Dear experts,

Sorry for emailing you again. Can you please help me with the question in
the email below?

Kind regards,

2014-12-11 10:54 GMT+01:00 Las Blawimo <>:
> Dear experts,
> I had a question regarding the output of my Qdec analyses. When I run a
> Monte Carlo Z simulation on my results, I get the following output:
> # ClusterNo  Max   VtxMax   Size(mm^2)  TalX   TalY   TalZ    CWP
> CWPLow    CWPHi   NVtxs   Annot
>    1        2.930   94685    921.76    -48.9   -7.0   41.2  0.02170
> 0.01980  0.02360  2096  precentral
>    2        2.525   33091    935.62    -21.2   22.2   35.2  0.01950
> 0.01770  0.02130  1634  superiorfrontal
> When I then press the 'find cluster and goto max' button, I get a
> different output:
> Generating cluster stats using min threshold of 1.3...
> Found 2 clusters
> Contrast: 'lh-Avg-thickness-SensTOTAV-Cor', 10fwhm, DOF: 185
> ClusterNo  Max   VtxMax  Size(mm2)   TalX   TalY   TalZ NVtxs Annotation
> ---------  ---   ------  ---------   ----   ----   ---- ----- ----------
>     1    1.7100     109    935.62   -22.7   24.0   51.0 1634
> superiorfrontal
>     2    1.6635      12    921.76   -52.5   -6.6   38.5 2096  precentral
> ============================================================
> I am assuming that that the second output gives the coordinates of the max
> significant vertex. What does the first set of coordinates refer too? I
> think it may the cluster's centre of mass, but I am not sure. Thank you!
> Kind regards,
> Las
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