Hello all. I am considering using peak activation voxels (with coordinates
either in talairach or MNI space) gleaned from fmri studies in our lab to
determine a priori areas of interest for examining group differences in
cortical thickness. Is this something that is possible in freesurfer? In
I don't think we have anything that will grow a mask on the surface. A
slightly hacky way to do it would be to create a binary mask on the
surface in which your seed vertex is 1 and all others 0 (you can do this
on the cmd line with mri_volsynth with the following options --pdf delta
One of the regions we are investigating using a surface-based analysis is
the anterior cingulate. In some of our surface reconstructions, parts of
this region are excluded from the ?h.cortex.label files. What are the
criteria that Freesurfer uses to determine those boundaries? Could manual
Hi Stephen,
For the ?h.aparc.annot atlas, the boundary definitions are included in the
Desikan et al., 2006 paper (Neuroimage).
> One of the regions we are investigating using a surface-based analysis is
> the anterior cingulate. In some of our surface reconstructions, parts of
> t
sure, you could edit it. You'll want to look at the volume as well. What
version are you using? I think we improved this sometime in the past year
(using the improved callosum labels)
On Tue,
28 Jul 2009 ra...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu wrote:
> Hi Stephen,
> For the ?h.aparc.annot a