Dear Christian,

Thanks a bunch for this answer. I ran all the steps you mentioned 
(except for the one where I simply do uncorrected/corrected, as these 
images have different dimensions, it seems nu3 does more than just 
normalization of intensities, but also image cropping). Do you know 
anything about the image cropping?

I ended up with the output nu1_mask and nu1_est and I think the last one 
is the bias field, at least it looks very much like one :). Am I right?

Thanks for your help,

On 27/08/2014 22:53, Christian Thode Larsen wrote:
> Hi Barbara,
> I'm not aware of any way that you can do it directly by passing
> arguments to recon-all (some might correct me on that), but it is possible:
> 1) As N3 models the bias as a multiplicative effect uncorrected =
> corrected * bias, the simplest way is to divide each voxel of the volume
> before and after correction, in order to obtain a volume containing the
> bias. Note that N3 (by default) works within a mask where low-intensity
> voxels have been thresholded away. These voxels will contain garbage if
> you divide all voxels in the volume.
> 2) Somewhat more complicated: you can specify the -keeptmp flag combined
> with -tmp SOMEDIR/ (remember the trailing slash) to N3, in order to
> preserve its working files. This requires you to modify the N3 binary
> call in the mri_nu_correct.mni script. You also need to convert the mnc
> files from the tmp dir, so that you can work with the volumes.
> 3) if you do 2), you also get hold of the low-intensity voxel mask that
> N3 operates within. You can use this to constrain the division mentioned
> in 1).
> Best,
> Christian
> On 8/27/2014 11:18 PM, Barbara Kreilkamp wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> Is there a way to output the N3's (non-parametric normalization step)
>> output?
>> I am interested in the bias field that was computed to correct the image
>> intensities.
>> Thank you for your help,
>> Barbara
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