Hi Rugxulo,

>> Jack does update drivers because he is a perfectionist,
> What good is a perfect painting if no one will see it? Why bake a
> gourmet meal and then throw it away?

Maybe he's working on it for his own joy?

> I don't know, but I tried. I really tried to solve the situation. I
> know you think I'm being rude or pedantic, rehashing it over and over
> again, but he never goes away! He keeps saying he will, but he never
> does! Seriously, I'm not going to apologize to him when I did
> *nothing* to him! It's not like I'm asking *him* to grovel to us, but
> he needs to be honest (with himself and others)! Honesty is a virtue.
> Tell the truth, Jack! Stop portraying everyone else as an enemy when
> nobody did anything to you!

Why do you waste so much energy in trying to understand Jack?
You (or any other soul) probably never will, but does it *really* (!)

Rug, just be a gentleman and *respect* (= accept) his decisions, because
anything else will not lead to a healthy mind.

Do you know this short story?
"Two Monks and a Woman - a Zen Lesson"

Robert Riebisch
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