FWIW, my final lists of regions that I think can be returned by default
recon-all for the '2000' and '2009' parcellations are attached.

Lists come from the FreeSurfer LUT, with an extra TISS__TYPE column of
(grep-able) tissue labels compiled from mri_binarize.c and also just by
checking names.  (The MAP_NUM column can be ignored.)  The defined tissue
types/labels are:

tiss__gm:  gray matter
tiss__wmat:  white matter
tiss__csf:  CSF
tiss__vent: ventricle + choroid plexus
tiss__othr: optic chiasm, non-WM hypoint, etc.
tiss__unkn: FS-defined 'unknown'

As noted before, I think the current 'mri_binarize --gm' might be updatable
by some of this information; right now, the 'tiss__othr' regions seem to be
included as GM.

Any feedback/comments on this list and proposed classifications would be
very welcome.  This is probably what we will start using in AFNI.


On Thu, Dec 15, 2016 at 8:43 PM, P Taylor <neon.tay...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi-
> Just gently re-bumping this question/thread.
> Noting that the previous thread with recommendations about non-GM ROIs,
> which I used in the coming up with the GM list above, is here:
> http://www.mail-archive.com/freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/msg50005.html
> Thanks,
> pt
> On Mon, Dec 12, 2016 at 10:43 AM, P Taylor <neon.tay...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> And, a minor clarification on one of the ROIs in question--
>> I should have phrase the comment about ROI #80 as follows:
>>  80 non-WM-hypointensities      -------> *should be in list of FS_nongm?
>> ... since the name clearly implies that it is non-WM.
>> Basically, I am first wanting to check that the above list of ROIs does
>> form the "whole brain" returned by recon-all;  there are a lot more ROIs
>> listed in the LUT, of all sorts of tissue types, but it seems like those
>> don't often appear in the output.
>> And following on that, it seems like presently a map of various non-GM
>> tissues is made by summing up ROIs of a given type, and then:
>> GM_map = whole_brain - WM_map - CSF_map - vent_map.
>> However, am I interpreting things correctly that the four ROIs flagged
>> above (#30, 62, 80 and 85) seem to be an "other" class that should be
>> subtracted away from the whole_brain, as well, such that:
>> GM_map = whole_brain - WM_map - CSF_map - vent_map - other_four_regions ?
>> Thanks,
>> pt
>> On Mon, Dec 12, 2016 at 1:04 AM, P Taylor <neon.tay...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi, Doug-
>>> I've looked more into my earlier question of identifying FS-returned
>>> regions, in particular:
>>> 1) which regions of the whole FreeSurferColorLUT.txt seem to get
>>> returned by default recon-all calls (for either the 2000- or
>>> 2009-parc+segs); and
>>> 2) which of those regions are GM and non-GM (WM/CSF/other), based both
>>> on the mri_binarize list you had posted earlier in this thread and on the
>>> names given in the LUT.
>>> I'd like to pick your brain on this.
>>> A) The main questions I have relate to the regions labeled from [0,
>>> 256], which seem have the same labelling in both the 2000 and 2009
>>> parc+segs.  From a few different FreeSurfer recon-alls on healthy adults,
>>> below is a list of the ROIs that seem to be consistently returned by
>>> recon-all (a much sparser subset than all 256).
>>> For each, I have included the number and label, as well as put arrows by
>>> the numbers that, according to the MatchValues list in mri_binarize, should
>>> be in either the WM or Vent masks, (and hence non-arrowed regions should be
>>> GM, by how that function returns "--gm").
>>> My main questions arise about #30, 62, 80 and 85, as they don't appear
>>> to be GM-- therefore, am I correct that I should also *exclude* those four
>>> regions from a list of GM regions?
>>> (Here, "FS_nongm*" means that it was in the list of non-GM regions in
>>> mri_binarize, as either unknown, WM, CSF or ventricle.)
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------
>>> -----------------------------------------
>>>   0 Unknown                       -> FS_nongm
>>>   2 Left-Cerebral-White-Matter    -> FS_nongm_wm
>>>   4 Left-Lateral-Ventricle        -> FS_nongm_vent
>>>   5 Left-Inf-Lat-Vent             -> FS_nongm_vent
>>>   7 Left-Cerebellum-White-Matter  -> FS_nongm_wm
>>>   8 Left-Cerebellum-Cortex
>>>  10 Left-Thalamus-Proper
>>>  11 Left-Caudate
>>>  12 Left-Putamen
>>>  13 Left-Pallidum
>>>  14 3rd-Ventricle                 -> FS_nongm_vent
>>>  15 4th-Ventricle                 -> FS_nongm_vent
>>>  16 Brain-Stem
>>>  17 Left-Hippocampus
>>>  18 Left-Amygdala
>>>  24 CSF                           -> FS_nongm_csf
>>>  26 Left-Accumbens-area
>>>  28 Left-VentralDC
>>>  30 Left-vessel                 -------> *should be in list of FS_nongm?
