Re: [Freedos-user] iBiblio's Apache no longer provides directory listings

2015-05-10 Thread Aitor Santamaría
On this line: Windows' Explorer refuses to work with it, and actually says: 200 Type set to A 227 Entering Passive Mode but fails to show the files (at leas on Win7). Firefox does it fine. Aitor 2015-05-10 19:57 GMT+02:00 Mateusz Viste : > From the error message you give, I'd say that iBiblio

Re: [Freedos-user] iBiblio's Apache no longer provides directory listings

2015-05-10 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Yes, apparently it works now! Aitor 2015-05-10 23:28 GMT+02:00 Jim Hall : > I'm on the road today, so I can't test. But I just got an email from > ibiblio that says they fixed the problem for us. That was fast. Can anyone > confirm? I won't be in a position to verify until this evening. > On Ma

[Freedos-user] Mouse on a Dell laptop

2015-08-02 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Hi, I have a DELL laptop, and haven't been able to se the touchpad: neither CT-Mouse nor MS-Mouse seem to be able to detect it. Does anyone have experiences to share? Thanks in advance, Aitor -- _

Re: [Freedos-user] Freedos V2.0 - when will it be available?

2015-12-30 Thread Aitor Santamaría
+1 to this idea On 9 January 2013 at 20:54, Jim Hall wrote: > >> A hypervisor that can run dosbox and make modern hardware work > >> with old dos programs anyone? How about dosbox running on a Pentium 133 > >> or a Pentium 166 machine with 16 megs of ram? > > > > Insufficient demand to j

Re: [Freedos-user] FreeDOS running on Linux

2015-12-30 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Hello Alain, This idea of Jim's is what is closer to what I had in mind. I don't know how good would DOS programs requiring VGA (such as games) run, and in this case, I would find it more interesting to include X (or FLTK, I'm not used to it). Aitor On 20 November 2015 at 20:51, Jim Hall wrote

Re: [Freedos-user] internationalization ... KEYB bug? ... i18n-DOS ... Greek, Esperanto ... kernel 2039

2011-06-19 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Hello there, Sorry for this all delay... With this all time since KEYB 2.0 was released, I have found / been notified / etc a couple of bugs, and would like to do a new release that fixes them all (if only I had so much time as I used to have). I also wanted to do a FreeDOS 1.1-style packing (WIT

Re: [Freedos-user] Problem with USB keyboard in some computers

2011-07-01 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Hi, Interesting thread, although I am a bit late. 2011/4/18 Bret Johnson : >>> - MS-DOS should be used instead of FreeDOS keyb.exe. > >> Of course we cannot do that because we have no license for that. >> Can you be more specific? Are there any particular problems with >> FreeDOS KEYB? A

Re: [Freedos-user] Problem with USB keyboard in some computers

2011-07-01 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Hello, 2011/4/18 Bret Johnson : >> Also interesting that some BIOSes are not fully compatible with DOS >> keyboard (layout drivers). > > The incompatibilities aren't related to the keyboard layout drivers as such.   > They are related to the way my programs simulate keystrokes (the way the my > p

Re: [Freedos-user] Code pages in dot-matrix printers

2011-07-03 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Hi, What an interesting topic. With the information above, one can easily write a new hardware handler for DISPLAY, called EPSON or ESC, to control this (well, one would usually write this printer-specific hardware handlers appart from VGA/EGA, into a so-called PRINTER.SYS). I had been searching

Re: [Freedos-user] Code pages in dot-matrix printers

2011-07-03 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Hi, 2011/5/4 Henrique Peron : > Hallo Eric! Wie geht's, mein Freund? :) > > If I understood you correctly, by using FreeDOS GRAPHICS, I could send a > codepage directly to the printer's RAM (naturally, one which wasn't > already hardcoded into it). Am I right? It would be great. All the > codepage

Re: [Freedos-user] Code pages in dot-matrix printers

2011-07-03 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Hello, 2011/5/5 Eric Auer : > I believe Aitor also wrote some tool long ago which works > similar but for hardware TEXT modes: The tool reads the VGA > hardware font and uses that when printing the text that you > see on the screen in text mode, printing a picture of that. I think you refer to on

