Hello Freesurfer Group,

I have a question regarding an error that I have been receiving when attempting 
to set up an analysis involving 4 groups of subjects with data coming from 2 
separate scanning sites. The error  is "ERROR: gdfReadV1: Found 7 variables, 
expected 1". This is how it appears in terminal when coding for GLM_fit:

drs-mac-pro:ABIDE_10K_2 FMRI$ mri_glmfit   --y lh.ABIDE_10K_2.00.mgh   --fsgd 
ABIDE_10K_2.fsgd dods  --C ABIDE_10k_2.mtx   --surf fsaverage lh   --cortex
gdfReadHeader: reading ABIDE_10K_2.fsgd
ERROR: gdfReadV1: Input line 1, subjid = 51480_out
       Found 7 variables, expected. 1
FSGDF Format Error: file = ABIDE_10K_2.fsgd, tag=Input

However, in the fsgd file, modeled after the example shown here ( 
https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/Fsgdf4G1V ) for 4 groups with one 
co-variate, I have only established one variable (to my knowledge) and cannot 
seem to figure out why I keep receiving this error. Here is a copy of the 
beginning of the fsgd file that is being utilized for the mri_glmfit command:

GroupDescriptorFile 1
Class ControlYoung
Class ControlOld
Class ASDYoung
Class ASDOld
Variables Site
Input 51480_out ControlYoung 1
Input 51484_out ControlYoung 1
Input 51485_out ControlYoung 1
Input 50657_out ControlYoung 1
Input 50688_out ControlYoung 1
Input 50699_out ControlYoung 1
Input 51333_out ControlYoung 1
Input 10006_FSoutput ControlOld 2
Input 10009_FSoutput ControlOld 2
Input 10011_FSoutput ControlOld 2
Input 10013_FSoutput ControlOld 2
Input 10014_FSoutput ControlOld 2

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Taylor Elrod

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