>>>  31 Left-choroid-plexus           -> FS_nongm_vent
>>>  41 Right-Cerebral-White-Matter   -> FS_nongm_wm
>>>  43 Right-Lateral-Ventricle       -> FS_nongm_vent
>>>  44 Right-Inf-Lat-Vent            -> FS_nongm_vent
>>>  46 Right-Cerebellum-White-Matter -> FS_nongm_wm
>>>  47 Right-Cerebellum-Cortex
>>>  49 Right-Thalamus-Proper
>>>  50 Right-Caudate
>>>  52 Right-Pallidum
>>>  53 Right-Hippocampus
>>>  54 Right-Amygdala
>>>  58 Right-Accumbens-area
>>>  60 Right-VentralDC
>>>  62 Right-vessel                -------> *should be in list of FS_nongm?
>>>  63 Right-choroid-plexus          -> FS_nongm_vent
>>>  72 5th-Ventricle                 -> FS_nongm_vent
>>>  77 WM-hypointensities            -> FS_nongm_wm
>>>  80 non-WM-hypointensities      -------> *should be in list of
>>> FS_nongm_wm?
>>>  85 Optic-Chiasm                -------> *should be in list of FS_nongm?
>>> 251 CC_Posterior                  -> FS_nongm_wm
>>> 252 CC_Mid_Posterior              -> FS_nongm_wm
>>> 253 CC_Central                    -> FS_nongm_wm
>>> 254 CC_Mid_Anterior               -> FS_nongm_wm
>>> 255 CC_Anterior                   -> FS_nongm_wm
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------
>>> --------------------
>>> It seem that the new version of mri_binarize that you had sent me might
>>> still include those four flagged regions in the 'mri_binarize --gm' output.
>>> B) For the ROIs specific to the 2000aparc+aseg, I think it also seems
>>> pretty clear:
>>> + 1000 and 2000 are returned as "ctx_*_unknown";
>>> + All ROIs in the intervals [1001, 1003] and [1005, 1035] can be
>>> returned, and these are all LH GM;
>>> + All ROIs in the intervals [2001, 2003] and [2005, 2035] can be
>>> returned, and these are all RH GM;
>>> + ROIs '1004' and '2004' are the "ctx-?h-corpuscallosum", which would be
>>> WM, but they don't seem to be returned.
>>> C) For the ROIs specific to 2009aparc+aseg, I think it also seems pretty
>>> clear:
>>> + 11100 and 12100 are returned as "ctx_*_Unknown";
>>> + All ROIs in the intervals [11101, 11141] and [11143, 11175] can be
>>> returned, and these are all LH GM;
>>> + All ROIs in the intervals [12101, 12141] and [12143, 12175] can be
>>> returned, and these are all RH GM;
>>> + ROIs '11142' and '12142' are the "ctx_?h_Medial_wall", which would be
>>> non-GM, but they don't seem to be returned.
>>> D) And you mentioned that the regions in the interval [3000, 4035] are
>>> WM parcellations.
>>> So, in total, does that seem like a complete categorization of regions
>>> that are typically returned, as well as their classification as either GM
>>> or non-GM?  And in particular, I would be happy to know your thoughts on
>>> the flagged ROIs in the interval [0, 256].
