Yes, I see what you mean now. Currently, there is nothing that vol2surf 
does to account for this. One thing that can be done is to super-sample 
the mesh so make the distance between vertices smaller (this is what Jon 
Pollemeni does -- and he's certainly working at fMRI resolutions where 
this kind of thing matters).


Aaron Alexander-Bloch wrote:
> Dear Doug
> Thanks for your response. What I meant is, for example, some voxels
> would be "occupied" by edges of the mesh even if they are not occupied
> by any vertices. As you move to higher and higher resolutions,
> presumably more and more voxels would fall into this category. That
> being said, I understand that on average this shouldn't affect the
> output very much.
> Best
> Aaron
> On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 2:51 PM, Douglas N Greve
> <> wrote:
>> It does not take into account any info about the faces or edges. I'm not
>> sure about your resolution question. Can you elaborate?
>> doug
>> Aaron Alexander-Bloch wrote:
>>> Dear all,
>>> I am hoping to use surf2vol to generate high resolution masks of the
>>> gray/white surface, so something like the following command:
>>> mri_surf2vol --sd /subj/dir/ --identity subid --hemi lh --surf white
>>> --mkmask  --o volume.mgz --template ./template.mgz
>>> However I'm wondering about what exactly the algorithm does. I
>>> understand that the vertices are placed at the closest voxel in the
>>> template space. But does the algorithm take into account information
>>> about the faces/lines of the mesh in addition to the vertices? If so,
>>> how? If not, does that imply a limit to the resolution of the template
>>> space that should be used with the command?
>>> Thanks very much in advance for any help.
>>> Best,
>>> Aaron Alexander-Bloch
>>> PhD student, University of Cambridge
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Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
Phone Number: 617-724-2358 
Fax: 617-726-7422


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