[Freesurfer] the unknown zone in the average

2007-12-19 Thread Wang, Xin
Hello, Group, We calculate the globe mean of thickness by using mris_convert -c lh.thickness lh.white lh.thickness.asc mris_convert -c rh.thickness rh.white rh.thickness.asc and then merge two .asc files to calculate the average Does this procedure include the neo

Re: [Freesurfer] the unknown zone in the average

2007-12-19 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Xin, you can use mris_anatomical_stats with -l ?h.cortex.label, which should be generated automatically, to avoid noncortical regions. cheers, Bruce On Wed, 19 Dec 2007, Wang, Xin wrote: Hello, Group, We calculate the globe mean of thickness by using mris_convert -c lh.thickne

RE: [Freesurfer] the unknown zone in the average

2007-12-19 Thread Wang, Xin
Thank you very much very for your quickly reply, Dr. Fischl. The commend you suggested only calculates the average for each hemisphere, but we need the average across both hemispheres (i.e., whole brain). Could you suggest how to do it without noncortical regions? Thank you, Xin

RE: [Freesurfer] the unknown zone in the average

2007-12-19 Thread Bruce Fischl
you can easily combine them as the label files have the number of vertices in each cortex, so generating a weighted average (which will be pretty close to equal weighting) should be straightforward. cheers, Bruce p.s. one of the first lines of the label files tells you how many vertices are i

[Freesurfer] ENC: Re: Optimizing FreeSurfer

2007-12-19 Thread Pedro Paulo Oliveira Jr
Hello, I have a couple of questions, not so technical. A)In your opinion what would be the best measure for comparing number of neurons among subjects: Average cortical thickness or Volume of White matter. B) Automatic parcelation and atlas based segmentation is a valid approach for

Re: [Freesurfer] fsl + freesurfer

2007-12-19 Thread Doug Greve
I just updated this page to include instructions on how to do this https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/FsTutorial/FslGroupFeat Nick Schmansky wrote: Gui, Have you had a look at the tutorial page that describes the FSL/Freesurfer integration? https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/F

Re: [Freesurfer] ENC: Re: Optimizing FreeSurfer

2007-12-19 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Pedro: A) Who knows? Probably gray matter volume, but # of neurons is pretty far from what we measure and many things can change volume without changing # of neurons (e.g. degree of arborization), so it's really hard to say. B) Depends on how severe the malformations are. For mild ones, ye

[Freesurfer] Fixing a bad talairach

2007-12-19 Thread Caroline Chapman
Hi Freesurfers, Happy Holidays! I have a subject failing at Intensity Normalization, and upon checking the talairach, I found that it is very bad. When loaded in tkregister2, the talairach is off the screen, and the orientation is off--coronal is matched to saggital). According to the wiki i

Re: [Freesurfer] Fixing a bad talairach

2007-12-19 Thread Caroline Chapman
Hi, I believe this is repairable with some shifting in tkregister2, after all. I will contact again if this doesn't work, but no need to reply for now. Thank you! Caroline On Wed, 19 Dec 2007, Caroline Chapman wrote: Hi Freesurfers, Happy Holidays! I have a subject failing at Intensity Nor

[Freesurfer] Two questions regarding Matlab

2007-12-19 Thread Pedro Paulo Oliveira Jr
Sorry for the stupid questions, I promise to put it on the FAQ after the answers: 1) Is it possible to use Octave instead Matlab for curv files? 2) Given a Talairach coordinate how can I get the thickness value in Matlab? Thanks in advance Pedro Paulo Jr ___