>>> Thanks,
>>> pt
# FS_NUM  STRING_LABEL                         TISS__TYPE  MAP_NUM    COLOR_LUT
0         Unknown                              tiss__unkn        0    0   0   0 
2         Left-Cerebral-White-Matter           tiss__wmat        1    245 245 
245 0
4         Left-Lateral-Ventricle               tiss__vent        2    120 18  
134 0
5         Left-Inf-Lat-Vent                    tiss__vent        3    196 58  
250 0
7         Left-Cerebellum-White-Matter         tiss__wmat        4    220 248 
164 0
8         Left-Cerebellum-Cortex               tiss__gm          5    230 148 
34  0
10        Left-Thalamus-Proper                 tiss__gm          6    0   118 
14  0
11        Left-Caudate                         tiss__gm          7    122 186 
220 0
12        Left-Putamen                         tiss__gm          8    236 13  
176 0
13        Left-Pallidum                        tiss__gm          9    12  48  
255 0
14        3rd-Ventricle                        tiss__vent       10    204 182 
142 0
15        4th-Ventricle                        tiss__vent       11    42  204 
164 0
16        Brain-Stem                           tiss__gm         12    119 159 
176 0
17        Left-Hippocampus                     tiss__gm         13    220 216 
20  0
18        Left-Amygdala                        tiss__gm         14    103 255 
255 0
24        CSF                                  tiss__csf        15    60  60  
60  0
26        Left-Accumbens-area                  tiss__gm         16    255 165 0 
28        Left-VentralDC                       tiss__gm         17    165 42  
42  0
30        Left-vessel                          tiss__othr       18    160 32  
240 0
31        Left-choroid-plexus                  tiss__vent       19    0   200 
200 0
41        Right-Cerebral-White-Matter          tiss__wmat       20    0   225 0 
43        Right-Lateral-Ventricle              tiss__vent       21    120 18  
134 0
44        Right-Inf-Lat-Vent                   tiss__vent       22    196 58  
250 0
46        Right-Cerebellum-White-Matter        tiss__wmat       23    220 248 
164 0
47        Right-Cerebellum-Cortex              tiss__gm         24    230 148 
34  0
49        Right-Thalamus-Proper                tiss__gm         25    0   118 
14  0
50        Right-Caudate                        tiss__gm         26    122 186 
220 0
51        Right-Putamen                        tiss__gm         27    236 13  
176 0
52        Right-Pallidum                       tiss__gm         28    13  48  
255 0
53        Right-Hippocampus                    tiss__gm         29    220 216 
20  0
54        Right-Amygdala                       tiss__gm         30    103 255 
255 0
58        Right-Accumbens-area                 tiss__gm         31    255 165 0 
60        Right-VentralDC                      tiss__gm         32    165 42  
42  0
62        Right-vessel                         tiss__othr       33    160 32  
240 0
63        Right-choroid-plexus                 tiss__vent       34    0   200 
221 0
72        5th-Ventricle                        tiss__vent       35    120 190 
150 0
77        WM-hypointensities                   tiss__wmat       36    200 70  
255 0
80        non-WM-hypointensities               tiss__othr       37    164 108 
226 0
85        Optic-Chiasm                         tiss__othr       38    234 169 
30  0
251       CC_Posterior                         tiss__wmat       39    0   0   
64  0
252       CC_Mid_Posterior                     tiss__wmat       40    0   0   
112 0
253       CC_Central                           tiss__wmat       41    0   0   
160 0
254       CC_Mid_Anterior                      tiss__wmat       42    0   0   
208 0
255       CC_Anterior                          tiss__wmat       43    0   0   
255 0
1000      ctx-lh-unknown                       tiss__unkn       44    25  5   
25  0
1001      ctx-lh-bankssts                      tiss__gm         45    25  100 
40  0
1002      ctx-lh-caudalanteriorcingulate       tiss__gm         46    125 100 
160 0
1003      ctx-lh-caudalmiddlefrontal           tiss__gm         47    100 25  0 
1005      ctx-lh-cuneus                        tiss__gm         48    220 20  
100 0
1006      ctx-lh-entorhinal                    tiss__gm         49    220 20  
10  0
1007      ctx-lh-fusiform                      tiss__gm         50    180 220 
140 0
1008      ctx-lh-inferiorparietal              tiss__gm         51    220 60  
220 0
