Martin, The safe option is to run -autorecon1 again for these subjects. The new stable release is careful to keep all edits (in fact, you have to tell it not to keep edits via the -clean flag if you don't want to retain edits).
Manually removing the optic nerve will not decrease processing time, so I would not bother. Nick On Wed, 2006-03-15 at 13:21 +0100, Martin Ystad wrote: > Hi, > I have processed some of my subjects on a previously released > dev-version (20060210). I have changed to the new stable release. Do I > need to run the -autorecon1 step again, or will -autorecon2 and -3 > suffice to bring the previously run subjects up to date? (the > brainmask-volumes have been edited, so I'd like to keep these changes) > > Another question; if I run the -autorecon2-wm flag, will I save a lot of > computing time if I manually remove the Optic Nerve before doing so? > > Thanks, > > Martin Ystad > University of Bergen, > Norway. > _______________________________________________ > Freesurfer mailing list > > > > _______________________________________________ Freesurfer mailing list