[Freesurfer] FreeView Gave Errors

2011-12-08 Thread Xinian Zuo
Freesurfers, Anyone saw some errors below from FreeView? -error message-- freeview.bin: tnl/t_vertex.c:407: update_input_ptrs: Assertion `a[j].inputstride == vptr->stride' failed. --

[Freesurfer] downsampling white matter surface and converting to .tri

2011-12-08 Thread John Griffiths
Dear FS peeps, I am trying to downsample a (white matter) surface with mri_surf2surf. I also want the output in .tri format. First problem is that mri_surf2surf doesn't let me output in .tri format mri_surf2surf --hemi lh --srcsubject subj1 --sval-xyz white --trgsubject subj1 --trgicoorder 4 -

[Freesurfer] problem with visualizing hippo-subfields

2011-12-08 Thread Tetiana Dadakova
Dear FreeSurfer list, I ran recon-all -bert -hippo-subfields, which finished without error. Now I try to open it with freeview using: cd $SUBJECTS_DIR/bert/mri freeview nu.mgz \ -p-labels posterior_left_* posterior_Left-Hippocampus.mgz \ -p-labels posterior_right_* posterior_Right-Hippocampu

Re: [Freesurfer] FreeView Gave Errors

2011-12-08 Thread Bruce Fischl
can you send us your command line? And does this happen right away, or after you do something in the interface? cheers Bruce On Thu, 8 Dec 2011, Xinian Zuo wrote: > Freesurfers, > > Anyone saw some errors below from FreeView? > -error > mess

Re: [Freesurfer] downsampling white matter surface and converting to .tri

2011-12-08 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi John try adding --tval-xyz so that it knows you want to write out a surface. cheers Bruce On Thu, 8 Dec 2011, John Griffiths wrote: Dear FS peeps,     I am trying to downsample a (white matter) surface with mri_surf2surf. I also want the output in .tri format.   First problem is that mri

Re: [Freesurfer] overlapping of the surfaces from one hemisphere to another

2011-12-08 Thread Bruce Fischl
h, your data is pretty noisy which I think is the root of why you are seeing this. I'm not sure we have an easy fix for it though Bruce On Tue, 6 Dec 2011, Eun Jin Yoon wrote: > Hi Bruce, > I'm using Freesurfer version 5.1.0. > > On Dec 6, 2011, at 10:56 AM, Bruce Fischl wrote: > >> Hi Eunji

[Freesurfer] run preproc-sess with -nomc

2011-12-08 Thread Thunell Evelina
Hi, Does anyone know how to correctly use the -nomc and -noreg flags? When I run: preproc-sess -fwhm 0 -surface self lhrh -s SessLP -fsd bold -nomc I get the error message: ERROR: could not determine file for /Applications/freesurfer/sessions/retinotopy/SessLP/bold/001/fmcpr I also tried prepr

Re: [Freesurfer] tracula ERROR: must specify brain mask volume for output subject

2011-12-08 Thread Priti Srinivasan
Hi Paula, which image are you trying to open? If you're trying to open the merged files in freeview, you should use the -tv flag for opening it. Did you source the freesurfer environment before opening freeview? Can you give us the exact commandline you used? Priti > hi, > i am trying to visuali

Re: [Freesurfer] tracula ERROR: must specify brain mask volume for output subject

2011-12-08 Thread Priti Srinivasan
Hi Paula, The * at the end of dtifit_FA.nii.gz may have been a problem (since it gives an unkown extension error? Extension:146 (Uknown extension)) tcsh source /software/Freesurfer/5.1.0/SetUpFreeSurfer.csh freeview -v /mindhive/gablab/users/cpdla/Documents/s1001/dmri/dtifit_FA.nii.gz can

Re: [Freesurfer] downsampling white matter surface and converting to .tri

2011-12-08 Thread John Griffiths
Hi Bruce. That seems to help - this command runs with no errors mri_surf2surf --hemi lh --srcsubject CBU070282 --sval-xyz white --trgsubject CBU070282 --trgicoorder 3 --trgsurfval white_trgicoorder3 --tval-xyz But unfortunately the --trgicoorder flag doesn't seem to be doing anything; when I r

[Freesurfer] trackvis, and a separate question about surface transforms

2011-12-08 Thread Colin Reveley
Hello; first, regarding the information here: http://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/FreeSurferTrackVisTransforms This looks to me very much like snippets of code to help people write their own code to read and transform files, byte by byte, with the help of the trackvis .trk header/file spec.

