[Freesurfer] Difference between surfcluster and volcluster

2014-08-28 Thread Katharina Zech
Dear all, I run the surfcluster analysis (mri_surfcluster). But the tutorial tells me that there exists also mri_volcluster: Using the outputs from the estimation step and the simulations, mri_surfcluster (or *mri_volcluster*) will create two outputs: the summary file with a table of the cluste

[Freesurfer] Problems with mri_watershed: almost no skull stripping

2014-08-28 Thread Úrsula Pérez Ramírez
Hello, I'm having troubles trying to obtain only the brain in T1-weighted RM images that contain metastases. First of all I have converted the DICOM images to mgz with "mri_convert /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/A0D0C0.dcm /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/case1.mgz" . Then, I have employed

[Freesurfer] Manual editing compared to non-manual editing.

2014-08-28 Thread Kasper Jessen
Hi, Thank you for a good freesurfer course in Copenhagen. After the course i have been wondering if there is available litterature regarding manuel editing versus non-manuel editing? Has any studies investigated the outcome/results from manual editing versus non-manuel editing on the same sample

Re: [Freesurfer] Manual editing compared to non-manual editing.

2014-08-28 Thread Melanie Ganz
Dear Kasper, I am glad you enjoyed the course. Mikael Agn, a former master student at NRU, did a small study in his master thesis (http://www2.imm.dtu.dk/pubdb/views/publication_details.php?id=6647) in section 5.3 where he investigated manual edits vs. no manual edits on the same sample. I h

Re: [Freesurfer] 3dvolreg.afni error during mc-sess

2014-08-28 Thread Milde, Christopher
Dear Doug, Finally, I was able to solve the 3dvolreg.afni error problem. I installed the recent AFNI version for Linux and replaced the 3dvolreg file in Freesurfer/bin by the AFNI 3dvolreg.afni of the AFNI software package. After adding the Suffix .afni (the AFNI-3dvolreg file doesn't end with

[Freesurfer] Qdec question

2014-08-28 Thread Abrishamchi, Aurash David
Hello, I still cannot solve this issue. All help will be appreciated. I am running Qdec analysis on about 100 subjects and correcting with FDR. Once I do this I click the "find clusters and go to max" button and Qdec gives me a plot of all the data as well as taking me to the max vertex in the

Re: [Freesurfer] recon-all normalization: bias field output

2014-08-28 Thread Barbara Kreilkamp
Dear Christian, Thanks a bunch for this answer. I ran all the steps you mentioned (except for the one where I simply do uncorrected/corrected, as these images have different dimensions, it seems nu3 does more than just normalization of intensities, but also image cropping). Do you know anythin

[Freesurfer] recon-all -openmp N question

2014-08-28 Thread Krieger, Donald N.
The documentation for the 5.2.0 release (2Mar2013) states that -openmp works for the CentOS 6 distribution only. Is this still the case? Or does it work for CentOS 7 ? any other Linux version ? Thanks, Don Don Krieger, Ph.D. Department of Neurological Surgery University of Pittsburgh (412)648

Re: [Freesurfer] questions about mri_make_bem_surfaces

2014-08-28 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Gamaliel do you mean a skull model? If so, you might check out Matti Hamalainen's MNE package, which is built on top of FreeSurfer surfaces. cheers Bruce On Wed, 27 Aug 2014, gamaliel huerta urrea wrote: Hi  I have questions about the use of the function:  mri_make_bem_surfaces  I

Re: [Freesurfer] recon-all normalization: bias field output

2014-08-28 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Barbara, you should just be ble to divide the original image by the nu-corrected one to get the estimated bias field. cheers Bruce On Wed, 27 Aug 2014, Barbara Kreilkamp wrote: > Dear all, > > Is there a way to output the N3's (non-parametric normalization step) > output? > I am interested

Re: [Freesurfer] recon-all normalization: bias field output

2014-08-28 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Barbara what exactly did you divide? If you look at the recon-all.log it will show the exact inputs and outputs of nu_correct. cheers Bruce On Thu, 28 Aug 2014, Barbara Kreilkamp wrote: > Dear Christian, > > Thanks a bunch for this answer. I ran all the steps you mentioned > (except for the

[Freesurfer] selxavg3-sess error

2014-08-28 Thread Francesca Strappini
Dear all, I've run selxavg3-sess and I got this error message when it tried to read the fmcsm file (fmc.sm5.DM.lh.nii.gz). Thank you for your help, Francesca shalim-ubuntu:/usr/local/freesurfer/fsfast/MeytalRetinotopy> selxavg3-sess -a rtopy.DM.lh -s SUBJ01 Surface data DM lh --

Re: [Freesurfer] recon-all normalization: bias field output

2014-08-28 Thread Barbara Kreilkamp
Dear Bruce and Christian, I found the easy way of simply writing 'set cleanup = 0' at the beginning of mri_nu_correct.mni and then I run this command mri_nu_correct.mni --i T2-scic/mri/orig/001.mgz --o nu.mgz --n 2 This way I get all the masks and iterations that were computed. Now I also see t

