[Freesurfer] X11 problems

2009-05-13 Thread Buchmann Andreas
Dear Freesurfer Experts, I recently installed freesurfer. In my first subject, it did the largest part of the calculations (recon-all all) but ended up with the following error: #...@# Cortical ribbon mask Tue May 12 22:29:18 CEST 2009 /Applications/freesurfer/subjects/sleep001_RJ/mri \n mris_v

Re: [Freesurfer] How to complete gracefully

2009-05-13 Thread Martin Kavec
Hi Nick, On Tuesday 12 May 2009 15:39:47 Nick Schmansky wrote: > Martin, > > That etiv number seems high. Does the -tal-check stage pass? did you > rerun the -segstats stage? that calculates etiv. The data were first pushed through the whole FS pipeline in 2006. As I look at the recon-all.log

[Freesurfer] Re: [Analysis-bugs] aseg.volume.stats.dat problem

2009-05-13 Thread anita di iasio
Nick, I copy this file but there is the same problem. So I try to find the mistake. In the file asegstats2table in $FREESURFER_HOME/bin, I do this modify: in def write_table(options, rows, cols, table) (line 305) I replace r1c1 = 'Measure:%s' %( options.meas) with this line r1c1 = 'fsid ' a

[Freesurfer] Literature values for cortical thickness

2009-05-13 Thread Falk Lüsebrink
Hi everyone, As I don’t do a study in which I compare a group of subjects with some kind of abnormality with a control group I was looking for literature values for cortical thickness. The only paper I found which was written by von Economo et al. in 1925 doing a post-mortem analysis. Are t

Re: [Freesurfer] Literature values for cortical thickness

2009-05-13 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Falk, we published some values in our Cerebral Cortex paper , but I suspect the effective thickness will vary a bit as a function of pulse sequence, and certainly it will vary with things like age. Rahul has probably tabulated by parcellation unit if that helps. cheers Bruce On Wed, 13 M

Re: [Freesurfer] Literature values for cortical thickness

2009-05-13 Thread rahul
Hi Falk, We do indeed have cortical thickness values for each of the parcellation units for a range of subjects (healthly elderly, middle age and young controls and Alzheimer's disease subjects). Which parcellation units are you looking for? A whole lobe? Best, rahul > Hi Falk, > > we published

RE: [Freesurfer] Literature values for cortical thickness

2009-05-13 Thread Falk Lüsebrink
Hi Rahul and Bruce, I'm trying to evaluate the usefulness of 7T data for the measurement of cortical thickness. But as FreeSurfer doesn't perform too well using high resolution data right now I'm also using a module within Slicer to get results. Though I'm still trying to process my high resolutio

Re: [Freesurfer] X11 problems

2009-05-13 Thread Nick Schmansky
We'll need more information. What version of freesurfer was installed and on what Mac OS (with version)? Make sure you have all the latest Mac software updates for your Mac. Nick On Wed, 2009-05-13 at 10:09 +0200, Buchmann Andreas wrote: > Dear Freesurfer Experts, > > I recently installed fr

Re: [Freesurfer] FSL --> FreeSurfer

2009-05-13 Thread Douglas N Greve
So you're group analysis is in MNI152, and you want to map that to fsaverage or back to each individual? doug Vina Goghari wrote: Hello all, I have group contrast fMRI activations analzyed by FSL Flame 1 that I want to extract individual thickness data for each subject from data processed by

Re: [Freesurfer] FSL --> FreeSurfer

2009-05-13 Thread Vina Goghari
Hi Doug, Yes the FSL group analysis is in MN152 and then I want map that back to each individual's brain that were analyzed and parcellated using FreeSurfer, so I can extract thickness values from my fMRI regions of interest if that is possible. Thanks! Vina Douglas N Greve wrote: So you're

[Freesurfer] smoothing with mri_surf2surf

2009-05-13 Thread Gregory Dierksen
Hi, I want to smooth a cortical thickness map using values only in a specific area. Basically I want to mask out all other segmentations, for example smooth with fwhm of 20 only in the postcentral region. I've used quite a few combinations of the -label-src and -label-trg flags and noticed

Re: [Freesurfer] Can fieldsigns be added across sessions?

2009-05-13 Thread Jeff Phillips
Hi Doug and Jon, I wanted to follow up on your last e-mail--can you tell me how you were able to set an "anchor point" in the calcarine fissure? If you can recall why it seemed necessary to set the calcarine fissure fieldsign to +1, I would greatly appreciate it. This sounds potentially useful t

Re: Re: [Freesurfer] Longitudinal analysis with old version

2009-05-13 Thread James Porter
As a tangential follow-up question, will the longitudinal analysis stream be discussed and demonstrated in the upcoming FSL/FreeSurfer course in San Francisco? - Jim Porter Graduate Student Clinical Science & Psychopathology Research University of Minnesota Nick Schmansky wrote: L