Re: [Freesurfer] trackvis, and a separate question about surface transforms

2011-12-08 Thread ayendiki
Hi Colin - re: the first question, check out dmri_trk2trk. Anastasia. > Hello; > > first, regarding the information here: > > http://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/FreeSurferTrackVisTransforms > > This looks to me very much like snippets of code to help people write > their > own code to read

Re: [Freesurfer] downsampling white matter surface and converting to .tri

2011-12-08 Thread Bruce Fischl
I'll leave this for Doug, but it may be that the target subject has to be fsaverage (which is the only one that is actually an icosahedron) cheers Bruce On Thu, 8 Dec 2011, John Griffiths wrote: Hi Bruce. That seems to help - this command runs with no errors  mri_surf2surf --hemi lh -

[Freesurfer] tracula and corona radiata

2011-12-08 Thread Cat Chong
Hello Experts, I would like to be able to get measurements of the anterior portion of the corona radiata using tracula. Is this a possibility? I did not see it as an "option" in paths to reconstruct. thank you very much for your help, catherine___ Free

[Freesurfer] Final result of CVS

2011-12-08 Thread Antonella Kis
Dear Lilla, I was running the mri_cvs_register with the flag --noaseg and no argument for my target template so as I understood the registration was done on the cvs template as you can see below: mri_cvs_register--mov P01 --noaseg After registration I got 4 files: combined_tocvs_avg35_elre

Re: [Freesurfer] tracula and corona radiata

2011-12-08 Thread Anastasia Yendiki
Hi Catherine - Sorry, no hidden options there! We currently have the 18 pathways listed in the tutorial and in our paper. To add another pathway, it'd have to be labeled manually in the subjects that are part of our atlas. a.y On Thu, 8 Dec 2011, Cat Chong wrote: > Hello Experts, > > I woul

[Freesurfer] freeview: segmentation fault

2011-12-08 Thread Xin Zheng
Hi, We are trying to open something using freeview (ie. freeview -v SubjectID_template/mri/norm.mgz) and would get a segmentation fault. When we tried to open it directly from the freeview GUI, it will load to about 7% and segmentation fault would occur again. We're using Freesurfer 5.1.0 on Fedor

Re: [Freesurfer] Commands not installed w/ PPC Tiger distribution

2011-12-08 Thread Iain DeWitt
Yes, this fixes it. Thanks Nick! > you can try downloading and installing this: > > > http://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/pub/dist/freesurfer/5.1.0/freesurfer-Darwin-tiger-ppc-stable-pub-v5.1.0.tar.gz > > > to install, cp this file to /Applications, then type: > > sudo tar zxvf freesurfer-Darw

[Freesurfer] Error regarding combined_tocvs_avg35_elreg_afteraseg-norm.m3z

2011-12-08 Thread Antonella Kis
Dear All: I am trying to resample my DTI data in the CVS space and seems that after I ran the mri_cvs_register with the flag --noaseg and no argument for my target template (so the registration was done on the cvs template) I got the following error: ERROR: cannot find or read /media/1Tra/A

Re: [Freesurfer] freeview: segmentation fault

2011-12-08 Thread Ruopeng Wang
Does it happen with just that file or with other files as well? Would it be possible to send us that volume file? Ruopeng On 12/08/2011 02:03 PM, Xin Zheng wrote: > Hi, > > We are trying to open something using freeview (ie. freeview -v > SubjectID_template/mri/norm.mgz) and would get a segmenta

Re: [Freesurfer] freeview: segmentation fault

2011-12-08 Thread Bruce Fischl
can you open it in tkmedit? Sounds like something is wrong with the file On Thu, 8 Dec 2011, Xin Zheng wrote: > Hi, > > We are trying to open something using freeview (ie. freeview -v > SubjectID_template/mri/norm.mgz) and would get a segmentation fault. > When we tried to open it directly from t

Re: [Freesurfer] Problem with .stats files for aparcstats2table

2011-12-08 Thread Krish Subramaniam
Hi Tenny That's troubling! What does it give you if you run it with a -v switch? Is the SUBJECTS_DIR correct? It's one directory above 01_bay6/ and 02_bay6/ directories.. -Krish On Dec 7, 2011, at 3:10 PM, te...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu wrote: > Hi All, > > I apologize if this is a simple fix, I

Re: [Freesurfer] freeview: segmentation fault

2011-12-08 Thread Ruopeng Wang
I have no problem loading this file in freeview, in both old and new versions. Have you used freeview before on the same system? Did it work? Ruopeng On 12/08/2011 02:33 PM, Xin Zheng wrote: > Hi Ruopeng, > > It seems to be with all files. Attached is one of them. > > Thanks! > Xin > > On Thu, D