Re: [Freedos-user] Code pages in dot-matrix printers

2011-07-03 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Well, as said, you can just concentrate on the printer-interfacing stuff (select hardware or software codepage, and load a character table), all the rest is already done (DISPLAY). But not QBASIC, but NASM ;) Aitor 2011/5/5 Henrique Peron : > Hi Eric, > > ok, so printing in graphics mode it

Re: [Freedos-user] Code pages in dot-matrix printers

2011-07-03 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Hello, 2011/5/6 Henrique Peron : > The number refers to the hex code (Unicode). Naturally, every dot would > be a "0" and every "@" would be a "1"; with a little math, we have pixel > data for any printer. > > The following step would be to create association files. I would prepare > them. > > Let

Re: [Freedos-user] [SPAM] Re: Basic networking abilities

2011-07-05 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Hi, > [Sorry to Aitor Santamaria for hijacking his email address. Looks like you > can't post to this list without subscribing or forging email headers so I > chose the latter. Bye!] Eric was right, wasn't me. Not my style to use harsh language. Just cowards do. Cheers, Aitor --

Re: [Freedos-user] Unicode (It was 'Problem with USB keyboard in some computers')

2011-07-08 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Hello, 2011/7/7 Eric Auer : > Still I think UTF-8 aware KEYB and DISPLAY together with old apps > are still a lot more useful than any "you always have to use 16 bit > wide characters" method which would only work with new apps at all. KEYB would need no changes, 2-char wide characters would be a

Re: [Freedos-user] weird keyboard keys (was Re: Problem with USB keyboard in some computers)

2011-07-10 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Hello, 2011/7/7 Rugxulo : > All keyboards aren't all the same, though, which is why it's best not > to hardcode key settings or use anything too obscure. My old 486 had a > Macro key (available to use in SETEDIT via included TSR), my P166 had > a Turbo key (typematic rate?), my laptop doesn't even

Re: [Freedos-user] Unicode (It was 'Problem with USB keyboard in some computers')

2011-07-10 Thread Aitor Santamaría
I'm curious, you check the LoL to get the pointers and override it? Aitor 2011/7/10 Bret Johnson : >> Appart from turning DISPLAY into a DOS device driver and override >> kernel's CON, but not only IOCTL, but also write. > > FWIW, you don't actually need to turn DISPLAY into a device driver in or

Re: [Freedos-user] Unicode (It was 'Problem with USB keyboard in some computers')

2011-07-10 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Ok, sorry, that's what I meant. That you find the chain at the List of Lists, right? Aitor 2011/7/10 Bret Johnson : >> I'm curious, you check the LoL to get the pointers and override it? > > No, you just insert a new one with the same name in the Device Driver chain.   > DOS always searches the c

Re: [Freedos-user] Unicode

2011-07-11 Thread Aitor Santamaría
That should work, try it out and let me know. There's a bug with strings that I am fixing already, though. If it doesn't work, I'll have the 2.01 beta soon. Aitor 2011/7/9 Henrique Peron : > Hi all, > >>> Still I think UTF-8 aware KEYB and DISPLAY together with old apps >>> are still a lot more u

[Freedos-user] Announce: FD-KEYB 2.01

2011-10-01 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Hi, As you may have seen at the site, I have released FreeDOS KEYB 2.01, which contains important bugfixes that make it more stable than the original 2.00 was. Every FD-KEYB 2.00 user is recommended to upgrade. Thanks and let me know of any issue that you may come across, Aitor -

Re: [Freedos-user] FreeDOS 1.1 released

2012-01-03 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Just as a curiosity. Aas my google searches in Spanish by default, hours after the release, I have noticed that there are already two sites having an article covering that already (I don't know either of them personaly): http://www.g

Re: [Freedos-user] changing caps-lock

2012-01-08 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Hello David, Sorry for being late in replying. You could do partly of what you say, depending on what you want. (1) In what respects to remapping CapsLock (or any other key), you can do it with KEYB, as any key would have its own scancode. (2) With KEYB you can program any key into doing someth

Re: [Freedos-user] FreeDOS 1.1: JemmEx conflicts with Keyb

2012-06-18 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Hi, old thread ;) There were in the past conflicts with KEYB 2.00 and JEMM that were apparently solved with KEYB 2.01. The NOHI option mostly controlls KEYB access to XMS, but reading this thread, and knowing what I fixed 2.00 to 2.01, I suspect JEMM may make the DOS' memory allocation strategy f

