Thanks, Doug and Kara, mri_concat is very handy.
On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 11:40 AM, Doug Greve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
> one way to do it is with mri_concat, something like
> mri_concat f???.img --o f.nii.gz
> if your individual volumes are f000.img f001.img etc
> Kara Dyckman wrote:
one way to do it is with mri_concat, something like
mri_concat f???.img --o f.nii.gz
if your individual volumes are f000.img f001.img etc
Kara Dyckman wrote:
I'm not sure. When I just tried it, it converted to .nii.gz. Maybe
it has to do with the version of fsl being used? I'm posting this
I'm not sure. When I just tried it, it converted to .nii.gz. Maybe it
has to do with the version of fsl being used?
I'm posting this to the freesurfer listserv to see if anyone else has ideas.
Xu Cui wrote:
Thanks Kara. I tried fslmerge on my images and the result is a single
.img / .hdr p
Does anybody know how to convert a series of Analyze files into a single nii
file? Each analyze file is a single 3D volume at a time point; the nii file
would be 4d.
Xu Cui
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sci