Well, there is no difference between trilin or nearest. mri_vol2surf displays
segfault regardless which option I use (trilin or nearest).
On Thu, 10 Apr 2014 11:30:38 -0400
Douglas N Greve wrote:
> I don't understand what the question is. If you need to interpolate,
> then use --interp tri
However, let's forget about this question. I need to address something else and
until that is finished it does not matter.
On Mon, 14 Apr 2014 12:54:30 +0200
Joerg Pfannmoeller wrote:
> Well, there is no difference between trilin or nearest. mri_vol2surf displays
> segfault regardless which
yes, it's pretty much the same algorithm, and no you cannot preserve
surface area as we are essentially mapping to the unit sphere (actually
it's a sphere with r=100mm I think, but there is really no difference)
On Mon, 14 Apr 2014, Xuelong Zhao wrote:
Great, the -i option is e
When using tkmedit or freeview, a surface is converted
into a contour superimposed onto T1. I would like
to do the same using the command:
mri_surf2vol --surf pial --hemi lh --template subjID/mri/T1.mgz \
--identity --o lh.pial.mgz --mkmask
I notice that the "contour" in lh.pial.mgz is not c
Hi Ed
you could just use the ribbon if you want the filled space between the
surfaces, but you can't get a nice continuous contour in a voxel volume as
by its nature it is discretized
Mon, 14 Apr 2014, Ed Gronenschild wrote:
> Hi,
> When using tkmedit or freeview, a surfac
Hi Ruthger,
I've only tested the deformation on T2-space, and mostly with a flair
inversion pulse, so it is probably the case that it doesn't work well with
your sequence. If you want to upload the data I'll try to take a look, but
it probably won't be soon
On Mon, 14 Apr 2014, R
Hi Bruce,
Thank you very much for your prompt reply.
It would be great if you could take a look. Would you need anything
more than the original t1.nii and t2.nii?
Le 2014-04-14 16:18, Bruce Fischl a écrit :
> Hi Ruthger,
> I've only tested the deformation on T2-space, and mostly w
I guess it would be easiest if you upload the entire subject directory,
plus the T2
On Mon, 14 Apr 2014, Righart, Ruthger wrote:
Hi Bruce,
Thank you very much for your prompt reply.
It would be great if you could take a look. Would you need anything
more than the original t1.nii and t2.nii?
Dear Doug and Jorge,
I tried what you suggested and I think it work, although I have some concerns.I am working with a longitudinal study with two time-points for all subjects, three categorical variables (group, substance abuse / dependence and
Hi all,
I am trying to extract vertexwise surface area values in an ascii files. For
that I am doing
--hemi ?h --srcsubject area --src_type curv
--trgsubject fsaverage --trgsurfval XYZ-area --trg_type curv
mris_convert -c XYZ-area ?h.white XYZ-area.asc
However I am getting surf
Can you send your commandline with --interp as well as the terminal output?
On 04/14/2014 06:54 AM, Joerg Pfannmoeller wrote:
> Well, there is no difference between trilin or nearest. mri_vol2surf displays
> segfault regardless which option I use (trilin or nearest).
> On Thu, 10 Apr 2014 11
Look in the summary file and find out the clusterwise p-value associated
with 150 vertices, then re-run mri_glmfit-sim setting the cwp to this
On 04/13/2014 10:41 PM, charujing123 wrote:
> Hi FS experts and users
> After completing the mri_glmfit-sim, I get some cluster in the
On 04/14/2014 10:35 AM, Pedro Rosa wrote:
> Dear Doug and Jorge,
> I tried what you suggested and I think it work, although I have some
> concerns.
> I am working with a longitudinal study with two time-points for all
> subjects, three categorical variables (group, substance abuse /
> dependenc
Hello Freesurfer Experts,
Having morphed the surface data to fsaverage for individuals in our group of
subjects, we need to convert MEG dSPM paint files of surface data to volume
.nii format. I have attempted this using the following syntax and keep coming
up with the subsequent errors:
Thanks doug;
All the best.
Rujing Zha
发件人:Douglas N Greve
发送时间:2014-04-15 02:16
主题:Re: [Freesurfer] control numbers of cluster based on vertex numbers in each
Look in the summary file and find out the clusterwise p-value associated
Hi all,
I am currently doing longitundal processing. I have gone through the turtoial
but still cannot find the answer.
When creating a long.qdec.table.dat, should the first column entitled "fsid" be
long or cross data?
Harry Hallock | MPhil Candidate
Regenerative Neurosc
Addtionally what is the difference between using:
qdec.table.dat from
cross.qdec.table.dat from
Allright, if the option --interp nearest is used the output is as given in a
previous post
After applying --interp trilin the output is:
mri_vol2surf --mov /.../f001.nii --reg /.../register.f001.dof6.dat --interp
I have two unrelated questions:
1) I have three mask files: mask1.nii.gz, mask2.nii.gz, mask3.nii.gz. The
masks might be overlapping. I want to make a new mask file in which
vertices that are 1 in mask1 or mask2 or mask3 get the value of 1, and
vertices that are 0 in all three masks get the v
19 matches
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