Re: [Freesurfer] Recon-all Error: _FindFacePath

2011-02-15 Thread Nasim Maleki
Hello, I'm facing the same problem for one of my subjects. Is there a general solution for this problem or would you solve this problem on a case by case basis? I saw posts from others with the same problem. Thanks for your help, Nasim On Nov 29, 2010, at 7:55 AM, Bruce Fischl wrote: > Hi Jenn

Re: [Freesurfer] Recon-all Error: _FindFacePath

2011-02-15 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Nasim, can you tar and gzip the entire subject dir and send it to us? I'll try to track it down. In the mean time if you just rerun with the old topo fixer it should work. Nick can post the appropriate flags cheers Bruce On Tue, 15 Feb 2011, Nasim Maleki wrote: > Hello, > > I'm facing the

[Freesurfer] Fw: Question about FreeSurfer Tutorial

2011-02-15 Thread Tali Shrem
Hi, I was trying to use the FreeSurfer tutorials for the first time, and had a problem whenever I tried to use the command tksurfer. After I defined FREESURFER_HOME, TUTORIAL_DATA and SUBJECTS_DIR I tried to visualise a surface.  The result was that a window opened where the surface should ha

Re: [Freesurfer] details about surf2vol

2011-02-15 Thread Aaron Alexander-Bloch
Dear Doug Thanks for your response. What I meant is, for example, some voxels would be "occupied" by edges of the mesh even if they are not occupied by any vertices. As you move to higher and higher resolutions, presumably more and more voxels would fall into this category. That being said, I under

Re: [Freesurfer] Contrasts for GLM DODS with both discrete as continues covariates

2011-02-15 Thread Douglas N Greve
Yes, that all looks correct. The only other thing you may want to do is to demean (ie, remove the mean from) your continuous variables. When you test for a difference in thickness (as opposed to slope), you are implicitly testing at your variables=0. Eg, if age is one of your variables, then yo

[Freesurfer] fMRI-EEG Post-Doc Open Position

2011-02-15 Thread Jose Soares
Hi all,  there is an open position to fMRI-EEG, opportunities/index.aspx?task= global&jobId=22187 Best,  Jose   ___ Freesurfer mailing list

[Freesurfer] Func2ROI in Stable 4 --> FuncROI in Stable 5

2011-02-15 Thread Adam Nitenson
Hi Freesurfers, I'm trying to analyze functional data in Stable 5, but have noticed that the func2roi command is no longer used. My analysis involves 9 conditions (not including Fixation) and 1 timepoint for each. The steps I used in Stable 4 to generate this data are as follows: func2roi-ses

[Freesurfer] subcortical roi

2011-02-15 Thread fabrizio piras
Dear FS experts, I run recon all on several patients, manual edited all the outputs and rerun recon all. I'm interested in subcortical segmentation and I extracted all the data with the aseg stats command. Is it now possible to select a structure (let's say the accumbens) and save it as a .ni

[Freesurfer] Hemisphere separation error

2011-02-15 Thread Evan Luther
Hello All! I am currently trying to create a high resolution anatomy by manually changing some parameters throughout the recon-all process. I have currently hit a road block at the fill portion of the recon-all process. So far I have tried this high resolution reconstruction on two subject's anato

Re: [Freesurfer] subcortical roi

2011-02-15 Thread Allison Stevens
Hi Fabrizio, You can use mri_extract_label for this. You need to specify the index number of the structure which you can find here: $FREESURFER_HOME/FreeSurferColorLUT.txt On Tue, 15 Feb 2011, fabrizio piras wrote: > Dear FS experts, > I run recon all on several patients, manual edited all the o

Re: [Freesurfer] subcortical roi

2011-02-15 Thread Bruce Fischl
sure. mri_binarize or mri_extract_label will do this for you (see the FreeSurferColorLUT.txt file for the correct indices to use) cheers Bruce On Tue, 15 Feb 2011, fabrizio piras wrote: > Dear FS experts, > I run recon all on several patients, manual edited all the outputs and > rerun recon all

Re: [Freesurfer] FS 5.1

2011-02-15 Thread Mehul Sampat
Hi Bruce, We have two studies being conducted (one cross-sectional and one longitudinal) Some of the subjects in have a lot of atrophy and have large ventircles. For the cross-sectional analysis stream are there many differences between 4.5 and the forthcoming 5.1 ? Or would it be fine to use 4.5

Re: [Freesurfer] FS 5.1

2011-02-15 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Mehul, I think 5.1 will work better for large ventricles than 4.5, but I'll be interested to hear your experience. cheers Bruce On Tue, 15 Feb 2011, Mehul Sampat wrote: > Hi Bruce, > We have two studies being conducted (one cross-sectional and one > longitudinal) > Some of the subjects in ha

Re: [Freesurfer] Hemisphere separation error

2011-02-15 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Evan can you send some coronal images showing where it is slanted? I also don't understand why you can't use the aseg. What resolution are you acquiring the data at? cheers Bruce On Tue, 15 Feb 2011, Evan Luther wrote: > Hello All! > > I am currently trying to create a high resolution anatom

[Freesurfer] question regarding correction for multiple comparisons...