1009      ctx-lh-inferiortemporal              tiss__gm         52    180 40  
120 0
1010      ctx-lh-isthmuscingulate              tiss__gm         53    140 20  
140 0
1011      ctx-lh-lateraloccipital              tiss__gm         54    20  30  
140 0
1012      ctx-lh-lateralorbitofrontal          tiss__gm         55    35  75  
50  0
1013      ctx-lh-lingual                       tiss__gm         56    225 140 
140 0
1014      ctx-lh-medialorbitofrontal           tiss__gm         57    200 35  
75  0
1015      ctx-lh-middletemporal                tiss__gm         58    160 100 
50  0
1016      ctx-lh-parahippocampal               tiss__gm         59    20  220 
60  0
1017      ctx-lh-paracentral                   tiss__gm         60    60  220 
60  0
1018      ctx-lh-parsopercularis               tiss__gm         61    220 180 
140 0
1019      ctx-lh-parsorbitalis                 tiss__gm         62    20  100 
50  0
1020      ctx-lh-parstriangularis              tiss__gm         63    220 60  
20  0
1021      ctx-lh-pericalcarine                 tiss__gm         64    120 100 
60  0
1022      ctx-lh-postcentral                   tiss__gm         65    220 20  
20  0
1023      ctx-lh-posteriorcingulate            tiss__gm         66    220 180 
220 0
1024      ctx-lh-precentral                    tiss__gm         67    60  20  
220 0
1025      ctx-lh-precuneus                     tiss__gm         68    160 140 
180 0
1026      ctx-lh-rostralanteriorcingulate      tiss__gm         69    80  20  
140 0
1027      ctx-lh-rostralmiddlefrontal          tiss__gm         70    75  50  
125 0
1028      ctx-lh-superiorfrontal               tiss__gm         71    20  220 
160 0
1029      ctx-lh-superiorparietal              tiss__gm         72    20  180 
140 0
1030      ctx-lh-superiortemporal              tiss__gm         73    140 220 
220 0
1031      ctx-lh-supramarginal                 tiss__gm         74    80  160 
20  0
1032      ctx-lh-frontalpole                   tiss__gm         75    100 0   
100 0
1033      ctx-lh-temporalpole                  tiss__gm         76    70  70  
70  0
1034      ctx-lh-transversetemporal            tiss__gm         77    150 150 
200 0
1035      ctx-lh-insula                        tiss__gm         78    255 192 
32  0
2000      ctx-rh-unknown                       tiss__unkn       79    25  5   
25  0
2001      ctx-rh-bankssts                      tiss__gm         80    25  100 
40  0
2002      ctx-rh-caudalanteriorcingulate       tiss__gm         81    125 100 
160 0
2003      ctx-rh-caudalmiddlefrontal           tiss__gm         82    100 25  0 
2005      ctx-rh-cuneus                        tiss__gm         83    220 20  
100 0
2006      ctx-rh-entorhinal                    tiss__gm         84    220 20  
10  0
2007      ctx-rh-fusiform                      tiss__gm         85    180 220 
140 0
2008      ctx-rh-inferiorparietal              tiss__gm         86    220 60  
220 0
2009      ctx-rh-inferiortemporal              tiss__gm         87    180 40  
120 0
2010      ctx-rh-isthmuscingulate              tiss__gm         88    140 20  
140 0
2011      ctx-rh-lateraloccipital              tiss__gm         89    20  30  
140 0
2012      ctx-rh-lateralorbitofrontal          tiss__gm         90    35  75  
50  0
2013      ctx-rh-lingual                       tiss__gm         91    225 140 
140 0
2014      ctx-rh-medialorbitofrontal           tiss__gm         92    200 35  
75  0
2015      ctx-rh-middletemporal                tiss__gm         93    160 100 
50  0
2016      ctx-rh-parahippocampal               tiss__gm         94    20  220 
60  0
2017      ctx-rh-paracentral                   tiss__gm         95    60  220 
60  0
2018      ctx-rh-parsopercularis               tiss__gm         96    220 180 
140 0
2019      ctx-rh-parsorbitalis                 tiss__gm         97    20  100 
50  0
2020      ctx-rh-parstriangularis              tiss__gm         98    220 60  
20  0
2021      ctx-rh-pericalcarine                 tiss__gm         99    120 100 
60  0
2022      ctx-rh-postcentral                   tiss__gm        100    220 20  
20  0
2023      ctx-rh-posteriorcingulate            tiss__gm        101    220 180 
220 0
2024      ctx-rh-precentral                    tiss__gm        102    60  20  
220 0
2025      ctx-rh-precuneus                     tiss__gm        103    160 140 
180 0
2026      ctx-rh-rostralanteriorcingulate      tiss__gm        104    80  20  
140 0
