Re: [Freedos-user] Open Source and/or Free Software?

2016-06-18 Thread Robert Riebisch
ld. The fact that we (still!) > haven't solved this only proves that (like you imply) nobody cares > enough about having reproducible builds / portable sources or that > (more likely) nobody knew how to adequately solve the issue, > universally. At least some people care about https

Re: [Freedos-user] OT: What gives?

2017-05-07 Thread Robert Riebisch
nice way to clarify about a bunch > of spam, email the list!!!):-P Same here. Maybe Jim released "some" old messages from SF spam quarantine. ;-) Robert Riebisch -- +++ BTTR Software +++ Home page: DOS ain't dead: http://www.b

Re: [Freedos-user] Some driver updates

2017-11-06 Thread Robert Riebisch
ged (a 'make' utility comes to my mind) we could run ('unzip -v') and parse its output to an index file. Then in the installer, sum it up for all selected packages, 'et voilà'... Robert Riebisch -- +++ BTTR Software +++ Home page: http://

Re: [Freedos-user] Some driver updates

2017-11-07 Thread Robert Riebisch
t; free space. Of course, uncompressed ZIP length should be calculated during ISO build at the latest, but not at runtime of the installer. But what else is a computer for if not crunching numbers? Robert Riebisch -- +++ BTTR So

Re: [Freedos-user] Some driver updates

2017-11-15 Thread Robert Riebisch
, steal and modify Jack's drivers, Jack decided to stop offering this drivers to the public. Robert Riebisch -- +++ BTTR Software +++ Home page: DOS ain't dead: -

Re: [Freedos-user] Some driver updates

2017-11-17 Thread Robert Riebisch
ther soul) probably never will, but does it *really* (!) matter? Rug, just be a gentleman and *respect* (= accept) his decisions, because anything else will not lead to a healthy mind. Do you know this short story? "Two Monks and a Woman - a Zen Lesson" <http://www.kindspring.

Re: [Freedos-user] Some driver updates

2017-11-18 Thread Robert Riebisch
blem, pretending that it will go away. It will also not go away by "lamenting" over and over again... Just ignore him and become a happy man again! :-) Robert Riebisch -- +++ BTTR Software +++ Home page:

Re: [Freedos-user] SSH - unsupported remote protocol version

2017-12-31 Thread Robert Riebisch
remote server has to support 1.0. 1) Did you try the -v switch for verbose mode? 2) What server is on the remote site? Robert Riebisch -- +++ BTTR Software +++ Home page: DOS ain'

Re: [Freedos-user] SSH - unsupported remote protocol version

2017-12-31 Thread Robert Riebisch
> if (!(remote_major == 1 && remote_minor == 0)) > > ? Not sure, what the author is trying to achieve. The whole project lacks documentation. Robert Riebisch -- +++ BTTR Software +++ Home page:

Re: [Freedos-user] SSH - unsupported remote protocol version

2017-12-31 Thread Robert Riebisch
1.2. Are you sure? Binaries are still from 2003 ( or 2006 ( Robert Riebisch -- +++ BTTR Software +++ Home page: DOS ain't dead:

Re: [Freedos-user] You think BETA testing means you're brave?

2018-01-03 Thread Robert Riebisch
Hi Jerome, > So, I put imaging the diskettes on hold while I created a brand new > imaging utility. > > */EDICT - Enhanced Disk Image Creation Tool/* Did you try David Dunfield's ImageDisk (<>)? Comes with source

Re: [Freedos-user] FreeDOS workaround for hidden IDE controller?

2018-01-04 Thread Robert Riebisch
me MS-DOS version. But if there's some special extra > configuration required for getting FreeDOS to work, I've no idea what it is. 1) Why are you keen on MS-DOS? 2) What's wrong with FreeDOS? Robert Riebisch -- +++ BTTR Software +++ Home page: http://www.bttr-s

Re: [Freedos-user] FreeDOS workaround for hidden IDE controller?