2011-02-15 Thread Joe Andreano
Hi All, I've been doing whole-brain functional analyses using glmfit and mri_volcluster. As I understand it, correction for multiple comparisons is done on a cluster level with this command, by specifying a minimum cluster size and then applying a threshold within each cluster. This is working o

Re: [Freesurfer] question regarding correction for multiple comparisons...

2011-02-15 Thread Douglas N Greve
Nothing that is easy to do. You can compute your own voxel-wise Bonferroni threshold based on the search space and then use mri_binarize to do the thresholding. I don't have a command-line that computes FDR, but you can get the threshold for a given FDR in matlab with fast_fdrthresh, then app

Re: [Freesurfer] details about surf2vol

2011-02-15 Thread Douglas N Greve
Yes, I see what you mean now. Currently, there is nothing that vol2surf does to account for this. One thing that can be done is to super-sample the mesh so make the distance between vertices smaller (this is what Jon Pollemeni does -- and he's certainly working at fMRI resolutions where this ki

Re: [Freesurfer] Func2ROI in Stable 4 --> FuncROI in Stable 5

2011-02-15 Thread Douglas N Greve
You need to specify a threshold (-thresh) with a contrast. This is the equivalent to the -min in funcroi-sess. There was a bug in funcroi-config that prevented it from catching that you did not specify a threshold (which has been fixed now). thanks doug Adam Nitenson wrote: > Hi Freesurfers, >

[Freesurfer] Between Task Analysis

2011-02-15 Thread Mandy Nagy
Hi all, We are attempting to do an analysis for subjects that came in on two different days to perform two similar but different tasks (one learning condition, one control). Each of the tasks is structured such that there are 30sec rest epochs alternating with 30sec active (typing) epochs for a t

Re: [Freesurfer] Between Task Analysis

2011-02-15 Thread Douglas N Greve
In principle you can do it either way and get the same result. From a practical standpoint, it is probably easier to do the day2-day1 subtraction, then do the group analysis. doug Mandy Nagy wrote: > Hi all, > > We are attempting to do an analysis for subjects that came in on two > different da

Re: [Freesurfer] Hemisphere separation error

2011-02-15 Thread Bruce Fischl
what does the aseg look like n that case? And what resolution is your data? On Tue, 15 Feb 2011, Evan Luther wrote: > Hey Bruce, > > I also do not understand why I could not use the aseg but if I do not set > the noaseg flag I get a result like the picture I have attached where no cut > is made.

Re: [Freesurfer] Hemisphere separation error

2011-02-15 Thread Bruce Fischl
can you load them with the -segmentation flag in tkmedit so I can see them as a color overlay? And is there a reason you need 0.7mm data? That's why it is *so* noisy On Tue, 15 Feb 2011, Evan Luther wrote: > Hey Bruce, > > Here are the aseg and aseg.auto_noCCseg files. Our data is at a .7 mm > r

Re: [Freesurfer] Hemisphere separation error

2011-02-15 Thread Bruce Fischl
but who decided 0.7mm iso was the right setting for the scanner? Can you change that? what kind of scanner and coil is it? On Tue, 15 Feb 2011, Evan Luther wrote: > Sorry about that! Hear they are. The reason why we want .7 mm resolution is > because that is the resolution of the volume anatomi

Re: [Freesurfer] Hemisphere separation error

2011-02-15 Thread Evan Luther
I guess Dr. Ress decided on that resolution in order to obtain the high resolution anatomies. It is a GE scanner and we are using an 8 channel head coil. On Tue, Feb 15, 2011 at 5:05 PM, Bruce Fischl wrote: > but who decided 0.7mm iso was the right setting for the scanner? Can you > change that?

Re: [Freesurfer] Hemisphere separation error

2011-02-15 Thread Bruce Fischl
I see. Unless there's a compelling reason to be doing high res I would avoid it. Things will work *much* better for you if you acquire 1mm isotropic. Or even acquire that in addition to the 0.7mm since it should be quite fast relative to the high res On Tue, 15 Feb 2011, Evan Luther wrote: > I