[Freesurfer] Freesurfer & SuSE Linux

2006-03-15 Thread Venkat subramanian
Dear Freesurfer Experts,   Could youplease clarify whether the new freesurfer stable release version 3 is compatible with SuSE Linux 10.0 (kernel 2.6.13)?   Many thanks,   Venkat.   Dr. Venkatasubramanian, Asst. Professor of Psychiatry, National Institute of Mental Health & Neurosciences,

[Freesurfer] Autorecon1

2006-03-15 Thread Martin Ystad
Hi, I have processed some of my subjects on a previously released dev-version (20060210). I have changed to the new stable release. Do I need to run the -autorecon1 step again, or will -autorecon2 and -3 suffice to bring the previously run subjects up to date? (the brainmask-volumes have been

RE: [Freesurfer] cortical labels

2006-03-15 Thread Pellegrini, Stefano (NIH/NINDS) [F]
thank you very much Bruce, but I would still like to know if there is anyway to build an mgz image of the grey volume segmented accordingly to ?h.aparc.annot. I hope you can help me. thanks, -ste -Original Message- From: Bruce Fischl [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tue 3/14/2

Re: [Freesurfer] Freesurfer & SuSE Linux

2006-03-15 Thread Nick Schmansky
Freesurfer has not been tested against SuSE Linux 10.0 here at MGH. I would recommend using either the 32bit or 64bit centos4 freesurfer stable release with SuSE Linux 10.0 though. On Wed, 2006-03-15 at 00:32 -0800, Venkat subramanian wrote: > Dear Freesurfer Experts, > > Could youplease clarif

Re: [Freesurfer] Autorecon1

2006-03-15 Thread Nick Schmansky
Martin, The safe option is to run -autorecon1 again for these subjects. The new stable release is careful to keep all edits (in fact, you have to tell it not to keep edits via the -clean flag if you don't want to retain edits). Manually removing the optic nerve will not decrease processing time,

[Freesurfer] paint binary

2006-03-15 Thread Nahab, Fatta (NIH/NINDS) [E]
I just installed the new stable release on OSX.  Installation ran smoothly and I made the changes in .cshrc.  On starting freesurfer (‘csurf’), I receive the following error: These binaries used by csurf not found in /Applications/freesurfer/bin:  paint   This binary is not in the direct

RE: [Freesurfer] cortical labels

2006-03-15 Thread Kevin Teich
> but I would still like to know if there is anyway to build an mgz > image of the grey volume segmented accordingly to ?h.aparc.annot. I > hope you can help me. In tksurfer, you can import an annotation as a segmentation file. This will fill the voxels between surfaces with the label in the annot

[Freesurfer] Testing FreeSurfer installation error

2006-03-15 Thread Chunchun Ni
I installed the freesurfer following exactly as the instructions on the website. When I test it, "recon-all -s bert -all" doesn't work, it runs for a few min. and shows "flirt: Command not found. ERROR: running flirt". When I try to use my own data, convert dicom to mgt, "mri_convert" command show

Re: [Freesurfer] Testing FreeSurfer installation error

2006-03-15 Thread Nick Schmansky
flirt is found in the directory $FSL_DIR, where FSL_DIR is the var set when sourcing $FREESURFER_HOME/SetUpFreeSurfer.csh. What is the output displayed after sourcing SetUpFreeSurfer.csh? And what distribution are you using? What is the mri_convert command line being used? On Wed, 2006-03-15 at

[Freesurfer] Translate label file from average subject to all subjects

2006-03-15 Thread Jonathan Wisco
Hi, I would like to translate a label created from an average subject inflated surface to all the subjects. How would I do that? Should I first use mri_surf2surf to resample the average subject inflated surface to all the other subjects? Would a label that was created on the average subject then

Re: [Freesurfer] Translate label file from average subject to all subjects

2006-03-15 Thread Daniel Goldenholz
Freesurfers I was hoping someone else would do this, but well, it seems that no one did. So I went ahead and made this myself. Amusingly, I don't NEED to reconstruct any brains right now, so I don't have anything to test this out with. Please someone try it, and let me know if it is helpful.

RE: [Freesurfer] Translate label file from average subject to allsubjects

2006-03-15 Thread Jenni Pacheco
Hi Jon, You should use mri_label2label. mri_label2label --help will give you usage and examples. Jenni -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jonathan Wisco Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2006 5:50 PM To: Freesurfer Subject: [Freesurfer] Translat

RE: [Freesurfer] cortical labels

2006-03-15 Thread Doug Greve
recon-all already creates such a volume. Look at aparc+aseg.mgz. You can load it as a segmentation, same as aseg.mgz On Wed, 15 Mar 2006, Kevin Teich wrote: but I would still like to know if there is anyway to build an mgz image of the grey volume segmented accordingly to ?h.aparc.annot. I