2018-01-04 Thread Robert Riebisch
Quentin Bouteiller (" Just change the 2nd line in AUTOEXEC.BAT from "SET LANG=FR" to "SET LANG=" (or delete the whole line). Robert Riebisch -- +++ BTTR Software +++ Home page: D

Re: [Freedos-user] Announce: E100PKT 0.1, packet driver for DOS

2018-01-23 Thread Robert Riebisch
| oemsetup.inf | protocol.ini | \---PRO1000 \---DOS e1000.dos oemsetup.inf protocol.ini Robert Riebisch -- +++ BTTR Software +++ Home page: DOS ain't dead: http

Re: [Freedos-user] (no subject)

2018-04-13 Thread Robert Riebisch
Hi Dale, > I downloaded as-easy-as from your site. > I didn't see a "LET command listed. Its a command > that makes dos qpro special. None of my dos macros > would run without it. > Maybe you could talk to Corel or who ever owns > the copyright and see if they could bring back their > office soft

Re: [Freedos-user] Connecting to a BBS via a modem

2018-04-14 Thread Robert Riebisch
Hi, >> I will look into Net-Tamer and Procom. Telix was the software I had >> found the defunct website for. I'm not sure if I want to trust a mirror. > > Try looking here: > > * There also are UniCom (and Teleservice) at

Re: [Freedos-user] FreeDOS website

2018-10-21 Thread Robert Riebisch
Hi Jan, >>> No not at all, I have just uploaded the latest version, including an update >>> to some documentation/presentations in PDF format, it is at: >> >>PDF is a bit bloated and DOS-unfriendly, but I understand your need to >>use something modern and accessible (or whatever). > > Something

[Freedos-user] cabextract 1.8, dmidecode 3.2, Gifsicle 1.91 available

2018-11-02 Thread Robert Riebisch
Hi all, over the last days I found some time to play with DOS again. As a result I updated my previous builds of these three FOSS programs. cabextract -- >From : "cabextract is Free Software for extracting Microsoft cabinet files, also called .CAB files. I

[Freedos-user] lzip 1.20 available -> FreeDOS 1.3

2018-11-07 Thread Robert Riebisch
Hi all, included with FreeDOS <=1.2 there is my lzip 1.9 build from 2010. Seems nobody has used it for the last 8 years, because nobody complained about it to be broken. :-| It even failed `make check'. Sorry, my fault. :-( Please update to lzip 1.20. Note 1: This version doesn't include lziprec

[Freedos-user] lziprecover 1.20 available

2018-11-08 Thread Robert Riebisch
lziprecover --- >From : "Lziprecover is a data recovery tool and decompressor for files in the lzip compressed data format (.lz). Lziprecover is able to repair slightly damaged files, produce a correct file by merging the good parts of two or m

Re: [Freedos-user] lzip 1.20 available -> FreeDOS 1.3

2018-12-23 Thread Robert Riebisch
Hi Rugxulo, >> included with FreeDOS <=1.2 there is my lzip 1.9 build from 2010. Seems >> nobody has used it for the last 8 years, because nobody complained about >> it to be broken. :-| It even failed `make check'. Sorry, my fault. :-( > > I vaguely remember it had some minor quirk, but I can't

Re: [Freedos-user] cabextract 1.8, dmidecode 3.2, Gifsicle 1.91 available

2018-12-23 Thread Robert Riebisch
Hi Rugxulo, >> Feel free to mirror at ibiblio, repack or include with FreeDOS 1.3. > > I have only mirrored Gifsicle and Cabextract: Thanks. > * > *

[Freedos-user] ZanySoft ZDir goes FOSS

2018-12-23 Thread Robert Riebisch
Hi all, upon my request Chris Kirmse recently open-sourced his popular directory lister from the early 1990s. ZDir home page is still at , but you can get the source from . Source code is for A86, but you need version 3.22 to build

Re: [Freedos-user] ot: run time issues?

2019-06-21 Thread Robert Riebisch
Hi Rugxulo, > I just used the "r200fix" TSR (which was mentioned in one of your > links). Also, years ago I remember vaguely using a patch program with > one guy (about his favorite text editor, Vision Edit). I think he also > had used "FDAPM speed3" to slow down his cpu. Ah, apparently one guy >

Re: [Freedos-user] FST Modula-2 and TP5.5 Pascal

2019-08-04 Thread Robert Riebisch
Hi Bruce, > Just letting you know that I have started > dumping my DOS projects onto Github. If there's anything there you think > may be helpful in FreeDOS either clone or build or ask me to. I may have > time. MoonRock! Memories... Cheers, Robert --

Re: [Freedos-user] [release] Dr. Mind v1.0

2019-09-04 Thread Robert Riebisch
Hi Mateusz, > Ever wanted to play some Mastermind, but had no one to play with? > Dr. Mind comes to the rescue! > > Dr. Mind is a PC adaptation of the Mastermind(TM) board game. The > computer generates a secret color code, then the player has to figure > out the exact pattern through deduction

Re: [Freedos-user] What I do with the .img file?

