Hello all.  I am considering using peak activation voxels (with coordinates
either in talairach or MNI space) gleaned from fmri studies in our lab to
determine a priori areas of interest for examining group differences in
cortical thickness.  Is this something that is possible in freesurfer?  In
particular, I would ideally like to be able to tell freesurfer how large of
an area to examine around a particular peak voxel for each subject as
opposed to tracing an ROI each time.  I am not particularly well versed in
the technical aspects of things such as blurring kernels, but I am assuming
that the amount of blurring done by freesurfer will affect the ideal
circumference of any sphere around this peak voxel.  Any suggestions as to
how to go about this?  Please let me know if any more information is
necessary.  Thanks,

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