> an MT subtraction that enhances gray/white contrast though.
> cheers,
> Bruce
> On Mon, 2 Mar
> 2009, Lucia Garrido wrote:
>> Dear Freesurfers,
>> I was wondering whether it would be possible to run recon-all with MT
>> images? My final aim is
Dear Freesurfers,
I was wondering whether it would be possible to run recon-all with MT
images? My final aim is to compare cortical thickness between two groups.
I've done this with T1 weighted images, but was wondering whether i could
also do with MT images. Segmentation in SPM worked really well
ld it be possible to let me know? I
couldn't find that in any paper.
Many thanks,
> Hi Lucia,
> temporal pole is among the thickest cortical regions, but you should
> visually inspect your data to check that it is accurate.
> cheers,
> Bruce
Dear all,
I'm comparing average cortical thickness values between groups using
regions defined in the aparc files. I find significant differences in the
right temporal pole. I was expecting difference here, but I'm concerned
about the mean values of thickness. For controls, that value is 4.01,
to the right directory again.
> Sita.
> On Tue, 3 Feb 2009, Lucia Garrido wrote:
>> Many thanks for your e-mail.
>> Yes, I've noticed that. But I made sure the SUBJECTS_DIR is the right
>> one.
>> Everything else is running without pr
_DIR is set to /tmp/qdec_project_archive, which is probably
> wrong.
> Lucia Garrido wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I'm using Qdec and wanted to map an ROI to all participants in the
>> study,
>> but I always get an error. I've used FS 4.0.2 for recon-al
Dear all,
I'm using Qdec and wanted to map an ROI to all participants in the study,
but I always get an error. I've used FS 4.0.2 for recon-all for all
subects. Now I'm running stats with FS 4.1.0 (I did 'recon-all -qcache
-subjid ' for each person using version 4.1.0). I'm using Debian.the
idual talairach registrations contribute to the final
talairach coordinates of group comparison results?
Many thanks,
> Hi Lucia,
> we almost never use the talairach except for reporting purposes.
> cheers,
> Bruce
> On Tue, 20 Jan 2009, Lucia Garrido wrote:
Dear freesurfers,
I'm having some troubles deciding whether the output from the Tailarach
registration is good or not. I don't have hugely distorted brains as can
be seen in the tutorials. But though they seem roughly aligned, there are
some cases in which it seems it could benefit from changing t