2027      ctx-rh-rostralmiddlefrontal          tiss__gm        105    75  50  
125 0
2028      ctx-rh-superiorfrontal               tiss__gm        106    20  220 
160 0
2029      ctx-rh-superiorparietal              tiss__gm        107    20  180 
140 0
2030      ctx-rh-superiortemporal              tiss__gm        108    140 220 
220 0
2031      ctx-rh-supramarginal                 tiss__gm        109    80  160 
20  0
2032      ctx-rh-frontalpole                   tiss__gm        110    100 0   
100 0
2033      ctx-rh-temporalpole                  tiss__gm        111    70  70  
70  0
2034      ctx-rh-transversetemporal            tiss__gm        112    150 150 
200 0
2035      ctx-rh-insula                        tiss__gm        113    255 192 
32  0
# FS_NUM  STRING_LABEL                          TISS__TYPE  MAP_NUM    COLOR_LUT
0         Unknown                               tiss__unkn        0    0   0   
0   0  
2         Left-Cerebral-White-Matter            tiss__wmat        1    245 245 
245 0
4         Left-Lateral-Ventricle                tiss__vent        2    120 18  
134 0
5         Left-Inf-Lat-Vent                     tiss__vent        3    196 58  
250 0
7         Left-Cerebellum-White-Matter          tiss__wmat        4    220 248 
164 0
8         Left-Cerebellum-Cortex                tiss__gm          5    230 148 
34  0
10        Left-Thalamus-Proper                  tiss__gm          6    0   118 
14  0
11        Left-Caudate                          tiss__gm          7    122 186 
220 0
12        Left-Putamen                          tiss__gm          8    236 13  
176 0
13        Left-Pallidum                         tiss__gm          9    12  48  
255 0
14        3rd-Ventricle                         tiss__vent       10    204 182 
142 0
15        4th-Ventricle                         tiss__vent       11    42  204 
164 0
16        Brain-Stem                            tiss__gm         12    119 159 
176 0
17        Left-Hippocampus                      tiss__gm         13    220 216 
20  0
18        Left-Amygdala                         tiss__gm         14    103 255 
255 0
24        CSF                                   tiss__csf        15    60  60  
60  0
26        Left-Accumbens-area                   tiss__gm         16    255 165 
0   0
28        Left-VentralDC                        tiss__gm         17    165 42  
42  0
30        Left-vessel                           tiss__othr       18    160 32  
240 0
31        Left-choroid-plexus                   tiss__vent       19    0   200 
200 0
41        Right-Cerebral-White-Matter           tiss__wmat       20    0   225 
0   0
43        Right-Lateral-Ventricle               tiss__vent       21    120 18  
134 0
44        Right-Inf-Lat-Vent                    tiss__vent       22    196 58  
250 0
46        Right-Cerebellum-White-Matter         tiss__wmat       23    220 248 
164 0
47        Right-Cerebellum-Cortex               tiss__gm         24    230 148 
34  0
49        Right-Thalamus-Proper                 tiss__gm         25    0   118 
14  0
50        Right-Caudate                         tiss__gm         26    122 186 
220 0
51        Right-Putamen                         tiss__gm         27    236 13  
176 0
52        Right-Pallidum                        tiss__gm         28     13  48  
255 0
53        Right-Hippocampus                     tiss__gm         29    220 216 
20  0
54        Right-Amygdala                        tiss__gm         30    103 255 
255 0
58        Right-Accumbens-area                  tiss__gm         31    255 165 
0   0
60        Right-VentralDC                       tiss__gm         32    165 42  
42  0
62        Right-vessel                          tiss__othr       33    160 32  
240 0
63        Right-choroid-plexus                  tiss__vent       34    0   200 
221 0
72        5th-Ventricle                         tiss__vent       35    120 190 
150 0
77        WM-hypointensities                    tiss__wmat       36    200 70  
255 0
80        non-WM-hypointensities                tiss__othr       37    164 108 
226 0
85        Optic-Chiasm                          tiss__othr       38    234 169 
30  0
251       CC_Posterior                          tiss__wmat       39    0   0   
64  0
252       CC_Mid_Posterior                      tiss__wmat       40    0   0   
112 0
253       CC_Central                            tiss__wmat       41    0   0   
160 0
254       CC_Mid_Anterior                       tiss__wmat       42    0   0   
