Re: [Freesurfer] Revisiting GM ROI list

2016-12-30 Thread P Taylor
FWIW, my final lists of regions that I think can be returned by default recon-all for the '2000' and '2009' parcellations are attached. Lists come from the FreeSurfer LUT, with an extra TISS__TYPE column of (grep-able) tissue labels compiled from mri_binarize.c and also just by checking names. (T

Re: [Freesurfer] Revisiting GM ROI list

2016-12-15 Thread P Taylor
Hi- Just gently re-bumping this question/thread. Noting that the previous thread with recommendations about non-GM ROIs, which I used in the coming up with the GM list above, is here: Thanks, pt On Mon, Dec 12, 2016 at

Re: [Freesurfer] Revisiting GM ROI list

2016-12-12 Thread P Taylor
And, a minor clarification on one of the ROIs in question-- I should have phrase the comment about ROI #80 as follows: 80 non-WM-hypointensities ---> *should be in list of FS_nongm? ... since the name clearly implies that it is non-WM. Basically, I am first wanting to check that the ab

[Freesurfer] Revisiting GM ROI list

2016-12-11 Thread P Taylor
Hi, Doug- I've looked more into my earlier question of identifying FS-returned regions, in particular: 1) which regions of the whole FreeSurferColorLUT.txt seem to get returned by default recon-all calls (for either the 2000- or 2009-parc+segs); and 2) which of those regions are GM and non-GM (WM