Re: [Freedos-user] Multimedia Keyboards and Mouse Scroll Wheels

2012-08-25 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Hello, 2012/2/15 Rugxulo : > Hi, > > On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 9:38 AM, BretJ wrote: >> >> I personally would like to see modern DOS applications (the few that are >> still being developed) support the multimedia keys, power management keys, >> and scroll wheels on keyboards and mice. > > (Deprecat

Re: [Freedos-user] Need your comments about the FreeDOS site

2012-09-17 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Hi Jim As you see, I am "a bit" delayed with mail. The site looks very nice and neat now!!! I was just wandering, whatever happened to those old technotes (usually text or mail exceprts) that there used to be? Aitor 2012/2/20 Jim Hall : > I am looking to make a few improvements to the www.freed

Re: [Freedos-user] ...and about FreeCon this time

2013-01-02 Thread Aitor Santamaría
The problem is that there's a limit to what one can ask to a FreeDOS tool: if it breaks MS-DOS compatibility. If DATE/T is taken as an option by MS-DOS COMMAND.COM, so should FreeCOM. You don't know how many batch programs could stop working with that change. Aitor 2012/4/11 Zbigniew > 2012/4/

Re: [Freedos-user] Programming languages in FreeDOS

2013-01-02 Thread Aitor Santamaría
As far as I know, it is just for assembler, not C... (but nice all the same!). I did some experiments in the past with Nomyso till JWASM appeared (motivated by the fact that older JEMM only compiled under MASM). Aitor 2012/4/11 Bernd Blaauw > Op 11-4-2012 20:25, Rugxulo schreef: > > >> (PS: If

Re: [Freedos-user] Long-term survival of FreeDOS

2013-01-02 Thread Aitor Santamaría
A yearly classic! :) Well, I'm late, but by that time I'm sure that the question would eventually arise again. I give my 2 c I have been giving a thought about this for a while, and I think that part of the problem is that is to be understood by DOS. I have two approaches for the question: * If b

Re: [Freedos-user] Please remove my email from this mailing list

2014-01-08 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Hello Jason, There's a link at the bottom of each mail where you can find the mailing list subscription options, where you can find the unsubscription option too. If you have any trouble with it, mail us again please. Aitor 2014/1/7 Jason Jantz > Please remove my email from this mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] deselecting localization features breaks installation

2014-01-19 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Hello Felix, If you are still there, and this was not addressed, I recommend that you log a bug at SourceForge to at least register this exists. Thanks in advance! Aitor 2012/9/16 Felix Miata > > > Last week I installed 1.1 from CD burned from downloaded iso. I deselected > such localization

Re: [Freedos-user] DOS software

2020-12-30 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Possibly interested here too! :) On Wed, 30 Dec 2020 at 23:38, Jim Hall wrote: > I'd love to see a list! There's probably some books and software I'd like. > > Jim > > On Wed, Dec 30, 2020 at 2:30 PM Ray Davison wrote: > >> I will keep DOS running primarily for accounting and word-processing, >

Re: [Freedos-user] Reminder: virtual get-together on Sunday

2021-01-24 Thread Aitor Santamaría
If Goole didn't lie (or conspire), it is now (on a few minutes), right? :) On Fri, 22 Jan 2021 at 17:25, Jim Hall wrote: > Hi everyone! > > A quick reminder that our next FreeDOS virtual get-together is Sunday, 24 > January, 2021 at 11am US/Central. Use your favorite timezone converter to > find

Re: [Freedos-user] Full nroff-troff-TeX for FreeDOS

2021-01-24 Thread Aitor Santamaría
On Mon, 25 Jan 2021 at 00:34, Jim Hall wrote: > > > *On Sun, Jan 24, 2021 at 5:17 PM Robert Keys > wrote:* > >> *Hi all:* >> >> *FreeDOS newbie here (hopefully not needing the ancient internet flak >> jacket).* >> >> *I used to run CPM/DOS/*nix in the ancient days of punch cards, paper >> tape,

Re: [Freedos-user] Updates to the FreeDOS website?