208 0
255       CC_Anterior                           tiss__wmat       43    0   0   
255 0
1000      ctx-lh-unknown                        tiss__unkn       44    25  5   
25  0
2000      ctx-rh-unknown                        tiss__unkn       45    25  5   
25  0
11100     ctx_lh_Unknown                        tiss__unkn       46      0   0  
 0   0
11101     ctx_lh_G_and_S_frontomargin           tiss__gm         47     23 220  
60   0
11102     ctx_lh_G_and_S_occipital_inf          tiss__gm         48     23  60 
180   0
11103     ctx_lh_G_and_S_paracentral            tiss__gm         49     63 100  
60   0
11104     ctx_lh_G_and_S_subcentral             tiss__gm         50     63  20 
220   0
11105     ctx_lh_G_and_S_transv_frontopol       tiss__gm         51     13   0 
250   0
11106     ctx_lh_G_and_S_cingul-Ant             tiss__gm         52     26  60  
 0   0
11107     ctx_lh_G_and_S_cingul-Mid-Ant         tiss__gm         53     26  60  
75   0
11108     ctx_lh_G_and_S_cingul-Mid-Post        tiss__gm         54     26  60 
150   0
11109     ctx_lh_G_cingul-Post-dorsal           tiss__gm         55     25  60 
250   0
11110     ctx_lh_G_cingul-Post-ventral          tiss__gm         56     60  25  
25   0
11111     ctx_lh_G_cuneus                       tiss__gm         57    180  20  
20   0
11112     ctx_lh_G_front_inf-Opercular          tiss__gm         58    220  20 
100   0
11113     ctx_lh_G_front_inf-Orbital            tiss__gm         59    140  60  
60   0
11114     ctx_lh_G_front_inf-Triangul           tiss__gm         60    180 220 
140   0
11115     ctx_lh_G_front_middle                 tiss__gm         61    140 100 
180   0
11116     ctx_lh_G_front_sup                    tiss__gm         62    180  20 
140   0
11117     ctx_lh_G_Ins_lg_and_S_cent_ins        tiss__gm         63     23  10  
10   0
11118     ctx_lh_G_insular_short                tiss__gm         64    225 140 
140   0
11119     ctx_lh_G_occipital_middle             tiss__gm         65    180  60 
180   0
11120     ctx_lh_G_occipital_sup                tiss__gm         66     20 220  
60   0
11121     ctx_lh_G_oc-temp_lat-fusifor          tiss__gm         67     60  20 
140   0
11122     ctx_lh_G_oc-temp_med-Lingual          tiss__gm         68    220 180 
140   0
11123     ctx_lh_G_oc-temp_med-Parahip          tiss__gm         69     65 100  
20   0
11124     ctx_lh_G_orbital                      tiss__gm         70    220  60  
20   0
11125     ctx_lh_G_pariet_inf-Angular           tiss__gm         71     20  60 
220   0
11126     ctx_lh_G_pariet_inf-Supramar          tiss__gm         72    100 100  
60   0
11127     ctx_lh_G_parietal_sup                 tiss__gm         73    220 180 
220   0
11128     ctx_lh_G_postcentral                  tiss__gm         74     20 180 
140   0
11129     ctx_lh_G_precentral                   tiss__gm         75     60 140 
180   0
11130     ctx_lh_G_precuneus                    tiss__gm         76     25  20 
140   0
11131     ctx_lh_G_rectus                       tiss__gm         77     20  60 
100   0
11132     ctx_lh_G_subcallosal                  tiss__gm         78     60 220  
20   0
11133     ctx_lh_G_temp_sup-G_T_transv          tiss__gm         79     60  60 
220   0
11134     ctx_lh_G_temp_sup-Lateral             tiss__gm         80    220  60 
220   0
11135     ctx_lh_G_temp_sup-Plan_polar          tiss__gm         81     65 220  
60   0
11136     ctx_lh_G_temp_sup-Plan_tempo          tiss__gm         82     25 140  
20   0
11137     ctx_lh_G_temporal_inf                 tiss__gm         83    220 220 
100   0
11138     ctx_lh_G_temporal_middle              tiss__gm         84    180  60  
60   0
11139     ctx_lh_Lat_Fis-ant-Horizont           tiss__gm         85     61  20 
220   0
11140     ctx_lh_Lat_Fis-ant-Vertical           tiss__gm         86     61  20  
60   0
11141     ctx_lh_Lat_Fis-post                   tiss__gm         87     61  60 
100   0
11143     ctx_lh_Pole_occipital                 tiss__gm         88    140  20  
60   0
11144     ctx_lh_Pole_temporal                  tiss__gm         89    220 180  
20   0
11145     ctx_lh_S_calcarine                    tiss__gm         90     63 180 
180   0
11146     ctx_lh_S_central                      tiss__gm         91    221  20  
10   0
11147     ctx_lh_S_cingul-Marginalis            tiss__gm         92    221  20 
100   0
11148     ctx_lh_S_circular_insula_ant          tiss__gm         93    221  60 
140   0