2019-11-25 Thread Robert Riebisch
Hi, > the EASIEST way in my experience, to create a bootable USB drive with a > .img file, is to use the program called etcher. this is not a plug for > them, but i haven had a bad experience using it yet Slightly OT: I still wonder, why anyone would need the 139 (!) MB Etcher (

Re: [Freedos-user] Tinyasm vs. NASM

2019-12-01 Thread Robert Riebisch
Hi Rugxulo, > Finally done, uploaded at the same place on iBiblio for us. > > * > Congrats! :-) > Though I wonder why I wasted so much time since it's inferior to the > 8086 OpenWatcom build. I guess I sti

Re: [Freedos-user] WebServer in FreeDOS

2019-12-14 Thread Robert Riebisch
Hi Andris, > There is a KA9Q NOS TCP/IP package for radio amateurs and as I remember > it includes a web server too. > Original ms-dos binary (from Simtel CD-ROM) operates so-so. To use as an > ordinary web server source must be modified and recompiled. I rememb

Re: [Freedos-user] Impulse Tracker on freedos

2020-01-31 Thread Robert Riebisch
Hi Alex, > I installed FreeDOS on a Atom laptop. I want to run the Impulse Tracker > music production software. What kind of Atom laptop is it? Brand, model? The laptop's sound card needs to be compatible with one of the following devices. Otherwise there's no chance to get sound. Extracted fro

Re: [Freedos-user] Impulse Tracker on freedos

2020-01-31 Thread Robert Riebisch
For the record: >> I installed FreeDOS on a Atom laptop. I want to run the Impulse Tracker >> music production software. > > What kind of Atom laptop is it? Brand, model? > > The laptop's sound card needs to be compatible with one of the following > devices. Otherwise there's no chance to get so

Re: [Freedos-user] Impulse Tracker on freedos

2020-02-01 Thread Robert Riebisch
Hi Alex, > Thanks for your super fast replys! You're welcome! > The laptop is a Sony Vaio vpcw12s1e that i have no use for. I thought > it will be useful again using it as a sampler with IT 2.15. It boots in > a few seconds in FD and the battery lasts 4 hours. With windowze 7 on > it, it’s a pie

Re: [Freedos-user] Impulse Tracker on freedos

2020-02-01 Thread Robert Riebisch
>> The laptop is a Sony Vaio vpcw12s1e that i have no use for. I thought >> it will be useful again using it as a sampler with IT 2.15. It boots in >> a few seconds in FD and the battery lasts 4 hours. With windowze 7 on >> it, it’s a piece of shi*... > > Is it too slow? Umm, Windows XP could a

Re: [Freedos-user] FreeDos1.44Boot Floppy

2011-01-17 Thread Robert Riebisch
Eric Auer wrote: > I assume DAA only works with Poweriso? How about 1:1 raw floppy > images or simple ISO files for the CD case? An older DOS port of DAA2ISO is available from my site: Robert Riebisch -- BTTR Software http://www.bttr-softw

Re: [Freedos-user] Freedos-user Digest, Vol 415 FreeDos1.44Boot Floppy (Eric Auer)

2011-01-18 Thread Robert Riebisch
Garrison Ricketson wrote: [snip] Sorry, I'm unable to follow your thoughts. Please do us a favour and learn to quote correctly: Robert Riebisch -- BTTR Software http://www.bttr-softwa

Re: [Freedos-user] Full Networked FreeDOS image for VirtualBox

2011-01-18 Thread Robert Riebisch
Ulrich Hansen wrote: > I have built a special FreeDOS 1.0 image for Virtualbox: Looks great! :-) Thanks! Robert Riebisch -- BTTR Software -- Protect Your Site and Customers from Malw

Re: [Freedos-user] FDAPM in notebooks

2011-01-31 Thread Robert Riebisch
Marcos Favero Florence de Barros wrote: > Is there something that must be configured differently in notebooks > to achieve higher CPU idle times? Please tell us a little more about the specs of the notebooks / desktop. Does this also happen with a clean boot (no drivers loaded)? Robert Ri

Re: [Freedos-user] Does FreeDOS make CPU sleep when idle?

