Hello Freesurfer Group,
I have a question regarding an error that I have been receiving when attempting
to set up an analysis involving 4 groups of subjects with data coming from 2
separate scanning sites. The error is "ERROR: gdfReadV1: Found 7 variables,
expected 1". This is how it appears
Hi all,
I have a question/problem related to restricting monte carlo cluster correction
to a reduced search space.
I have:
1) created a label including the labels of regions I am interested in
2) used mri_mcsim with the --label flag and the label created in 1) to create
cached monte carlo simu
Dear Freesurfer support,
I find the qdec to be very pedagogic in its outlay, and would love to use it.
However, I find several discrepancies as compared to results from the
mri_glmfit analyses, and wonder why (see description below).
1) One discrepancy is the placement of the clusters; X, Y
How are the DODS analyses in Freesurfer comparable to interaction terms in GLM
analyses in SPSS? I notice that others have had similar questions, but it is
still unclear to me.
To get comparable interaction terms in SPSS GLM analyses and individual slopes
in mri-glmfit Freesurfer DODS analyse