11149     ctx_lh_S_circular_insula_inf          tiss__gm         94    221  20 
220   0
11150     ctx_lh_S_circular_insula_sup          tiss__gm         95     61 220 
220   0
11151     ctx_lh_S_collat_transv_ant            tiss__gm         96    100 200 
200   0
11152     ctx_lh_S_collat_transv_post           tiss__gm         97     10 200 
200   0
11153     ctx_lh_S_front_inf                    tiss__gm         98    221 220  
20   0
11154     ctx_lh_S_front_middle                 tiss__gm         99    141  20 
100   0
11155     ctx_lh_S_front_sup                    tiss__gm        100     61 220 
100   0
11156     ctx_lh_S_interm_prim-Jensen           tiss__gm        101    141  60  
20   0
11157     ctx_lh_S_intrapariet_and_P_trans      tiss__gm        102    143  20 
220   0
11158     ctx_lh_S_oc_middle_and_Lunatus        tiss__gm        103    101  60 
220   0
11159     ctx_lh_S_oc_sup_and_transversal       tiss__gm        104     21  20 
140   0
11160     ctx_lh_S_occipital_ant                tiss__gm        105     61  20 
180   0
11161     ctx_lh_S_oc-temp_lat                  tiss__gm        106    221 140  
20   0
11162     ctx_lh_S_oc-temp_med_and_Lingual      tiss__gm        107    141 100 
220   0
11163     ctx_lh_S_orbital_lateral              tiss__gm        108    221 100  
20   0
11164     ctx_lh_S_orbital_med-olfact           tiss__gm        109    181 200  
20   0
11165     ctx_lh_S_orbital-H_Shaped             tiss__gm        110    101  20  
20   0
11166     ctx_lh_S_parieto_occipital            tiss__gm        111    101 100 
180   0
11167     ctx_lh_S_pericallosal                 tiss__gm        112    181 220  
20   0
11168     ctx_lh_S_postcentral                  tiss__gm        113     21 140 
200   0
11169     ctx_lh_S_precentral-inf-part          tiss__gm        114     21  20 
240   0
11170     ctx_lh_S_precentral-sup-part          tiss__gm        115     21  20 
200   0
11171     ctx_lh_S_suborbital                   tiss__gm        116     21  20  
60   0
11172     ctx_lh_S_subparietal                  tiss__gm        117    101  60  
60   0
11173     ctx_lh_S_temporal_inf                 tiss__gm        118     21 180 
180   0
11174     ctx_lh_S_temporal_sup                 tiss__gm        119    223 220  
60   0
11175     ctx_lh_S_temporal_transverse          tiss__gm        120    221  60  
60   0
12100     ctx_rh_Unknown                        tiss__unkn      121      0   0  
 0   0
12101     ctx_rh_G_and_S_frontomargin           tiss__gm        122     23 220  
60   0
12102     ctx_rh_G_and_S_occipital_inf          tiss__gm        123     23  60 
180   0
12103     ctx_rh_G_and_S_paracentral            tiss__gm        124     63 100  
60   0
12104     ctx_rh_G_and_S_subcentral             tiss__gm        125     63  20 
220   0
12105     ctx_rh_G_and_S_transv_frontopol       tiss__gm        126     13   0 
250   0
12106     ctx_rh_G_and_S_cingul-Ant             tiss__gm        127     26  60  
 0   0
12107     ctx_rh_G_and_S_cingul-Mid-Ant         tiss__gm        128     26  60  
75   0
12108     ctx_rh_G_and_S_cingul-Mid-Post        tiss__gm        129     26  60 
150   0
12109     ctx_rh_G_cingul-Post-dorsal           tiss__gm        130     25  60 
250   0
12110     ctx_rh_G_cingul-Post-ventral          tiss__gm        131     60  25  
25   0
12111     ctx_rh_G_cuneus                       tiss__gm        132    180  20  
20   0
12112     ctx_rh_G_front_inf-Opercular          tiss__gm        133    220  20 
100   0
12113     ctx_rh_G_front_inf-Orbital            tiss__gm        134    140  60  
60   0
12114     ctx_rh_G_front_inf-Triangul           tiss__gm        135    180 220 
140   0
12115     ctx_rh_G_front_middle                 tiss__gm        136    140 100 
180   0
12116     ctx_rh_G_front_sup                    tiss__gm        137    180  20 
140   0
12117     ctx_rh_G_Ins_lg_and_S_cent_ins        tiss__gm        138     23  10  
10   0
12118     ctx_rh_G_insular_short                tiss__gm        139    225 140 
140   0
12119     ctx_rh_G_occipital_middle             tiss__gm        140    180  60 
180   0
12120     ctx_rh_G_occipital_sup                tiss__gm        141     20 220  
60   0
12121     ctx_rh_G_oc-temp_lat-fusifor          tiss__gm        142     60  20 
140   0
12122     ctx_rh_G_oc-temp_med-Lingual          tiss__gm        143    220 180 
140   0
12123     ctx_rh_G_oc-temp_med-Parahip          tiss__gm        144     65 100  
20   0