2011-03-13 Thread Robert Riebisch
from the other side - using this very > old computer only the kernel built-in method will work? Am I right? It's very unlikely that a 386SX will overheat ever. No need to play around with IDLEHALT or FDAPM. Robert Riebisch -- B

Re: [Freedos-user] mTCP source code released

2011-05-28 Thread Robert Riebisch
Michael B. Brutman wrote: > I released mTCP as open source today: That's great. Thanks! Robert Riebisch -- BTTR Software -- vRanger cuts backup time

Re: [Freedos-user] OT: ASM Book

2011-05-28 Thread Robert Riebisch
and other stuff at Also have a look at which has a "x86 Instruction Reference" in appendix B. Robert Riebisch -- BTTR So

Re: [Freedos-user] mTCP / DHCP

2011-05-29 Thread Robert Riebisch
ff > FAM /M0(IPAD MY_IP\p13= \F1 < mtcp.cfg > WATTCP.CFG > FAM /M0(NETM /M0(GATE /M0(NAME /M0(HOST \F0\p13= \F1 < mtcp.cfg >> WATTCP.CFG > TYPE WATTCP0.CFG >> WATTCP.CFG FAM is available from Robe

Re: [Freedos-user] Why I use FreeDOS

2011-06-07 Thread Robert Riebisch
em easily runs on 32 MB RAM if > you know what you are doing (sorry). Is there more info on the net about your project? Robert Riebisch -- BTTR Software -- EditLive Enterprise is the wor

[Freedos-user] FreeDOS 1.1 at the official bug tracker

2011-07-20 Thread Robert Riebisch
Hi devs! Please also visit for feedback regarding test releases. Robert Riebisch -- BTTR Software -- 10 Tips for Better

Re: [Freedos-user] Heads up: "DOS ain't dead" forum is closing

2011-09-14 Thread Robert Riebisch
hael B. Brutman, Jim Hall, Markus Maussner, and Michal H. Tyc. -- Maybe next time ... ;-) Robert Riebisch -- BTTR Software -- BlackBerry® DevCon Americas, Oct. 18-20, San Francisco, CA Learn

Re: [Freedos-user] PPP over Ethernet.

2011-09-28 Thread Robert Riebisch
bloger wrote: > My ISP require PPPoE. Any idea how to access to network? Are you talking about (A)DSL? I recommend getting a NAT-router like, e.g., Linksys WRT54GL. I run a custom firmware called "DD-WRT", which is very stable. Robert Riebisch -- BTTR Software http://www.btt

Re: [Freedos-user] PPP over Ethernet.

2011-09-28 Thread Robert Riebisch
m>), but it is intended for "setting up a low cost Internet access router with standard PC hardware". Robert Riebisch -- BTTR Software -- All the data continuously generate

Re: [Freedos-user] FTP Server testing needed

2011-09-29 Thread Robert Riebisch
ew different clients will help me shake > out any new bugs. Upload some relevant files if you are adventurous. Fine with Total Commander 7.55a. Robert Riebisch -- BTTR Software

Re: [Freedos-user] FTP Server testing needed

2011-09-29 Thread Robert Riebisch
Single Stage to Orbit wrote: > ftp> put alex_was_here ^ I guess LFNs are not supported. Robert Riebisch -- BTTR Software -- All the data continuously genera

Re: [Freedos-user] re-porting Frotz to DOS

2011-12-08 Thread Robert Riebisch
ard S-100: Robert Riebisch -- +++ BTTR Software +++ Home page: DOS ain't dead: http://www.bttr-softwa

Re: [Freedos-user] Problem with download Re: FreeDOS 1.1 released

2012-01-05 Thread Robert Riebisch
, so I am sure the wifi > conection I am using has locked ftp port... What security software (antivirus & firewall) is installed? Robert Riebisch -- +++ BTTR Software +++ Home page: DOS ain't dead: htt

Re: [Freedos-user] FreeDOS 1.1: JemmEx conflicts with Keyb

2012-01-14 Thread Robert Riebisch
rtualPC, Bochs, VirtualBox However, it might be necessary to set options NOINVLPG and/or NOVME. Robert Riebisch -- +++ BTTR Software +++ Home page: DOS ain't dead: -

Re: [Freedos-user] 32 bit FreeDOS?

