ing at the structural
images the contrast is quite good. Do you have any idea or suggestion on
why I'm having these issues? Can you point out the exact points where I can
look to find the error? I guess you'll need the entire recon-all, I can
send it off if you wish. Thanks in advance,
(2): linear fit = 0.99 x + 0.0 (13532 voxels,
Left_Cerebral_White_Matter (2): linear fit = 0.99 x + 0.0 (13532 voxels,
peak = 104), gca=104.4
I wasn't able to find any log file to find the cause. Anybody can help me
with this? Thanks in
Thanks, I'll try with tkregister2 as I want to just check talairach and not
use it elsewhere. Still thanks for the help and quickness,
Francesco Baldacchini
2014-04-01 14:18 GMT+02:00 Bruce Fischl :
> Hi Francesco
> look at mri_vol2vol -help and search for talairach. It h
mmand do I have to
use? I tried MRI_XFORM_TO_HEADER but it didn't work. Thanks everybody in
advance and sorry if my question is too silly, but I'm a beginner.
Francesco Baldacchini
Freesurfer mailing list
inal release? I would be really glad to use it and make
few tests with it on my patients.
Thank you for the attention and for your time,
Francesco Baldacchini
2014-03-21 16:12 GMT+01:00 Lilla Zollei :
> Hi Francesco,
> Given that the recon pipeline is built on an adult atlas it is no
ether with T2 weighted images during recon-all? Another question is how
important it is to use the mprage option in recon-all? Thanks,
Francesco Baldacchini
Freesurfer mailing list
oc, and at which
point of the process this is done. I'm doing this because I want to track
down all the movements of the files used by Tracula. Thanks,
Francesco Baldacchini
Freesurfer mailing list
Ok, thanks. And if I want to add a new pathway which is the file I've to
modify and where can I find it?
Francesco Baldacchini
2014-03-04 17:28 GMT+01:00 Anastasia Yendiki :
> Hi Francesco - The pathways that tracula reconstructs are only the ones
> included in its atlas
Hi everybody,
I'd like to know if it's possible and if yes how to add new paths to the
tracula pathlist? Otherwise how can I add a new path after the entire
trac-all process?
Francesco Baldacchini
Freesurfer mailing list
into trac-all and the ones that get
> created under dmri/.)
> Thanks,
> a.y
> On Tue, 11 Feb 2014, Francesco Baldacchini wrote:
> Hi again Anastasia,
>> I tried also to convert my three row bvecs file in a three column one but
>> I still go
Hi again Anastasia,
I tried also to convert my three row bvecs file in a three column one but I
still got the same "bvecs and bvals don't have the same number of entries"
error. I then tried also to change the dot to comma as the decimal
separator but still nothing
Francesco Bal
> This option was not available in the previous releases of tracula.
> Hope this helps,
> a.y
> On Mon, 20 Jan 2014, Francesco Baldacchini wrote:
> Hi,
>> Sorry Anastasia, I'm seeing that my
nd bvecs in DTI folder are the one saved by
trac-all in the dmri directory. I'm attaching also my configuration file
Francesco Baldacchini
Description: Binary data
Description: Binary data
Description: Binary data
Sorry Anastasia, I'm seeing that my question was not so clear. The files I
sent you in the first mail are the bvecs and bvals saved by trac-all -prep
in the dmri directory. The original files are in attachment in this mail,
Francesco Baldacchini
2014/1/13 Anastasia Yendiki
Hi everybody,
I'm trying to run the* trac all -prep *command but after some times I get
this error "bvecs and bvals don't have the same number of entries". I've
checked my bvals and bvecs, which are in attach, but they seems to be
formatted in the right way. What can
> steps before the inter-subject registration (see wiki page for how to turn
> off steps). You also don't need to rerun bedpost.
> Hope this helps,
> a.y
> On Wed, 18 Dec 2013, Francesco Baldacchini wrote:
> Ciao Anastasia,
>> Here is the log
postx_mgh: line 439: 5294
Terminated ${subjdir}.bedpostX/monitor*
In attachment I loaded my drirc.tutorial configuration file. Thanks,
Francesco Baldacchini
Description: Binary data
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