Sorry Prapti, I was confused, the exact commands are:
mris_anatomical_stats -a aparc.annot -t pial_lgi -f #SUBJ/stats/
lh.aparc_lgi.stats #SUBJ lh
and then
aparcstats2table --subjects #SUBJ1 #SUBJ2 ... --hemi lh --meas
thickness --parc aparc_lgi --t YOUR_OUTPUT_TABLE
Hope it will work,
Is there a plan to release the FreeSurfer CUDA Binaries for Snow Leopard?
Pedro Paulo de Magalhães Oliveira Junior
Diretor de Operações
Netfilter & SpeedComm Telecom
-- For mobile: http://www.
Do you mean you want abs(subj1-matched1)? There's no parametric way to
test a hypothesis based on this, but if you want it you can run
mri_concat --abs paireddiff.mgh abspaireddiff.mgh
Mayuresh wrote:
> Hi Doug, Nick and other freesurfer users,
> I have two groups and each group has a
Try adding --reshape-factor 7
Righart, Ruthger Dr. wrote:
> Dear Freesurfers,
> I would like to map my subject thickness data to the fsaverage subject,
> following ROI analyses, as described under step 4:
> Before step
Hi Prapti,
Normally you can use aparcstats2table exactly as you would do with
thickness, given that the column corresponding to thickness values in
the tablefile that you produced with your mris_anatomical_stats are
indeed lgi values (i.e. you used mris_anatomical_stats -t pial_lgi -f
Dear Freesurfers,
I would like to map my subject thickness data to the fsaverage subject,
following ROI analyses, as described under step 4:
Before step 4, tksurfer showed me that registration from MNI to Freesurfer
space of my