[Freesurfer] Research Assistant Position at the University of Washington

2014-08-28 Thread McLaughlin, Katie
Research Assistant Position Integrated Brain Imaging Center University of Washington An experienced, independent, and organized individual is sought for a full-time Research Coordinator position working with Natalia Kleinhans, Ph.D., and Katie McLaughlin, Ph.D., at the Integrated Brain Imaging C

[Freesurfer] Research Assistant Position at the University of Washington

2014-08-28 Thread McLaughlin, Katie
Research Assistant Position Integrated Brain Imaging Center University of Washington An experienced, independent, and organized individual is sought for a full-time Research Coordinator position working with Natalia Kleinhans, Ph.D., and Katie McLaughlin, Ph.D., at the Integrated Brain Imaging C

Re: [Freesurfer] recon-all -openmp N question

2014-08-28 Thread Z K
Hi Don, Support of openmp is determined by the compiler used to build the code. gcc4.2 and greater support openmp. So the centos6 build does support the openmp flag but the centos4 and centos4_x86_64 version of freesurfer do NOT. We do not yet build on centos7 but once we do it surely will sup

Re: [Freesurfer] recon-all -openmp N question

2014-08-28 Thread Krieger, Donald N.
Thanks, Zeke. Regards,   Don   Don Krieger, Ph.D. Department of Neurological Surgery University of Pittsburgh (412)648-9654 Office (412)521-4431 Cell/Text > -Original Message- > From: freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu [mailto:freesurfer- > boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu] On Behalf Of Z

Re: [Freesurfer] freesurfer version vs cvs version

2014-08-28 Thread Joel R Pieper
Thanks. I see that the older ones were done on freesurfer 3.0.2. I am assuming there are not many differences between the segmentation process between 3.0.2 and 3.0.3 so I downloaded 3.0.3 because 3.0.2 is no longer available. I set freesurfer_3.0.3 as the default version and started a recon-all

[Freesurfer] mri_preproc

2014-08-28 Thread shinjini
Hi, I couldn't find the documentation for mri_preproc. I know that roughly it resamples multiple subjects' brain images into the same space and then concatenates the vertices, but I want to know details like: Exactly how are the brains resampled? What is the procedure beyond the Talairach affine

Re: [Freesurfer] watershed surface to volume rendering

2014-08-28 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Matt you might want to email Matti about this. I think that you can, but he might know the details cheers Bruce On Tue, 26 Aug 2014, Sherwood, Matt wrote: Freesurfer,     We have scans that have recon-all completed. Following recon-all, we completed watershed (under the MNE

Re: [Freesurfer] success and failure of wm surfaces in (almost) identical structural image

2014-08-28 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Vincent I would say yes. If the skull stripping leaves dura in one image and not in the other, then that could cause big differences as the surface deformation grabs it when it is present. cheers Bruce On Tue, 26 Aug 2014, Vincent Beliveau wrote: I've attached ?h.orig.nofix for both r

[Freesurfer] Creating ROI

2014-08-28 Thread Diaz Rodriguez, Juan
I am trying to create a spherical ROI mask in the form of a volume file with 2.5 cm radius. I also have to specify the center of the ROI location. What is the best way to accomplish this? I intend to use this to extract freesurfer cortical thickness values for a region-of-interest (ROI) defined

Re: [Freesurfer] Creating ROI

2014-08-28 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Juan probably the easiest thing to do is to create an empty volume (in e.g. freeview) with the same geometry as one of our conformed ones, Then run through every voxel in matlab and if its Euclidean distance to your specified center is less than 2.5cm set it to 1, otherwise set it to 0. c

[Freesurfer] Output Time

2014-08-28 Thread Isaiah C. Smith
Hello Experts, I was wondering if there is a way to short time of recon-all; I see that by using some of the parameters, one can get rid of different outputs. For mne forward models and inverses is there a recommended list of necessary and unnecessary outputs? Isaiah Smith

Re: [Freesurfer] problems with tracula pre-processing (bvecs)

2014-08-28 Thread Barbara Kreilkamp
Dear Michele, I cannot find anything wrong with your bvec and bval files. Seeing as you had an errormessage related to the dwi (the one about the dwi_frame.nii.gz): Did you check that your dwi data have the same amount of volumes as entries in bvec and bval? Good luck, Barbara On 28/08/2014

Re: [Freesurfer] Output Time

2014-08-28 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Isaiah sorry but no, there is no easy way to shorten the processing time except to use multiple processors and open MP cheers Bruce On Thu, 28 Aug 2014, Isaiah C. Smith wrote: > Hello Experts, > > I was wondering if there is a way to short time of recon-all; I see that by > using some of