External Email - Use Caution        

Hi Bronwyn,

assuming that you have specified the contrasts and done the F-tests already, 
you will have some output from from the 'lme_mass_F' function. Let's say this 
output is called 'F_lhstats'. This matlab structure has a field called 'df', so 
your degrees of freedom will be in F_lhstats.df.

Best regards,


On Mi, 2019-07-17 at 14:18 +1000, Bronwyn Overs wrote:

        External Email - Use Caution

Dear Freesurfer Mailing List,

I am trying to calculate the effect size of the main and interaction effect 
clusters that were significant in my vertex-wise LME analysis. For this I need 
the degrees of freedom for each contrast, but I am confused about how to derive 
this. My input sample has 218 subjects (153 with 2 time-points, 65 with 1 
time-point). The effects for which I need the degrees of freedom are:
1) Main effect of years in the control group (n=112)
2) Main effect of years in the case group (n=106)
3) Main effect of group at baseline (group has two levels, 0 or 1)
4) Interaction between years and group

Any assistance you can provide would be great.

Kind regards,

Bronwyn Overs

Research Assistant


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