12124     ctx_rh_G_orbital                      tiss__gm        145    220  60  
20   0
12125     ctx_rh_G_pariet_inf-Angular           tiss__gm        146     20  60 
220   0
12126     ctx_rh_G_pariet_inf-Supramar          tiss__gm        147    100 100  
60   0
12127     ctx_rh_G_parietal_sup                 tiss__gm        148    220 180 
220   0
12128     ctx_rh_G_postcentral                  tiss__gm        149     20 180 
140   0
12129     ctx_rh_G_precentral                   tiss__gm        150     60 140 
180   0
12130     ctx_rh_G_precuneus                    tiss__gm        151     25  20 
140   0
12131     ctx_rh_G_rectus                       tiss__gm        152     20  60 
100   0
12132     ctx_rh_G_subcallosal                  tiss__gm        153     60 220  
20   0
12133     ctx_rh_G_temp_sup-G_T_transv          tiss__gm        154     60  60 
220   0
12134     ctx_rh_G_temp_sup-Lateral             tiss__gm        155    220  60 
220   0
12135     ctx_rh_G_temp_sup-Plan_polar          tiss__gm        156     65 220  
60   0
12136     ctx_rh_G_temp_sup-Plan_tempo          tiss__gm        157     25 140  
20   0
12137     ctx_rh_G_temporal_inf                 tiss__gm        158    220 220 
100   0
12138     ctx_rh_G_temporal_middle              tiss__gm        159    180  60  
60   0
12139     ctx_rh_Lat_Fis-ant-Horizont           tiss__gm        160     61  20 
220   0
12140     ctx_rh_Lat_Fis-ant-Vertical           tiss__gm        161     61  20  
60   0
12141     ctx_rh_Lat_Fis-post                   tiss__gm        162     61  60 
100   0
12143     ctx_rh_Pole_occipital                 tiss__gm        163    140  20  
60   0
12144     ctx_rh_Pole_temporal                  tiss__gm        164    220 180  
20   0
12145     ctx_rh_S_calcarine                    tiss__gm        165     63 180 
180   0
12146     ctx_rh_S_central                      tiss__gm        166    221  20  
10   0
12147     ctx_rh_S_cingul-Marginalis            tiss__gm        167    221  20 
100   0
12148     ctx_rh_S_circular_insula_ant          tiss__gm        168    221  60 
140   0
12149     ctx_rh_S_circular_insula_inf          tiss__gm        169    221  20 
220   0
12150     ctx_rh_S_circular_insula_sup          tiss__gm        170     61 220 
220   0
12151     ctx_rh_S_collat_transv_ant            tiss__gm        171    100 200 
200   0
12152     ctx_rh_S_collat_transv_post           tiss__gm        172     10 200 
200   0
12153     ctx_rh_S_front_inf                    tiss__gm        173    221 220  
20   0
12154     ctx_rh_S_front_middle                 tiss__gm        174    141  20 
100   0
12155     ctx_rh_S_front_sup                    tiss__gm        175     61 220 
100   0
12156     ctx_rh_S_interm_prim-Jensen           tiss__gm        176    141  60  
20   0
12157     ctx_rh_S_intrapariet_and_P_trans      tiss__gm        177    143  20 
220   0
12158     ctx_rh_S_oc_middle_and_Lunatus        tiss__gm        178    101  60 
220   0
12159     ctx_rh_S_oc_sup_and_transversal       tiss__gm        179     21  20 
140   0
12160     ctx_rh_S_occipital_ant                tiss__gm        180     61  20 
180   0
12161     ctx_rh_S_oc-temp_lat                  tiss__gm        181    221 140  
20   0
12162     ctx_rh_S_oc-temp_med_and_Lingual      tiss__gm        182    141 100 
220   0
12163     ctx_rh_S_orbital_lateral              tiss__gm        183    221 100  
20   0
12164     ctx_rh_S_orbital_med-olfact           tiss__gm        184    181 200  
20   0
12165     ctx_rh_S_orbital-H_Shaped             tiss__gm        185    101  20  
20   0
12166     ctx_rh_S_parieto_occipital            tiss__gm        186    101 100 
180   0
12167     ctx_rh_S_pericallosal                 tiss__gm        187    181 220  
20   0
12168     ctx_rh_S_postcentral                  tiss__gm        188     21 140 
200   0
12169     ctx_rh_S_precentral-inf-part          tiss__gm        189     21  20 
240   0
12170     ctx_rh_S_precentral-sup-part          tiss__gm        190     21  20 
200   0
12171     ctx_rh_S_suborbital                   tiss__gm        191     21  20  
60   0
12172     ctx_rh_S_subparietal                  tiss__gm        192    101  60  
60   0
12173     ctx_rh_S_temporal_inf                 tiss__gm        193     21 180 
180   0
12174     ctx_rh_S_temporal_sup                 tiss__gm        194    223 220  
60   0
12175     ctx_rh_S_temporal_transverse          tiss__gm        195    221  60  
60   0
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