Re: [Freesurfer] Cluster sizes discrepancy for mri_surfcluster vs mri_segstats

2019-07-18 Thread Mark Wagshul
External Email - Use Caution Thanks! Mark Mark Wagshul, PhD Associate Professor Gruss Magnetic Resonance Research Center Albert Einstein College of Medicine Bronx, NY 10461 Ph: 718-430-4011 FAX: 718-430-3399 Email: This email m

Re: [Freesurfer] Patient vs group of controls

2019-07-18 Thread m s
External Email - Use Caution Yes, Great! That is what I want to see! El 18 de jul. de 2019 15:50 -0300, Greve, Douglas N.,Ph.D. , escribió: > depends on what you want in the end. You can do that analysis, but > p-values will be meaningless. Do you just want the difference between

Re: [Freesurfer] Command line tksurfer: use of the color scale "Color Wheel"

2019-07-18 Thread Matthieu Vanhoutte
External Email - Use Caution All my script is based on tksurfer derived commande. Is this possible to parametrize freeview by command lines with as many options than tksurfer, and then save snap in one script? Please give me some information on how to set properly "Color Wheel" Co

Re: [Freesurfer] Patient vs group of controls

2019-07-18 Thread Greve, Douglas N.,Ph.D.
depends on what you want in the end. You can do that analysis, but p-values will be meaningless. Do you just want the difference between the subject and the group mean? If so, that will work. It should also give you z-values if that is of intereest On 7/18/19 2:33 PM, m s wrote: > > Ext

Re: [Freesurfer] Command line tksurfer: use of the color scale "Color Wheel"

2019-07-18 Thread Greve, Douglas N.,Ph.D.
In freeview, you can use :overlay_color=colorscale,settings maybe Ruopeng can weigh in on exactly what to set them to to get the colorwheel Are you also looking to have freeview snap pictures for you? On 7/18/19 11:57 AM, Matthieu VANHOUTTE wrote: > External Email - Use Caution > Sorry not to be

[Freesurfer] Patient vs group of controls

2019-07-18 Thread m s
External Email - Use Caution Hello Freesurfer experts! I need to compare one patient to a group of controls and I wanted to know which is the best way to do this. Is it correct to do it with group analysis when 1 group only has one patient, thus no stdev, and the other group (contr

Re: [Freesurfer] voxel coordinates of corpus collosum

2019-07-18 Thread Sadia Sheikh
External Email - Use Caution Firstly I used the command line to extract whole cc, mri_vol2label --c --id 192 --l cc.label. Then, I tried to get the labels of the subregions of cc using the command, mri_vol2label --c cc.mgz --id 251 --l cc1.label. Please find the attac

Re: [Freesurfer] voxel coordinates of corpus collosum

2019-07-18 Thread Greve, Douglas N.,Ph.D.
please send the command line and full terminal output On 7/18/2019 12:27 PM, Sadia Sheikh wrote: External Email - Use Caution Thanks for your response. I tried mri_vol2label initially but I was facing this error. error: found no voxels matching id 192. The problem is with my given comma

Re: [Freesurfer] voxel coordinates of corpus collosum

2019-07-18 Thread Sadia Sheikh
External Email - Use Caution Thanks for your response. I tried mri_vol2label initially but I was facing this error. error: found no voxels matching id 192. The problem is with my given command or this command is not possible for corpus callosum? Please find the attached output of t

[Freesurfer] How to make a SlicDelayFile in FSFAST

2019-07-18 Thread Zhi Li
External Email - Use Caution Dear Freesurfer experts, May I ask how to create a slice delay file for slice timing in fsfast? Is there an example? The slice order of my data is [33:-2:1 32:-2:2], how could I convert this vector to time fraction of TR? I have checked the help inform