2012-04-09 Thread Robert Riebisch
3.1 software? > > There should be some unofficial svga patch for windows 3.1 / 3.1.1 , but > it had several limitations. SVGAPatch is available from Maybe it helps. Robert Riebisch -- +++ BTTR Software +++ Home page: http://www.bttr-s

Re: [Freedos-user] LanTastic

2012-05-26 Thread Robert Riebisch
gt; from the original copyright owners. No, the owner says: "LANtastic 8.01 __was__ backed by the best support team in the networking business: Artisoft..." and "Today we keep __limited__ support for our customers only by e-mail." Robert Riebisch -- +++ BTTR Soft

Re: [Freedos-user] New XFDOS FreeDOS distribution

2012-08-06 Thread Robert Riebisch
. I'm using for years. Robert Riebisch -- +++ BTTR Software +++ Home page: Blog (German): DOS ain't dead: http:/

[Freedos-user] FreeDOS rsync mirror

2012-08-08 Thread Robert Riebisch
Hello! I'd like to keep my local FreeDOS mirror up-to-date. Are there any mirrors to sync with (Cygwin) rsync (on Windows)? Back in 2010 I used to use , which is no longer available. :-( Robert Riebisch -- +++ BTTR Software +++ Home page:

Re: [Freedos-user] hard drive question?

2012-11-18 Thread Robert Riebisch
My DJGPP mirror from 08/2012 takes nearly 8 Gbytes. Robert Riebisch -- +++ BTTR Software +++ Home page: Blog (German): DOS ain't dead: http://www.

Re: [Freedos-user] hard drive question?

2012-11-18 Thread Robert Riebisch
hidden DOS 5 will see it.) For the record: Our BOOTMGR allows hiding partitions on boot: Robert Riebisch -- +++ BTTR Software +++ Home page: Blog (German): DOS ain'

Re: [Freedos-user] Newbie Q - How do I get a USB flash drive operating please?

2013-02-08 Thread Robert Riebisch
ristar/debug/debug/InsertPausesInConfigSys.html Another one: Robert Riebisch -- +++ BTTR Software +++ Home page: Blog (German): DOS ain't dead: http://www

Re: [Freedos-user] DOS on Raspberry Pi

2013-03-26 Thread Robert Riebisch Doom on my MiniX NEO X5 ( connected to a 37" LCD TV. ;-) Robert Riebisch -- +++ BTTR Software +++ Home page: Blog (German): DOS ain't dea

Re: [Freedos-user] MT.COM not found in internet !! :(

2013-08-15 Thread Robert Riebisch
Ms ist nur mit ausdrücklicher schriftlicher Genehmigung gestattet. *** To be on the safe side, you could offer to send out MT.ZIP by e-mail. Or ask Shamrock for written permission. :-) Btw: My copy of MT.ZIP has three additional files MTBAS.LIB, MTBAS.OBJ, and MTBAS.QLB dated Feb 2004. R

Re: [Freedos-user] SNTP complains about lease time

2013-09-01 Thread Robert Riebisch
Marcos Favero Florence de Barros wrote: > I've been using SNTP regularly to adjust the computer clock, but > recently it began to give this message: What do you mean by saying `recently´? What device is your DHCP server? A router? Did you change it `recently´? Robe

Re: [Freedos-user] DOSBOX isn't for everyone...

2020-03-25 Thread Robert Riebisch
Hi Andrew, > Mind - although I still have both 430CDS' in storage for uncompleted project > updates, I had to wave the white flag on productively using Puppy for kids > use, on those particular specs. What worked best in it was a 2GB sd-card with > FreeDOS 1.1 configured to boot up Ronald Blank

Re: [Freedos-user] WinWorldPC disk images...

2020-03-28 Thread Robert Riebisch
Hi Michael, > I'm on a CentOS 7 system. I downloaded a rar archive of Wordperfect 6.0 > dos that is an archive of floppy images. I do not at this time have real > floppy > support... but I do have zip disks. Is there a way I can mount these > images and create one larger image? This is untested f

Re: [Freedos-user] 4DOS - license issue, not included in FreeDOS 1.3?

2020-04-02 Thread Robert Riebisch
Hi Jim, > *Powerpaint* (PAINT2) > License is unclear. The source code has a copyright notice but does not > have a statement that says "you can use this" or similar. Further, contains > the SVGA256.BGI driver. But more importantly, It contains many OBJ files > without source and several Borland Co

Re: [Freedos-user] 4DOS-license issue (Sideline)

2020-04-03 Thread Robert Riebisch
Hi Jose, >>I was unsuccessful to convince makers of NeoPaint >>(NeoSoft Corporation) or Desktop Paint (Alchemy Mindworks) >> to release their products under a FOSS license. > > Does any one of them still offer their DOS products > whatever the license ? NeoPaint used to be shareware, > but I didn

Re: [Freedos-user] 4DOS - license issue, not included in FreeDOS 1.3?

