Ok. Since the -fsv3 flag is now available in stable, I thought that might
mean that I could could run selxavg3-sess in stable. It works fine in dev.
I'm assuming that commands being run subsequently for group analyses (e.g.
isxconcat, mri_glmfit) *can* be run in stable.
Jesse Friedman,
to do which piece? The cortical areas you can run mri_annotation2label
and mri_label2vol on the labels you want. The subcortical one you can run
mri_extract_label on the aseg.mgz.
On Fri, 1 May 2009, Dr. Claudia
Wheeler-Kingshott wrote:
That's a great news! The problem is that
That's a great news! The problem is that I haven't been able to work out
how to do it :-[
Any instruction on the wiki? I haven't spotted them...
Bruce Fischl wrote:
Hi Claudia,
each subject that you have run through recon-all should have the full
array of anatomical regions, bo
Hi Claudia,
each subject that you have run through recon-all should have the full array
of anatomical regions, both cortical (e.g. precentral gyrus) and
non-cortical (e.g. putamen). You can extract them and create individual
volumes if you want.
On Fri, 1 May 2009, Dr. Claudia
Dear FS experts
I have done an analysis without a covariate. Now, I want to do the same
analysis but including mean cortical thickness as a covariate. I am
wondering whether I have to run all steps again incl. mris_preproc or
whether it is sufficient to only run mri_glmfit with the new FSGD file t
We have done our region of interest statistical analysis in Stata and we
now would like to display the significant regions over the brain template.
I guess we need to have images of each individual region in order to do so.
Does Freesurfer provide an individual image per each anatomical ROI
Hi Guys,
I have a problem testing the installation of freesurfer on my new
macbook pro, my configuration is:
OSX Leopard v. 10.5.6
when I try:
tksurfer bert rh pial (suggested in testing page on the wiki)
I receive Bus error message.