistant Neuroscience Research Australia Neuroscience Research Australia Margarete Ainsworth Building Barker Street Randwick Sydney NSW 2031 Aus

Re: [Freesurfer] DICOM does not contain a Siemens ASCII header

2014-12-17 Thread Ben Eliezer, Noam
nope — that are not compressed. (I’ve sent out a sample DICOM in a separate email). Thanks! Noam On Dec 17, 2014, at 11:39 PM, Bruce Fischl wrote: > Hi Noam > > do you know if they are compressed? If so, you can try decompressing them and > converting them (dcmdrle dcmdjpls). I thought we d