hi, I have tried to make prefrotnal cortex label by doing first
mri_annotation2label --subject "$subject" --hemi rh --outdir
mri_mergelabels -i lh.caudalanteriorcingulate.label -i
lh.caudalmiddlefrontal.label -i lh.lateralorbitofrontal.label -i
lh.medialorbitofrontal.label -
Hi Ting
STL may not contain the info for ras2vox transform as it is not a medical
imaging format. We've only supported it in the past for 3D printing and
such. You might need to keep track of the ras2vox and restore it when you
convert back (e.g. in matlab)
On Fri, 21 Nov 2014,
I test ran it with the symbolic link.
the symbolink link is:
lrwxr-xr-x1 wieser admin 66 Nov 14 14:17 DROPBOX_MJMRI ->
/Users/wieser/Dropbox (UWM BraIN Lab)/ImagingSuite/Blackbird/MJMRI
I'm in the DROPBOX_MJMRI directory and have set the subjects_directory to the
current directory
please explain the differece between --sim-sign abs, neg, and pos
Freesurfer mailing list
The information in this e-mail is intended only for the pers
Thanks for responding. It looks like we were feeding it obliqued data.
When we used our deobliqued data, it ran just fine.
Ashley N. Stillman
Clinical Psychology Graduate Research Assistant
University of Tulsa, T.R.A.P.T. Lab
Laureate Institute for Brain Research
email: anstill...
I am from Frankfurt, Germany and I want to use Freesurfer and matlab for the analysis of my longitudinal brain structural data. I want to use linear mixed effects modelling, however, I receive an error message when I execute
[lhTh0,lhRe] = lme_mass_fit_EMinit(X,[1 2],Y,ni,lhcortex,3);
Hmmm, I was able to duplicate the issue and it looks like you might be
stuck. The getcwd method resolves symbolic links to the full (real) path
and in the case of using qdec, this *might* be a problem with no quick
fix... other than copying the SUBJECTS_DIR onto your local machine to a
path wot
Hi Bruce,
Thank you for your reply! Would you please give me a hint how does it
work, save ras2vox or ras xform into to FS surface file? I searched
the archive, googled, did not figure out yet. All the function such as
read_susrf.m and write_surf.m only deal with coordinates and faces
Hi Franziska,
looks to me that for some reason it does not find the vec function which
should be part of the package
under ..freesurferpath/matlab/vec.m
so maybe you just need to source FreeSurfer in the shell before you
start matlab (from that same shell).
Best, Martin
On 11/21/2014 02:25
Hi Martin,
thanks a lot for your help and the quick reply! It works now!
Gesendet: Freitag, 21. November 2014 um 21:34 Uhr
Von: "Martin Reuter"
An: "Freesurfer support list"
Betreff: Re: [Freesurfer] Linear Mixed Effects Models
Hi Franziska,
looks to me that for s
Hi Alena - If you're still having this problem, try specifying the
gradient table (bvecfile) and b-value table (bvalfile) in your config
file. Also, there's a syntax error at the very top of your terminal
output, because anything that is a list of multiple items needs to be
specified between p
Hi Barbara - It's converting to LAS orientation. If it the images are
already in LAS orientation, that command will have no effect, as you say.
On Fri, 17 Oct 2014, Barbara Kreilkamp wrote:
> Dear all,
> Would you please explain why TRACULA is flipping the data so often? And
> what does
Hi Barbara:
1. The rotation component of the registration matrix from eddy_correct is
extracted for each DWI and applied to the corresponding gradient
2. dmri_pathstats is not a script, it's a C++ executable, so to edit it
you have to download the source code, modify, and rec
Hi Cat - Would setting the max to 0.05 work?
On Fri, 24 Oct 2014, Cat Chong wrote:
Dear Anastasia,
I am trying to visualize the tract p-values along one pathway as shown in the
I have implemented the p-value
Hi Kate - The -prep, -bedp, and -path steps need to be run separately, in
that order. You can't run them all at once unfortunately. See:
On Wed, 29 Oct 2014, Katherine Damme wrote:
Sorry for the delay. I signed u
Hi Mohamad - These are explained here, "average over the entire support of
the path distribution, weighted average over the entire support of the
path distribution, and average over highest-probability path only":
Hi Mohamad - As it's a probabilistic method that's sampling from a
distribution, there is a bit of randomness built in (which should decrease
as you increase the number of samples that you collect). You'll find that
the the weighted average measures are the most reliable, as they are less
Hi Amanda - You can try running bedpostx directly (not through trac-all)
and see if that runs fine:
bedpostx /home/k1204763/images/PDPLUS_TRACULA/TRACULA_OUTPUT/PDPLUS006/dmri
On Thu, 6 Nov 2014, Worker, Amanda wrote:
I am trying to run the second step of the TRACULA processing
Hi Tadeu - The files appear to have the problem described here:
That's probably was causing them not to be converted correctly.
On Thu, 6 Nov 2014, Tadeu Kubo wrote:
Dear FS Experts,
I'm trying to work with the
Hi Anri - See here, and follow the link "software update":
The -qa option was added after 5.3 was released.
On Mon, 10 Nov 2014, Anri WATANABE wrote:
Dear FreeSurfer experts,
I'm running pre-processing steps in TRACULA
Hi Yoon - Sorry, the tractstats2table script is for measures that are
specific to each tract. The motion measures are extracted from the entire
DWI data set, so they're not specific to a given tract. You can
concatenate the dwi_motion.txt files like this:
source dmrirc
foreach subj ($subjlist)
Hi all,
I'm having some issues (some possibly mine, some possibly tksurfer's) getting
tksurfer (5.3c6) to display curvature the way I think it should be able to. I
am using the bert sample data.
The Curvature display
If I use the Show Curvature button in the UI control pa
Hi Ting,
I am not an expert, but why do you want to downsample the native
surface mesh? The usual way of doing this is to register the full
surface mesh with the functional volume data using Doug's bbregister.
On Fri, Nov 21, 2014 at 4:08 AM, ting xu wrote:
> Dear freesurfer expe
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