Thank you for your Help. I figured out that it was a problem with the data
which caused this error.
On Wed, 04 Jun 2014 12:00:08 -0400
Douglas N Greve wrote:
> This is a strange error that I cannot figure out from the terminal
> output. What version of FS are you using? Here's something
This is a strange error that I cannot figure out from the terminal
output. What version of FS are you using? Here's something you can try:
Run selxavg3-sess with --monly sxa3.m This will return right away having
created sxa3.m
Start matlab and run sxa3. It will stop at the error below. Then ty
Dear Experts,
during an fsfast analysis an error occured after selxavg3-sess was executed.
The corresponding commands were:
mkanalysis-sess -fsd bold -surface self lh -fwhm 0 -event-related -paradigm
sensory.par -nconditions 1 -spmhrf 0 -TR 2 -refeventdur 10 -nskip 8 -polyfit 2
-analysis analy