is that *_trans_toSulc.gcs or *.atlas2002_simple.gcs?
Sasha Wolosin
Research Assistant
Developmental Cognitive Neurology
Kennedy Krieger Institute
707 N. Broadway
Baltimore, MD 21205
ph: (443) 923-9270
>>> "Brian T. Quinn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 11/01/05 7:38 PM >>>
canonical surfac
is Christophe's atlas that we used before the current dev version.
On Wed, 2 Nov 2005, Sasha Wolosin wrote:
is that *_trans_toSulc.gcs or *.atlas2002_simple.gcs?
Sasha Wolosin
Research Assistant
Developmental Cognitive Neurology
Kennedy Krieger Institute
707 N. Broadway
As mentioned in a previous message, running the subcortical segmentation
takes 10-15 hours, primarily because of the Cannonical Registration
(mri_ca_register) step. However, one the freesurfer papers (Whole Brain
Segmentation: Automated Labeling of Neuroanatomical Structures in the
Human Br
Hi Eli,
no, I wouldn't. After that paper we developed a nonlinear registration
procedure, which is the long one, that helps things considerably.
On Wed, 2 Nov 2005, Eliezer Kahn wrote:
As mentioned in a previous message, running the subcortical segmentation
takes 10-15 ho
Hello everybody!
I have one question about how surface areas are calculated by mris_anatomical
stats (release2004).
I noticed that the ?h.area file may contain the portion of area corresponding to
each different vertex. Actually, the sum of all these areas is around 7'500mm^2
for one hemisphere
We found a problem with this computation about a year ago (11/12/2004 to
be specific). I think I sent an email about it to the list. Any releases
prior to that date will have this error in the area computations. Can
you try it with a more recent release?
Marie Schaer wrote:
Hello everybo
I tried with mris_anatomical_stats from freesurfer-Linux-rh9-v2.1 and I obtained
exactly the same result for total surface area as in matlab with the sum of all
the triangles, thanks for the advice!
In the mean time I was just wondering how folding index returned by
mris_anatomical_stats is calc
I'm having trouble specifying the output file when running
mris_ca_label- should it be in the surf folder or somewhere else?
(output below)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] surf]$ pwd
[EMAIL PROTECTED] surf]$ mris_ca_label dec1877J_prac rh rh.sphere.reg
Hi Sasha,
it gets written into the label dir by default. Are you sure that
directory exists (should be at the same level as surf)
On Wed, 2 Nov 2005,
Sasha Wolosin wrote:
I'm having trouble specifying the output file when running
mris_ca_label- should it be in the surf folder or some
Hi Marie,
the folding indices are taken from one of the original Van Essen and Drury
papers. Sorry I don't have the ref handy.
On Wed, 2 Nov 2005, Marie Schaer wrote:
I tried with mris_anatomical_stats from freesurfer-Linux-rh9-v2.1 and I obtained
exactly the same result for total s
I got it, thank you very much!
Quoting Bruce Fischl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi Marie,
> the folding indices are taken from one of the original Van Essen and Drury
> papers.
thanks, I created a label directory and that solved the problem. It
looks like all our subjects are missing a label directory. Do you know
why that might happen?
Sasha Wolosin
Research Assistant
Developmental Cognitive Neurology
Kennedy Krieger Institute
707 N. Broadway
Baltimore, MD 21205
ph: (
no. The mksubjdirs script should create a label dir.
On Wed, 2 Nov 2005,
Sasha Wolosin wrote:
thanks, I created a label directory and that solved the problem. It
looks like all our subjects are missing a label directory. Do you know
why that might happen?
Sasha Wolosin
Research Assistant
Hi, I have a
script that basically opens up tksurfer and tkmedit for manual editing, and
then runs recon-all stage2 once you’re done editing. We recently tried to
run the script on a different computer with the same freesurfer distribution,
and got an error I’m not used to seeing.
It sa
Regarding this issue with the old version of mris_anatomical_stats, will
problems with rh.area effect any of the other results? Or are there any
bugs effecting other anatomical stats besides rh.area?
Message: 2
Date: Wed, 02 Nov 2005 12:58:06 -0500
From: Doug Greve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re
Hi Aaron,
First, is it something simple and annoying like that your script doesn't
look for an orig.mgz volume (vs. the 'orig' which was standard until fairly
recently)? I have needed to edit my scripts to accommodate for this.
On Wed, 2 Nov 2005, Goldman, Aaron (NIH/NIMH) wrote:
Hi All,
I have installed Freesurfer for Mac OS X (2 Oct 2005) on my system
(running 10.4.2) - thanks for the OS X release!
Unfortunately, fsl doesn't work after the installation of Freesurfer.
This is the error message I get when I try to open the fsl GUI:
Error in startup script: no suita
Dear Freesurfers,
We have used the automated parcellation (Fischl et al, 2004) in several
subjects and noticed in some cases labeling of the lateral part of a
gyrus (i mean the part that's visible on the folded surface), as
belonging to a sulcus. The example I have in mind is the labeling of a
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