Thank you very much very for your quickly reply, Dr. Fischl.
The commend you suggested only calculates the average for each hemisphere, but 
we need the average across both hemispheres (i.e., whole brain). 
Could you suggest how to do it without noncortical regions?
Thank you,


From: Bruce Fischl [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wed 12/19/2007 10:26 AM
To: Wang, Xin
Cc: freesurfer
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] the unknown zone in the average

Hi Xin,

you can use mris_anatomical_stats with -l ?h.cortex.label, which should
be generated automatically, to avoid noncortical regions.

On Wed, 19 Dec
2007, Wang, Xin wrote:

> Hello, Group,
> We calculate the globe mean of thickness by using
>          mris_convert -c lh.thickness lh.white lh.thickness.asc
>          mris_convert -c rh.thickness rh.white rh.thickness.asc
> and then
>          merge two .asc files to calculate the average
> Does this procedure include the neocortex only, or also include some spots in 
> the unknown zone that also have readings in the thickness map?
> If the unknown zones are included how to exclude them?
> we processed the data with the version prior to 4.0.1.
> Thank you in advance,
> XIn Wang

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