2020-04-03 Thread Robert Riebisch
Hi Andrew, > Robert I am talking out of school here, on so many levels... > Have you ever heard of EVE (Embedded Vector Editor) from Barry Kauler? > > Barry hasn't supported his gem since at least 2006, when he left the Windows > environment to work almost excl

Re: [Freedos-user] paint programs for DOS - was 4DOS...

2020-04-04 Thread Robert Riebisch
Hi Eric, >> 5) VGAPaint 386 >> by Avery Lee is GNU GPL v2, but unstable. > > Robert explained that this means it fails to restore > the interrupt vector table on certain exit methods, > which feels familiar for certain Borland / Turbo run > time libr

[Freedos-user] HWiNFO (for DOS) version 6.0.4 available

2020-04-06 Thread Robert Riebisch
Hi! After almost a decade, HWiNFO author Martin Malik decided to give the DOS version of HWiNFO a new refresh. See thread "HWiNFO for DOS resurrected !" at Vogons for the changes and recent discussions: (Martin's user name at Vogons is "Mumak".)

Re: [Freedos-user] paint programs for DOS - was 4DOS...

2020-04-11 Thread Robert Riebisch
> So the task would be to translate 5000 snippets of > French, are there any GrafX2 fans who feel in the > mood to help FreeDOS as source "interpreters"? :-) Nobody? Cheers, Robert -- +++ BTTR Software +++ Home page: DOS ain't dead: https://www.

Re: [Freedos-user] SHSUCDX Updated to 3.07

2020-04-11 Thread Robert Riebisch
Hi Eric, >> SHSUCDX was updated to 3.07 recent it looks like. See >> > > "SHSUCDX v3.07 (56k). Fixes some programs not > finding the CD (e.g. Quake will now play audio)." File `shsucdx.txt' says: v3.07 - 8 April, 2020: - fixed the first drive numbe

Re: [Freedos-user] Freedos for IBM PCDOS 3.30 software

2020-04-27 Thread Robert Riebisch
Hi Mattia, > I am a new user of the FreeDOS world, and I have a question. I would > like to install FreeDOS 1.2 on an old PC that we have at work because > we have to create a backup system for our 1987 IBM Personal System 2, > currently running IBM PCDOS 3.30 OEM. We still have this machine > bec

Re: [Freedos-user] HP11 Streamer?

2020-05-04 Thread Robert Riebisch
Hi Jim, > If you want a distraction-free word processor, you might also try Microsoft > Word for DOS 5.5. Microsoft released this as a free (gratis) download from I'm not sure about "free (gratis)". IIRC Wd55_ben.exe was released to fix a y2k bug. So one would still need a license (real, physical

Re: [Freedos-user] Configuration options for DOS beep

2020-05-09 Thread Robert Riebisch
Hi Mateusz, > Look for MUTE110.ZIP: > > > > "Mute is a small TSR that, once it is installed in memory, will > continuously scan the PC Speaker and reset it to 'No Sound' state." Mute is clearly shareware: "The registration fee for this program is 40 frenc

Re: [Freedos-user] DOS Software Catalog? Open sourcing DOS Apps?

2020-06-20 Thread Robert Riebisch
Hi Martin, > I had been contacting OS/2 developers that no longer support their software > and asked them to open source their software. Sometime I have luck, > sometimes not, but I have been consolidating the source code on Github for > some years now. > I did similar

Re: [Freedos-user] Multi-Boot with Windows 2000 and FreeDOS

2020-11-14 Thread Robert Riebisch
Hi Marv, > I spent the last 3 days fooling around with several ways to set my > Windows 2000/FreeDOS machine set up with a multi-boot menu. I tried GAG, > Grub4Dos, and the boot.ini file that Windows 2000 uses. Many years ago I had the DOS/Win2000 combo working on a single drive using our: https:

Re: [Freedos-user] 2 printers on DOS

2020-11-17 Thread Robert Riebisch
Hi Dale, > I think you're an expert on DOS. > Can you tell me if there is a way to get DOS to detect 2 > printers on 2 different ports? > It can only see 1 printer, the second is ignored. How are the printers connected to the computer? Centronics? Serial? How do you check, that DOS only sees one

