Do you mean you want abs(subj1-matched1)? There's no parametric way to 
test a hypothesis based on this, but if you want it you can run

mri_concat --abs paireddiff.mgh abspaireddiff.mgh


Mayuresh wrote:
> Hi Doug, Nick and other freesurfer users,
> I have two groups and each group has a matched pair of subjects. I am keen on 
> identifying cortical areas where the difference between the matched pair in 
> group1 is greater than that in group2. 
> How can I do this in freesurfer?
> >From the email archive it seems to me that -paired-diff option with 
> >mris_preproc should do the trick, however as I understand this will create 
> >difference maps such that subject1-matchedsubject2. For my purpose I would 
> >be needing the absolute difference between the pairs. How can I acheive this?
> Thanks for any pointers,
> Mayuresh
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Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
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