Hi All, Hi Doug,
now since 3.0.4 is out of the door, you might be wondering what to do
next ;). In case you are short of ideas, here is my short wish list for
new features. It is all about mosaic/slice display in the two programs.
Tkmedit does allow a mosaic view of volumes, which is nice. Now
there a small differences in the algorithms between the two versions, so
you'll need to rerun them all with either version (preferably the newer I
would think)
On Wed, 22 Nov 2006, Martin Ystad wrote:
Hi, I have currently processed some 100 brains in freesurfer on different
Hi, I have currently processed some 100 brains in freesurfer on
different machines.
Unfortunately, one machine was installed with version 3.0.3 (64 bit
version), while the other machines were using version 3.0.1 (32 bit).
It now looks like there is a systematic difference in the results from
Mapping to the subject's own surface looks promising, but I'm
ultimately not seeing what I think should be correct. Let me give
you some examples of how I've reached this observation. Note that
anat2exf.register.dat is the same for all the command lines listed
Statistical image
Hi - I've been using the mri_convert referenced in the email below to convert
DICOM to ANALYZE format. Has this feature been included in the new Freesurfer
Re: [Freesurfer] mri_convert: dicom to nifti 4D
Doug Greve
Fri, 07 Jul 2006 11:10:27 -0700
Hi Adam,
I've created a new version
I think it is in the development version but it is not in stable.
On Wed, 22 Nov 2006, Shi, Bo wrote:
Hi - I've been using the mri_convert referenced in the email below to convert
DICOM to ANALYZE format. Has this feature been included in the new Freesurfer
Re: [Freesurf
Hi, All,
I am trying to extract the surface normal values using mri_surf2surf:
%mri_surf2surf --s subject1 --hemi lh --sval-nxyz white --tval
lh.white.surfn.img --trg_type analyze4d
The error mesage is :
Loading source data
Extracting surface normals
INFO: surfcluster: NOT fixing group
You can use asegstats2table.
Jenni Pacheco, M.A.
Massachusetts General Hospital
Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging
Bldg. 149, 13th Street, CNY 2301
Charlestown, MA 02129
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of C
Hello Users,
I wanted to know if there is a command to directly export the aseg-stats table
to a spreadsheet rather than cuttting and pasting.
And wishing all of you a very happy Thanksgiving and a great weekend!!
Thank you Jenni.
How do i use asegstats2table?What is the command?Is it a tcl script file?If
so,could you also mention where it is located.
- Original Message
From: Jenni Pacheco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Chacko Cherian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Freesurfer
Sent: Wednesday, N
There should be some help associated with it, try simplying typibg
asegstats2table or maybe asegstats2table --help
Jenni Pacheco, M.A.
Massachusetts General Hospital
Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging
Bldg. 149, 13th Street, CNY 2301
Charlestown, MA 02129
Hmm, there's something fishy here. If the tkmedit command worked, then
the 2nd tksurfer cmd (onto SUBJ1) should have worked. The first
tksurfer command should NOT have worked as the registration would not
be correct for for the average subject. Are you sure you did not
reverse these? Which vers
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