2021-01-27 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Hello Jim, One more idea: On Sun, 24 Jan 2021 at 23:54, Jim Hall wrote: > *3. Make the front page more welcoming* > The front page is a quick "landing page" for people to learn about > FreeDOS. It's not bad, but could be better. I'm planning to embed the > latest FreeDOS video on the front, si

Re: [Freedos-user] Windows 95

2021-01-28 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Hi, On Thu, 28 Jan 2021 at 21:12, tom ehlert wrote: > > > "MS-DOS 7.x" doesn't exist for all but the initial boot process. As soon > > as the Windows 9x boot logo comes up, there is no longer any "MS-DOS > Well, I tend to disagree with this, but by a semantic question :) In my opinion, VMM32 and

Re: [Freedos-user] FYI: I'm speaking at FOSDEM'21 this weekend

2021-02-07 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Hello, On Thu, 4 Feb 2021 at 23:19, Jim Hall wrote: > > > On Thu, Feb 4, 2021 at 3:44 PM Jim Hall wrote: > >> [..] >> > And there are other "like to have" things that would be great to have in a >> FreeDOS "2.0" like an alternative DOS shell. I described >> that here long ago, and

Re: [Freedos-user] Windows 95

2021-02-11 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Hello Adam, On Thu, 11 Feb 2021 at 12:41, Adam Nielsen via Freedos-user <> wrote: > > Well, I tend to disagree with this, but by a semantic question :) > > In my opinion, VMM32 and all the VXDs are DOS, not Windows. They sound > to > > me like the natural evo

Re: [Freedos-user] Windows 95

2021-02-11 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Hi, On Fri, 12 Feb 2021 at 01:19, Adam Nielsen via Freedos-user <> wrote: > > Well, this will be a spoiler of the "Unauthorized Windows95" :) > > Better read the book if you can, but here you go a summary. > > I write it to try and clarify some misunderstandin

Re: [Freedos-user] New AMB based FreeDOS Help

2021-02-23 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Ok thanks! On Wed, 24 Feb 2021 at 01:20, Jerome Shidel wrote: > > > On Feb 23, 2021, at 6:16 PM, Aitor Santamaría wrote: > >  > > > Hi, > > I am sorry that this has been probably mentioned in the past, but, how > does one get from HTML files to AMB? > Or

Re: [Freedos-user] [OT] BIOS weirdness with SATA/IDE adapter

2021-03-10 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Hi, Indeed the discussion became offtopic. Eric incidentally hit a different sensitive spot of mine... (sorry!) On Wed, 10 Mar 2021 at 23:57, Eric Auer wrote: > If you are interested in alive dragons, visit a Komodo Dragon. > Those lizards do have some dragon-like properties, but they are > no

Re: [Freedos-user] [OT] BIOS weirdness with SATA/IDE adapter

2021-03-11 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Hi, On Thu, 11 Mar 2021 at 16:03, dmccunney wrote: > > > (What's more, in my personal belief, the second most alive intelligent > species after Homo Sapiens is one of them). > (And the African Grey parrot is likely the bird > you are thinking of.) > Right. > But while they may have evolved int

Re: [Freedos-user] FSF

2021-03-31 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Hi, >From all the posts I have read on this thread, this is my own favourite. I mostly agree with what is being said by Dennis. On Wed, 31 Mar 2021 at 07:05, dmccunney wrote: > 2. The FSF is increasingly *irrelevant*. Open Source has *won*. It is > long past the days when an advocacy organizat

Re: [Freedos-user] changing keyboard layout after booting from CD-ROM

2021-09-29 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Hello, On Wed, 29 Sept 2021 at 16:36, Eric Auer wrote: > Not sure what you mean by and that > Language: de,858 or sg,858 line? Might be a > sort of config file for the config/autoexec > creation mechanism of the installer, so I > guess Jerome or Mateusz can tell us more? > > I suppose

Re: [Freedos-user] changing keyboard layout after booting from CD-ROM

2021-09-29 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Hi, On Wed, 29 Sept 2021 at 21:39, Eric Auer wrote: > > This also relates to why your COUNTRY= line does not only > mention a country (for example for knowing whether you use > number style 1,000.00 or rather 1.000,00) but also mentions > the codepage, which can be relevant for currency signs et

Re: [Freedos-user] changing keyboard layout after booting from CD-ROM

2021-10-06 Thread Aitor Santamaría
You can do "something" with FD-KEYB, but not easy. First of all, you have to find the KeybCB (KEYB Control Block) which is currently in use. That's the tricky part, you have to find out in the memory data blocks associated to KEYB. Then, you can walk through the KeybCB structure: ---Header-