Re: [Freedos-user] 2 printers on DOS

2020-11-23 Thread Robert Riebisch
Hi Dale, > I got it working. Changed port from ECP to SPP. > The laserjet is now working on DOS. Glad to hear that. But always think about the environment before printing... ;-) > Thanks. You're welcome! Cheers, Robert -- +++ BTTR Software +++ Home page: https://www.bttr-s

Re: [Freedos-user] Floppy fetish search

2020-11-23 Thread Robert Riebisch
Hi Eric, >> I don't need the actual floppies - but I'd love to have a photo of >> them. > > Interesting thought :-) Might take a moment, but good idea. I also like > the hard blue plastic boxes in which Inmac sold the floppies. I always liked the red box from Dysan:

Re: [Freedos-user] Floppy fetish search

2020-11-23 Thread Robert Riebisch
Hi Eric, > As Microsoft software has been sold with the vast majority > of all computers ever sold, I expect enough of the dozens > of millions of German MS DOS 4.01 and Windows 3.1 manuals > to be available as historical documents so the world could > get by without mine, but if anybody wants the

Re: [Freedos-user] VDE editor and variety of other interesting tools

2020-11-24 Thread Robert Riebisch
Hi Dennis, > You're quite welcome, and your response is a major reason why I did > it. It provides value to folks who visit. There may not be a lot of > them, but that's not the point of the exercise. (I also maintain the > site, that tries to list and document everything used > a

Re: [Freedos-user] AMB, Ancient Machine Book format and FreeDOS Help

2020-12-07 Thread Robert Riebisch
Hi Mateusz, > Update: this evening I created an AMB reader for PHP. This allows one to > host AMB books on a web server and read them with a browser, the > conversion being performed on the fly. > > The FreeDOS help that I have earlier converted to AMB can now be read > on-line. Here's how it

Re: [Freedos-user] AMB, Ancient Machine Book format and FreeDOS Help

2020-12-08 Thread Robert Riebisch
Hi Mateusz, >> 1) Clickable web links, please? E.g., at >> . >> 2) A back to home function by clicking on "FreeDOS help system (hhstndrd >> 1.0.8 en)". >> 3) A search function. > > All very

Re: [Freedos-user] AMB, Ancient Machine Book format and FreeDOS Help

2020-12-09 Thread Robert Riebisch
Hi Mateusz, > On 08/12/2020 22:44, Robert Riebisch wrote: >> We could probably only catch those by starting to wrap all URLs in <> at >> the document source level manually. > > Yes, that would be a very good compromise. Not my own idea: <

Re: [Freedos-user] Virtual get-together

2020-12-19 Thread Robert Riebisch
Hi Jim, > I announced the virtual get-together here a few weeks beforehand, in > several places: email list, website, Facebook, Twitter. For example, the > website still shows the announcement from " 2020-11-28 4:47pm " to say > the virtual get-together will be " Sunday, December 13 at 11am > US

Re: [Freedos-user] Package discussion

2020-12-19 Thread Robert Riebisch
Hi Mateusz, >> In my scheme the system would only have two ISOs: the basic, >>and >>a TBD "extras". > > Myself I do not have a very fast internet connectivity. When I download DOS, > I prefer to download the strict minimum (MSDOS equivalent, ca 5MiB) and then > fetch the 2 or 3 extra things I

Re: [Freedos-user] Package discussion

2020-12-19 Thread Robert Riebisch
Hi Eric, > I would strip DJGPP-on-ISO to the minimal C, maybe C++ infrastructure > (not sure what BN, BS, DB, FQ, FX, GC, GP, MK, OB, RH, TX are, would >From "FD13LIVE.ISO\PACKAGES\DEVEL\INDEX.LST": djgpp_bn2.21.1 DJGPP binutils: linker, assembler, etc... 65b9df0a djgpp_bs2

Re: [Freedos-user] Package discussion

2020-12-19 Thread Robert Riebisch
Hi Tom, > googling TPPATCH easily leads to > Correct. > looking into this, IMO Andreas Bauer just throws this at the world > with a 'here it is. do with it whatever you want, but of course there > are n

Re: [Freedos-user] Package discussion

2020-12-21 Thread Robert Riebisch
>> googling "Andreas Bauer", first hit: >> >> >> which is about as plausible author as it goes. > > At least, it's a trace. We'll see. :-) > >> has anybody tried to contact him? > > I'll do so now. Got a reply today. Wrong Andreas. Wil