Re: Re: [Freesurfer] Longitudinal analysis with old version

2009-05-13 Thread Bruce Fischl
no, probably not, since we're still sorting out the details. We'll be happy to chat about it in person if you like though On Wed, 13 May 2009, James Porter wrote: As a tangential follow-up question, will the longitudinal analysis stream be discussed and demonstrated in the upcoming FSL/Free

Re: Re: [Freesurfer] Longitudinal analysis with old version

2009-05-13 Thread Nick Schmansky
Jim, No, I dont think there will be time, other than maybe a brief mention, as the existing freesurfer material must fit in one day, which makes things quite packed, as there is a ton of stuff to learn before even thinking about longitudinal analysis. However, maybe that day we'll ask for a show-

[Freesurfer] segmentation fault

2009-05-13 Thread Kirk Gregory R.
Hi all, I got in the recon-all log #...@# Cortical ribbon mask Tue May 12 17:56:52 CDT 2009 /home/gkirk/freesurfer/freesurfer/subjects/P21/mri mris_volmask --label_left_white 2 --label_left_ribbon 3 --label_right_white 41 --label_right_ribbon 42 --save_ribbon --save_distance P21 SUBJECTS_DIR

Re: [Freesurfer] segmentation fault

2009-05-13 Thread Nick Schmansky
Greg, How much memory does the system have available at the time mris_volmask is run? It will consume about 1GB within a minute or two of starting, and I know that the underlying code (VTK library) doesnt handle memory alloc failures very gracefully. If running this stage (-cortribbon) fails con

[Freesurfer] Re: zero determinant error in using mri_convert rawavg.mgz orig.mgz --conform

2009-05-13 Thread John Drozd
> Hello, > > Here is the ouput from bugr: > > FREESURFER_HOME: /trumpet/downloads/FreeSurfer/freesurfer > > Build stamp: freesurfer-Linux-centos4_x86_64-stable-pub-v4.3.0 > > RedHat release: Fedora release 10 (Cambridge) > > Kernel info: Linux x86_64 > > I have sets o

Re: [Freesurfer] Re: zero determinant error in using mri_convert rawavg.mgz orig.mgz --conform

2009-05-13 Thread Nick Schmansky
John, What does the file look like when its opened in tkmedit? ie tkmedit -f T1.mgz does it look like our sample subject data bert? ie, a full brain t1 anatomical scan? Nick On Wed, 2009-05-13 at 16:41 -0400, John Drozd wrote: > > Hello, > > Here is the ouput from b

RE: [Freesurfer] segmentation fault

2009-05-13 Thread Kirk Gregory R.
Nick, I have 8 Gig of mem 2 quad cores, but I have been running 6 or more freesurfer jobs concurrently, ill run them by themselves and see if it persists and let you know. thankx G. From: freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu on behalf of Nick Schmansky Se

[Freesurfer] Re: Literature values for cortical thickness

2009-05-13 Thread Dana W. Moore
Actually, I have also been looking for cortical thickness normative values. We have run our first few research subjects with FreeSurfer (a normal control and several patients with neurodegenerative disorders), and I wanted to see if the thickness values we're getting are in the normal rang

[Freesurfer] SPM coreg error

2009-05-13 Thread Rodrigo Zepeda
While trying to coregister a ct.nii and a orig.mgz file using the following command: spmregister --s SUBJECT --mov ct.nii --reg spm.reg.dat --fsvol orig I get the following error: >> >> >> ERROR: spm_coreg >> ??? Undefined function or variable 'x'. >> Finished after 0.023302 sec >> >> Parameter

Re: [Freesurfer] Re: zero determinant error in using mri_convert rawavg.mgz orig.mgz --conform

2009-05-13 Thread Bruce Fischl
looks like it thinks the slice thickness is 0, which is probably bad On Wed, 13 May 2009, Nick Schmansky wrote: John, What does the file look like when its opened in tkmedit? ie tkmedit -f T1.mgz does it look like our sample subject data bert? ie, a full brain t1 anatomical scan? Nic

RES: [Freesurfer] Re: Literature values for cortical thickness

2009-05-13 Thread Pedro Paulo de Magalhaes Oliveira Junior
We have build a normative base with 68 subjects sampled from the average brazilian population. we are really interested in conducting / cooperating in a multicenter study. Enviado do meu celular Nokia -Msg original- De: Dana W. Moore Enviada: 13/05/2009 18:46:08 Para: freesurfer@nmr.mg

Re: [Freesurfer] Re: Literature values for cortical thickness

2009-05-13 Thread Bruce Fischl
no, we didn't use the parcellations. We binarized the sulc and used positive/negative sulc to be sulcal/gyral cheers, Bruce On Wed, 13 May 2009, Dana W. Moore wrote: Actually, I have also been looking for cortical thickness normative values. We have run our first few research subjects wit

[Freesurfer] map label to subjects

2009-05-13 Thread Juranek, Jenifer
Hi, I'm running fsv405 on a 64bit Linux centos5. I have not had much success with using the File - Save Label - Filename within qdec (v1.1). The gui prompt has a default filename set to lh.untitled.label and I am unable to edit that name, but I can write the default filename to the default dir (