Re: [Freedos-user] MKEYB related stuff

2021-10-09 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Hello, On Fri, 8 Oct 2021 at 12:18, tom ehlert wrote: > > >> codepage is a display thing, essentially it's the table how to > >> convert 8-bit bytes into a visable character set, and mostly > >> unrelated to the way the keyboard driver converts scancodes into > >> bytes. > > > The Code Page and

Re: [Freedos-user] changing keyboard layout after booting from CD-ROM

2021-10-09 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Hello Bret! On Thu, 7 Oct 2021 at 05:42, Bret Johnson wrote: > I was also looking at the source code for FD-KEYB, and it looks like you > have provided several extended functions for INT 2F.ADxx that aren't listed > in RBIL. Would it be possible to add another one that would provide both > part

Re: [Freedos-user] MKEYB related stuff

2021-10-09 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Hi, On Sat, 9 Oct 2021 at 20:02, tom ehlert wrote: > > I'm afraid they are. Because when a user presses the key (or key > > combination) to produce Á, what the user expects is to see Á on the > > screen, and not just send a scancode where you may or may not be > > send a keyboard code Á > What

Re: [Freedos-user] changing keyboard layout after booting from CD-ROM

2021-10-11 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Hi, On Mon, 11 Oct 2021 at 17:26, Bret Johnson wrote: > For older versions of FD-KEYB and KEYB programs from other places > (including MKEYB), I was thinking of maybe doing something with an > Environment variable, similar to what FreeDOS has implemented with the > COUNTRY environment variable.

Re: [Freedos-user] MKEYB related stuff

2021-10-11 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Hello Eric, On Mon, 11 Oct 2021 at 21:19, E. Auer wrote: > > Again, you're misunderstanding the problem. You shouldn't just > > automatically generate an ASCII 213 no matter what the Code Page is -- > > you should only generate an ASCII 213 when that's the Euro character > > on the Code Page cu

Re: [Freedos-user] MKEYB related stuff

2021-10-11 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Hi, On Mon, 11 Oct 2021 at 22:18, Liam Proven wrote: > A question: > > Does the old MS-style > > [ > [CONFIG.SYS] > > country=044,437,c:\dos\country.sys > > [AUTOEXEC.BAT] > > keyb uk,437,c:\dos\keyboard.sys > ] > > ... config still work? If not, would it work if the files were copied > from MS-

Re: [Freedos-user] reminder reminder?

2021-11-01 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Same here. On Mon, 1 Nov 2021 at 19:22, Ralf Quint wrote: > On 11/1/2021 7:24 AM, Jim Hall wrote: > > > Interesting. So far, Eric, Bryan, Angel, and Bonaventure received multiple > copies (I'm assuming 3 for freedos-user and 3 for freedos-devel?) but I > only received one. > > Any Gmail users ou

Re: [Freedos-user] Video complains that DOS should not be maintained

2021-12-26 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Hello Tom, I mostly agree with your arguments. However... On Sun, 26 Dec 2021 at 01:42, tom ehlert wrote: > however DesqView, GEM and Windows 3.x are certainly multitasking systems > running on top of DOS. that doesn't make DOS a multitaskig system. > Why isn't multitasking just another featur

Re: [Freedos-user] Video complains that DOS should not be maintained

2021-12-26 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Hi, On Sun, 26 Dec 2021 at 16:28, Liam Proven wrote: > On Sun, 26 Dec 2021 at 05:06, Jon Brase wrote: > > > So if they lost the entire DOS-kernel Windows source tree sometime after > the release of XP, the reason they're not releasing sources for Win 3.x/9x > may be that said sources no longer

Re: [Freedos-user] Video complains that DOS should not be maintained

2021-12-27 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Hi, On Mon, 27 Dec 2021 at 14:36, Liam Proven wrote: > On Sun, 26 Dec 2021 at 22:19, Aitor Santamaría wrote: > > > > > Why DOS386.EXE (later renamed to VMM32.VXD) would run "on top" of DOS > and not be DOS itself, the natural way DOS adapts to a 386? > >

Re: [Freedos-user] Video complains that DOS should not be maintained

2021-12-27 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Plain right! A LiLO that loads a small Linux distro which is multi-consoled, text-only, and whose unique Shell is DOSEMU. That would make it too, without the pain of writing VxDs, Linux will do the job :) Aitor On Mon, 27 Dec 2021 at 18:58, tom ehlert wrote: > > > Well, as said above, this has

