I don't think we have anything that will grow a mask on the surface. A 
slightly hacky way to do it would be to create a binary mask on the 
surface in which your seed vertex is 1 and all others 0 (you can do this 
on the cmd line with mri_volsynth with the following options --pdf delta 
--delta-crsf vertexno 0 0 0 0). You can then smooth it with 
mri_surf2surf. You can specify the number of dilations with the number 
of smoothing steps (--nsmooth-in), then use mri_binarize to threshold at 
some value just above 0 (eg, 10e-10).


Nathan Dankner wrote:
> Hello all.  I am considering using peak activation voxels (with 
> coordinates either in talairach or MNI space) gleaned from fmri 
> studies in our lab to determine a priori areas of interest for 
> examining group differences in cortical thickness.  Is this something 
> that is possible in freesurfer?  In particular, I would ideally like 
> to be able to tell freesurfer how large of an area to examine around a 
> particular peak voxel for each subject as opposed to tracing an ROI 
> each time.  I am not particularly well versed in the technical aspects 
> of things such as blurring kernels, but I am assuming that the amount 
> of blurring done by freesurfer will affect the ideal circumference of 
> any sphere around this peak voxel.  Any suggestions as to how to go 
> about this?  Please let me know if any more information is necessary. 
>  Thanks,
> Nathan
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Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
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