Say, following the set of commands given on the FsTutorial/Diffusion page
On Mon, 15 Sep 2014 05:26:01 -0700 Bruce Fischl
what kind of DTI analysis?
On Sun, 14 Sep 2014, prasser wrote:
> Hi,
> Co
Hello All,
I am doing a study and I have determined some regionals volumes in the
Aparc and Aseg files which are significant.
I would like to show these in Freeview while hiding the other insignificant
ones. Please advice if its possible in Freeview.
Thank you
Mohammed Goryawala, PhD
Hi Fabio
If you want to
compare a lme model including only a single random effect for the
intercept term against the same model but including only a single random
effect for the slope term all you need to do is to choose the one
with higher maximum likelihood after model fitting.
However if y
Dear Freesurfer Users,
I am trying different LME models to describe the time evolution of cortical
thickness in anorexia patients. The LME tools provide a function (lme_mass_LR)
to test whether a model with q+1 random effects is better (fits the data
better) than one with q random effects, eg w
Dear all,
What does this mean? That tracula is more robust when running it seperately
for the tracts I am interested in?
On Mon, Sep 15, 2014 at 4:44 PM, Michele Cavallari <> wrote:
> errata corrige: it did work! I had to re-run the whole thing includi