Re: [Freesurfer] freeview: segmentation fault

2011-12-08 Thread Xin Zheng
Hi, I have not used freeview before in any version. The images open in tkmedit. What can we do to diagnose this problem? Xin On Thu, Dec 8, 2011 at 3:16 PM, Ruopeng Wang wrote: > I have no problem loading this file in freeview, in both old and new > versions. Have you used freeview before on th

[Freesurfer] Event-Related design and jitter in stimulus onset

2011-12-08 Thread SHAHIN NASR
Hi Surfers, It is my first experience with Event-related paradigms. In my experiment, trials take minimum 6s (TR=2s). I wonder what is the optimum variable delay between trials to be able to analyze data without any confound. Regards -- Shahin Nasr PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience Martinos Ima

Re: [Freesurfer] freeview: segmentation fault

2011-12-08 Thread Ruopeng Wang
Would be hard for us to diagnose if we can't replicate the issue. Is there any core dump file or some kind of log file that may provide any hint? From what you described, it seems freeview crashes right when it is about to render the loaded image. that's about as far as I can guess now. Is that

[Freesurfer] freeview, viewing surfaces

2011-12-08 Thread kelsi
Hi, when I load my ?h.white, inflated, pial, etc data in freeview, I keep getting this message: "Surface does not contain valid volume geometry information. It may not align with volumes and other surfaces" My command is: freeview -v fsaverage/mri/aparc+aseg.mgz -f fsaverage/surf/lh.inflated

[Freesurfer] trac-all flag for doing all 3 processing steps?

2011-12-08 Thread Scott Hayes
Hi, I'm new to tracula, but I'm wondering if I'm overlooking or misunderstanding the flags. It appears that one types in the trac-all command 3 times to process a subject (or group of subjects) >trac-all -prep -c ConfigFile >trac-all -bedp -c ConfigFile >trac-all -path -c ConfigFile Is there a wa

Re: [Freesurfer] trac-all flag for doing all 3 processing steps?

2011-12-08 Thread Anastasia Yendiki
Nope, sorry about that. The reason for keeping them separate is that the middle step is running bedpostx. It's the lengthiest step and we typically run it on a cluster. When run on a cluster it's parallelized by slice, and the other 2 steps are parallelized by subject. One could try to queue up

Re: [Freesurfer] Final result of CVS

2011-12-08 Thread Lilla Zollei
Hi Antonella, > I was running the mri_cvs_register with the flag --noaseg and no argument for > my target template so as I understood the registration was done on the cvs > template as you can see below: > > > mri_cvs_register--mov P01 --noaseg Yes, that is right. > After registration I got

Re: [Freesurfer] Error regarding combined_tocvs_avg35_elreg_afteraseg-norm.m3z

2011-12-08 Thread Lilla Zollei
Hi Antonella, > I am trying to resample my DTI data in the CVS space and seems that after I > ran the mri_cvs_register with the flag --noaseg and no argument for my target > template (so the registration was done on the cvs template) I got the > following error: > > ERROR: cannot find or read

Re: [Freesurfer] freeview, viewing surfaces

2011-12-08 Thread Ruopeng Wang
H, I think the warning message says itself very clear :-). If you load a volume after the surface, it might not align with it because of the lack of geometry information in the surface header. I'm not sure about your second question. Anyone? Ruopeng On 12/8/11 3:56 PM, kelsi wrote: Hi, wh

Re: [Freesurfer] FreeView Gave Errors

2011-12-08 Thread Xinian Zuo
Thanks, Bruce! The command line is: freeview --viewsize 500 500 -viewport coronal -slice 1 1 64 -ss coronal.64.png -v beijing180/2929166/mri/norm/mgz:opacity=1:grayscale=0,137 -f beijing180/2929166/surf/lh.white:edgecolor=red -f beijing180/2929166/surf/rh.white:edgecolor=red This cmd worked for a

Re: [Freesurfer] FreeView Gave Errors

2011-12-08 Thread Bruce Fischl
sure, you can probably just email it to me and Ruopeng. Does it work of you just load it with -f without the other options? On Fri, 9 Dec 2011, Xinian Zuo wrote: > Thanks, Bruce! The command line is: > > freeview --viewsize 500 500 -viewport coronal -slice 1 1 64 -ss > coronal.64.png -v > beijin

[Freesurfer] surfaces and gifti

2011-12-08 Thread Satrajit Ghosh
hi all, this command: mris_convert --combinesurfs lh.pial rh.pial pial.gii.gz resulted in lh.pial.gii.gz (the help says it should generate pial.gii.gz). a related question. once i have this gifti file how do i get annotations+curvature info also into the file? (the gifti schema supports this rig