Re: [Freedos-user] Speaking at FOSDEM'22 about DOS spreadsheets

2022-01-22 Thread Aitor Santamaría
+1 Lotus Improv was an underrated piece of software. On Sat, 22 Jan 2022 at 13:00, Liam Proven wrote: > On Sat, 22 Jan 2022 at 00:44, Jim Hall wrote: > > > > My topic is "A Brief History of Spreadsheets" and is a look back at how > spreadsheets have evolved. Have you ever wondered why spreadsh

Re: [Freedos-user] GNU Cobol in the FreeDOS ...

2022-03-15 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Wow. Impressive, years after. On Tue, 15 Mar 2022 at 18:27, Liam Proven wrote: > On Tue, 15 Mar 2022 at 05:54, dmccunney wrote: > > > > (Just for the record, I don't think it's *possible* to implement .NET > > under DOS. It assumes a multitasking OS with 32 bit or better > > architecture.) > >

Re: [Freedos-user] Keyboard issue

2022-03-17 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Hello, On Fri, 9 May 2014 at 18:21, Bret Johnson wrote: > If so, (or perhaps even if not so), you might try the MS KEYB program. It > completely replaces the BIOS keyboard driver. None of the other keyboard > drivers replace the BIOS like MS KEYB does, they just indirectly extend the > functio

Re: [Freedos-user] freedos 1.3 on vm or real machine

2022-03-22 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Hello, in PO.KEY what I see is 26 + * !C5 in the common section (for every codepage). The second plane appears to be AltGr | Shift And 26 is in hex 1A. File:Ps2 de keyboard scancode set 1.svg - Wikimedia Commons In sho

Re: [Freedos-user] "The very weird Hewlett Packard FreeDOS option"

2022-05-18 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Hi, On Wed, 18 May 2022 at 09:51, wrote: > On 17 May 2022, 18:21, wrote: > > So yes there is work in the pipeline, but nothing coming soon or > guaranteed > > to be useful. > > > > Jeremy > > That is great to hear, as FreeDOS will otherwise be drifting away > forever on real

Re: [Freedos-user] Super Charging Windows 3.1 ?

2022-06-10 Thread Aitor Santamaría
My small contribution here: I've always found cool (but not tried myself) the Calmira project: make your Windows 3.X look like Windows 9X, or even WinXP: Have fun, Aitor On Thu, 9 Jun 2022 at 16:04, Martin Iturbide wrote: > Hello > > I was wondering if you know some lin

Re: [Freedos-user] DOS Fonts

2022-06-15 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Hello, The graphic card maintains information of how character glyphs are made out of their character code. Basically it is limited to being able to represent just 256 characters together at a time (there is a trick to double this to 512, but doesn't make a difference here). Each of such configur

[Freedos-user] FD-KEYB bugs and features in GitLab

2022-06-21 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Hello, For a time now, I have been collecting many ideas for possible enhancements for FD-KEYB. I don't find any of them terribly necessary, that is why I have never implemented them so far. Being GitLab the official repository, I have opened several of them (those that I found the most interesti

Re: [Freedos-user] DOS ASM resources

2022-07-07 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Hello, I haven't been following much of what happens with the different assemblers these days, but my idea is that the same thing as with C or Pascal happens: as much as TASM or MASM are nice products, there are hardly open source actively maintained products that are compatible with them, and hen

Re: [Freedos-user] DOS ASM resources

2022-07-07 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Hello, On Fri, 8 Jul 2022 at 00:00, Rugxulo wrote: > > > - Assembler - there is NASM, not compatible with MASM/WASM. I guess > there is still (J)WASM as > > alternative, as I assume that MASM/TASM haven't been neither open > sourced nor actively maintained. > > Strictly speaking, OpenWatcom

Re: [Freedos-user] DOS ASM resources

2022-07-08 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Hello, On Fri, 8 Jul 2022 at 01:28, Rugxulo wrote: > Hi, > > On Thu, Jul 7, 2022 at 5:53 PM Aitor Santamaría > wrote: > > > > On Fri, 8 Jul 2022 at 00:00, Rugxulo wrote: > >> > >> I can send you my local copy (or show you how to get it) of the 3.