Re: [Freedos-user] DOS software

2020-12-30 Thread Robert Riebisch
Hi Eric, >> However, I have about fifteen linear feet of software and third party >> books that I may have used but mostly acquired because I thought it >> might be useful someday - including a two pound, still skin-packed, >> package to connect DOS to a 3270. > > I doubt that all software still

Re: [Freedos-user] DOS software

2020-12-30 Thread Robert Riebisch
Hi Ray, > However, I have about fifteen linear feet of software and third party > books that I may have used but mostly acquired because I thought it > might be useful someday - including a two pound, still skin-packed, > package to connect DOS to a 3270. > > I need the shelf space. Does this

Re: [Freedos-user] Problems with FDISK?

2021-01-02 Thread Robert Riebisch
Hi Eric, > On BTTR, there is a thread about FDISK problems: Link to the thread: Cheers, Robert -- +++ BTTR Software +++ Home page: DOS ain't dead:

Re: [Freedos-user] Any Gui?

2021-01-03 Thread Robert Riebisch
Hi Ray, >> I have to agree that a GUI mnakes life a bit easy when envolving a tyask >> with a lot of files. > > I disagree. You want to copy, move or delete files or whole trees? A > two panel, filemanager like Norton Commander and it's clones. Move - on > the same HDD, and I believe delete

Re: [Freedos-user] formatting disk

2021-01-11 Thread Robert Riebisch
Hi Tomas, > On Mon, 11 Jan 2021 12:46:39 +0100, Eric Auer wrote: >> Looking around on the internet a bit, it seems that if >> you use Linux, you can install a PXE TFTP server [...] > > Yes... of course, but I needed Serva for Windows, so it is easier to > get everything in the same menu. An Serv

Re: [Freedos-user] Xcopy

2021-01-25 Thread Robert Riebisch
Hi Bryan, >> Try XCOPY C:\GAMES\*.* D:\GAMES /E /S > > That worked fine. > >> */E* >>Copy subdirectories, even if empty. >> >>*/S* >>Copy subdirectories, except empty ones. > > I hadn't realised the need for those options. Just from the help text I would think just /E is enoug

Re: [Freedos-user] Which C compiler for targeting DOS?

2021-01-25 Thread Robert Riebisch
Hi Mateusz, >> Can anyone recommend a good C compiler for DOS? > > Turbo C 2.01 (gratis, very good software) and OpenWatcom (open-source, > tend to produce heavier binaries than OW, but comes with a more complete > libc). AFAIK Turbo C++ 1.01 has less bugs than Turbo C 2.01, because it's newer

Re: [Freedos-user] Updates to the FreeDOS website?

2021-01-25 Thread Robert Riebisch
Hi Jim, > Let me know what you think will make the website easier to use. I'll > plan to tackle this in February or March, with plans to deploy in March > or April. Sounds good to me. Just keep an eye on bandwidth for the front page. Not everyone has VDSL or a leased line. ;-) Cheers, Robert --

Re: [Freedos-user] program installation (files from floppies)

2021-01-28 Thread Robert Riebisch
Hi Tomas, > If I have a PC with Freedos as OS, and a USB drive with a series of > directories, each containing the files from one floppy of a > multi-floppy program distribution, so that e.g. there is an > INSTALL.EXE on the first floppy, and at some point it is going to say > please insert floppy

Re: [Freedos-user] Package discussion

2021-02-19 Thread Robert Riebisch
>>> googling "Andreas Bauer", first hit: >>> >>> >>> which is about as plausible author as it goes. >> >> At least, it's a trace. We'll see. :-) >> >>> has anybody tried to contact him? >> >> I'll do so now. > > Got a reply today. Wrong

Re: [Freedos-user] Diskman in our Ibiblio collection

2021-05-01 Thread Robert Riebisch
Hi Eric, > interesting that the DISKMAN website just WORKED. > The idea to view it using came from > Robert, maybe it did not work from his area? Odd. It's not odd: In private mail, at first, I cited something from . Then I sent two links, becaus

Re: [Freedos-user] Print via USB

2021-05-02 Thread Robert Riebisch
Hi Eric, > PS: We have GhostScript for PostScript processing and > our "print screen hotkey" TSR exist for HP PCL, ESC/P > and PostScript output. We have PDF viewers and it might > be possible to use GhostScript to create PDF? Not sure. > Some text editors also have built-in output converters. I

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