Re: [Freesurfer] Cluster sizes discrepancy for mri_surfcluster vs mri_segstats

2019-07-18 Thread Greve, Douglas N.,Ph.D.
When you run mri_surfcluster, save an output cluster number (--ocn) output, then feed that into mri_segstats. On 7/18/19 11:44 AM, Mark Wagshul wrote: > > External Email - Use Caution > > Hi.  I have a question about cluster size determination within Freesurfer. > > We are running linear

[Freesurfer] Cluster sizes discrepancy for mri_surfcluster vs mri_segstats

2019-07-18 Thread Mark Wagshul
External Email - Use Caution Hi. I have a question about cluster size determination within Freesurfer. We are running linear mixed model on our Freesurfer generated volume data over the left and right cortex parcellations, and would like to look at cluster size at the p < 0.01

Re: [Freesurfer] voxel coordinates of corpus collosum

2019-07-18 Thread Greve, Douglas N.,Ph.D.
you can try mri_vol2label On 7/17/19 11:16 PM, Sadia Sheikh wrote: > > External Email - Use Caution > > Hello Bruce > > I don't have much experience in Freesurfer and I want to get the > labels of CC. Is there any other way to get corpus callosum labels or > voxels without using Matlab?

Re: [Freesurfer] Command line tksurfer: use of the color scale "Color Wheel"

2019-07-18 Thread Greve, Douglas N.,Ph.D.
There is a program called tksurferfv that runs freeview but takes all the same command line args as tksurfer On 7/18/19 10:56 AM, Bruce Fischl wrote: > Hi Matthieu > > tksurfer has been deprecated for years. Is there a reason you can't > switch to freeview? > > cheers > Bruce > On Thu, 18 Jul 201

Re: [Freesurfer] Command line tksurfer: use of the color scale "Color Wheel"

2019-07-18 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Matthieu tksurfer has been deprecated for years. Is there a reason you can't switch to freeview? cheers Bruce On Thu, 18 Jul 2019, Matthieu VANHOUTTE wrote: >External Email - Use Caution > > Dear experts, > > I use tksurfer in command line to generate multiple faces images of > overl

Re: [Freesurfer] FLAIR data to improve pial surfaces

2019-07-18 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Cristian it's not so much the difference in voxel size as it is the thickness and anisotropy of your FLAIR voxels. You would be much better off getting 1mm iso which would have comparable SNR to what you have now. You can try it, but the 3.5mm slice thickness will probably mess stuff up s

[Freesurfer] Command line tksurfer: use of the color scale "Color Wheel"

2019-07-18 Thread Matthieu VANHOUTTE
External Email - Use Caution Dear experts, I use tksurfer in command line to generate multiple faces images of overlays on the fsaverage surface. Graphically it is possible via freeview to set the color scale of the overlay with "Color Wheel" setting. I searched into the tksufe

Re: [Freesurfer] DF for Longitudinal LME

2019-07-18 Thread Diers, Kersten /DZNE
External Email - Use Caution Hi Bronwyn, assuming that you have specified the contrasts and done the F-tests already, you will have some output from from the 'lme_mass_F' function. Let's say this output is called 'F_lhstats'. This matlab structure has a field called 'df', so yo

Re: [Freesurfer] (no subject)

2019-07-18 Thread 许飞飞
External Email - Use Caution I understand. Thanks for your response, Feifei! Bruce Fischl 于2019年7月16日周二 下午10:09写道: > Hi Feifei > > we don't compute thickness using the method introudced by (MacDonald et > al.2000). For that you can look at either our 1999 NeuroImage pair of >

[Freesurfer] FLAIR data to improve pial surfaces

2019-07-18 Thread Leyton Moscoso, Cristian Eduardo
Dear Freesurfer experts, I want to improve pial reconstruction by using FLAIR images in the pial reconstruction (freesurfer v6.0). Ø recon-all -subject subjectname -FLAIR /path/to/FLAIR_volume -FLAIRpial -autorecon3 T1 was acquired in a 3T Phillips scanner with a isometric voxel size of