Re: [Freedos-user] For what architectures is FreeDOS designed?

2022-07-23 Thread Aitor Santamaría
The "" link mentioned looked interesting but is no longer online (404), anyone knows where it went? (google is not giving me obvious answers) Aitor On Tue, 25 Nov 2014 at 10:38, ht-lab wrote: > On 25/11/2014 00:57, Ralf Quint wrote: > > On 11/24/2014 11:08 AM, Carl Spitzer wrote: > >> I

Re: [Freedos-user] For what architectures is FreeDOS designed?

2022-07-23 Thread Aitor Santamaría is your friend: > > > Consider donating to them. > > > On Sat, Jul 23, 2022 at 6:52 AM Aitor Santamaría > wrote: > >> The "" link mentioned looked

Re: [Freedos-user] [Freedos-devel] mkeyb us: don't need a driver for US... BUT I AM NOT IN US!

2022-08-14 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Hello, And there we go with the example I was referring to in my previous email: the same language requiring two keyboard layouts (possibly two codepages too). Well, I seem to understand that your problem is with the installer: it should have given you the option to choose Canada/French to use a n

Re: [Freedos-user] dosbox-x update available

2022-08-16 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Hello. On Tue, 16 Aug 2022 at 11:05, Liam Proven wrote: > I am puzzled: I mean, XP can run DOS programs directly, without > assistance, can't it? > > Yes, on 32-bit versions of Windows (and I think this applies to Windws Vista/7 at least), there used to be the NTVDM that can run DOS programs fa

Re: [Freedos-user] dosbox-x update available

2022-08-17 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Hello, On Wed, 17 Aug 2022 at 12:00, Liam Proven wrote: > On Wed, 17 Aug 2022 at 01:34, Wengier W via Freedos-user > wrote: > > > > The apparent problems are the compatibility and quality. There are huge > differences between Windows 9x's MS-DOS prompt and (32-bit) Windows XP's > NTVDM. > > Wel

Re: [Freedos-user] DOSshell replacement

2022-08-17 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Hi, On Wed, 17 Aug 2022 at 18:21, Bret Johnson wrote: > The first thing I think to note is that DOSShell was MUCH more than just a > program launcher. It include the same basic implementation and > functionality that were in early versions of Windows (3.x) to perform > task-switching. With DOS

Re: [Freedos-user] DOSshell replacement

2022-08-17 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Hi Eric, True! I forgot of Triple-DOS. (Although I have not tried it myself). Aitor On Wed, 17 Aug 2022 at 21:42, Eric Auer wrote: > > Hi Aitor, > > the topic reminds me that we have > > > > > in our archives - i

Re: [Freedos-user] Print via USB

2022-09-27 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Hello, On Tue, 20 Apr 2021 at 17:19, Frantisek Rysanek wrote: > Built-in fonts are obviously an option, there's always some plain > ASCII built in, and I believe in the old DOS era there used to be... > programs that you ran before printing your jobs, that would > pre-upload font sets or nationa

Re: [Freedos-user] DOS was dead...

2022-11-08 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Hi Ralf, On Wed, 14 Apr 2021 at 19:11, Ralf Quint wrote: > On 4/14/2021 8:54 AM, Liam Proven wrote: > > > >> Reality is, Windows 95 dos and Windows 98SE DOS is not really dos per > se > > Wrong. > Actually, in that part, Michael was correct. And as people like you seem > to pushing that old my

Re: [Freedos-user] DOS was dead...

2022-11-08 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Hi, Ok sorry, got the reply later, and also the opinion I would vote for. Aitor On Thu, 15 Apr 2021 at 05:13, Jon Brase wrote: > >Apr 14, 2021 2:00:05 PM Ralf Quint : > > >And I stand by my comments that none of Windows 9x/ME is "running on > DOS". I don't have the time right now to provide t

[Freedos-user] NEW KEYB 2.10 release

2022-11-16 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Hello, I have released the new FD-KEYB 2.10, packaged from GitLab and you can find here: KEYB 2.10 release · FreeDOS Archive / Base / keyb · GitLab The most relevant change is the addition of the /CAPSLOCK=ON/OFF, /NUMLOCK=ON/OFF and /S

