External Email - Use Caution
Dear expert,
I am Anna, a medical school student at Pusan national University, Korea.
I am writing this email because I'd like to ask you questions.
I would like to measure the cerebellar gray matter volume parcellated
using the Buckner2011_17Networks
I found that mean of 'chorid-plexus' in ADNI is around 1500 mm^3, when I
ran reconall for my local subejcts (a local dataset), I found the mean of
'chorid-plexus' is around 800 mm^3.
Could anyone give an explanation or a paper I could refer to for this
log in to loni and you could see click the adni repo and access data.
As far as I know, ADNI only released partial Freesurfer 6.0 data (ADNI 3 maybe
I could not remember clearly)
An Lijun
Hasan Al Marzouqi mailto:hasan.almarzo...@ku.ac.ae>>
于2020年2月3日周一 下午12:52写道:
External E
External Email - Use Caution
Dear Yanyan,
Actually you could refer to the freesurfer tutorial firstly.
Best Regards,
An Lijun
Lin Yanyan mailto:linyan...@outlook.com>> 于2019年11月26日周二
External Email - Use Caution
Hello, I have a question about lgi com
I am wondering is the ratio reasonable and how could I improve the result?
I guess resolution would be one of reasons causing the high 0 value ratio,
my fMRI data is 2mm^3 and anatomical data is 1mm^3.
Many thanks for your help.
External Email - Use Caution
Thanks for your reply!
You mean LeftCerebralCortex is actually lhCortex in aseg.stats, right?
Best Regards,
An Lijun
Greve, Douglas N.,Ph.D. mailto:dgr...@mgh.harvard.edu>>
于2019年11月19日周二 上午2:20写道:
You can find it in aseg.stats under
# M
n the future.
Many thanks.
Greve, Douglas N.,Ph.D. 于2019年11月18日周一 下午4:47写道:
> why did you call it bert? It just makes things confusing
> On 11/18/19 2:53 PM, An wrote:
> >
> > External Email - Use Caution
> >
> > Here is my recon-all command line
External Email - Use Caution
Here is my recon-all command line:
recon-all -i ana_Vol.nii -s bert -all
Many thanks.
Greve, Douglas N.,Ph.D. 于2019年11月18日周一 下午2:33写道:
> What was your original recon-all command?
> On 11/18/19 1:48 PM,
. I use it because I need to specify the
required flag -s in bbregister in order to register the functional volume
to its anatomical volume.
Many thanks.
Greve, Douglas N.,Ph.D. 于2019年11月18日周一 下午1:31写道:
> I don't understand what you are trying to do. I'm very con
Freesurfer reconall 6.0, I could not find
CerebralCortex under 'stats' folder, do you know where it could be?
Thanks so much.
Best Regards,
An Lijun
Freesurfer mailing list
Many thanks.
Greve, Douglas N.,Ph.D. 于2019年11月13日周三 下午12:20写道:
> If you have an anatomical MR that you have run through recon-all, then
> just use that one instead of bert in your steps below
> ps. Please remember to post to the FS list and not to us personally
> O
Freesurfer reconall 6.0, I could not find
CerebralCortex under 'stats' folder, do you know where it could be?
Thanks so much.
Best Regards,
An Lijun
Freesurfer mailing list
--srcreg file in
mri_vol2surf as the output register.dat in step2 is wrong. But the output
is still wrong.
Many thanks.
Greve, Douglas N.,Ph.D. 于2019年11月11日周一 下午12:16写道:
> When you say it is 4D, what do you mean? That each label has its own frame?
> On 11/6/19 5:59 PM,
or your help!
Best Regards,
An Lijun
Freesurfer mailing list
or your help!
Best Regards,
An Lijun
Freesurfer mailing list
Best Regards,
An Lijun
Freesurfer mailing list
Best Regards,
An Lijun
Freesurfer mailing list
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