Re: [Freedos-user] NEW KEYB 2.10 release

2022-11-16 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Hello, A quick update: thanks to Fritz Müller, we now have message catalog in German, in FD-KEYB 2.11: KEYB 2.11 release · FreeDOS Archive / Base / keyb · GitLab <> Thanks Fritz, Aitor On Wed, 16 Nov 2022 at 23:09, Aitor Sant

[Freedos-user] FD-KEYB issue tracking

2022-11-16 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Hello, For a time now, we have the FreeDOS source archive allocated in GitLab: FreeDOS Archive · GitLab I generally encourage the use of issue tracking systems in all IT projects, as a way to keep a unique repository of acknowledged issues, a roadmap for features, a

Re: [Freedos-user] Anyone want to write an article about FreeDOS?

2023-01-30 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Hello Jim, Is this list of topics available somewhere on the web? The list here looks far shorter and does NOT include FreeDOS: The A to Z list of writing topics for | Aitor On Sun, 29 Jan 2023 at 1

[Freedos-user] Concept behind RUFUS

2023-03-18 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Hello, To those that have used/experience with RUFUS: what is the concept behind it? I don't get a clear picture of how this software operates, either reading the site or the wikipedia: It makes "bootable USB" and supports "a variety of ISO", so (a) does it make truly bootable drives, like "SYS D

Re: [Freedos-user] Concept behind RUFUS

2023-03-18 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Thanks for the explanation, Jeremy. Perhaps I was looking for a more technical discussion than the average user, but your mail was exactly what I was looking for. Aitor On Sun, 19 Mar 2023 at 00:48, Kenneth Davis wrote: > On Sat, Mar 18, 2023, 2:11 PM Aitor Santamaría wrote: > &g

Re: [Freedos-user] Concept behind RUFUS

2023-03-19 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Thanks, Liam. I was looking for the complicated one. :) Aitor On Sun, 19 Mar 2023 at 17:22, Liam Proven wrote: > On Sat, 18 Mar 2023 at 18:12, Aitor Santamaría wrote: > > > > To those that have used/experience with RUFUS: what is the concept > behind it? > > Um. I

Re: [Freedos-user] Dosemu on its own - does it exist?

2023-03-27 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Hi, I am a bit late but... On Wed, 2 Sept 2020 at 15:50, ZB wrote: > If I'm correct, Dosemu uses "virtual x86 mode" of 386 and later processors. > But Dosemu of course needs "host OS". > > I wonder does there exist any utility that offers "virtual x86 mode" and > acts as "host" by itself? Suppo

[Freedos-user] FD-DISPLAY managed at GitLab

2023-04-03 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Hello, As I did with FD-KEYB, I am going to use GitLab solely to track the issues and enhancement requests (and disregard SourceForge, in order to have only one source of tickets). So far I don't have any requested/identified any previous bug or enhancement requests (except maybe #2, mentioned by

Re: [Freedos-user] FreeDOS/V

2023-05-03 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Hello! Although I am some years late, my thoughts on this thread. By the way, a very interesting thread on localisation for a hard case (the need for DBCS). These thoughts are provided from the simple logic, not knowing about DOS/V. In my understanding, supporting Japanese would *at least* requir

Re: [Freedos-user] FreeDOS/V

2023-05-04 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Hi, On Thu, 4 May 2023 at 20:38, Ralf Quint wrote: > > * Collating/lowercase/uppercase tables, which in turn implies that > > DBCS are handled where strings are handled, and my worry is about > > filenames: how are filenames stored? how does it relate to 8.3 > > limitation, does it become 4.1 or

Re: [Freedos-user] FreeDOS 1.3-RC3 floppy ideas

2023-05-05 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Hi, On Sun, 5 Jul 2020 at 18:46, Eric Auer wrote: > > Probably just pull COUNTRY.SYS in favor of MKEYB. > > Make sure to check whether MKEYB works on 8086: It might > require AT level BIOS functionality. > If that ever becomes a problem, FD-KEYB implements the /9 switch to use in non-AT class m

Re: [Freedos-user] How to make the R-Alt key act like L-Alt?

2023-05-06 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Hello John, Sorry for being late. This can be tricky, but feasible with FD-KEYB without recompiling. You can start from some US layout and try this example, for Alt+X First, you need to find out the key and scancode that Alt+X produces (that EDIT receives). I found this page, but there are utili

Re: [Freedos-user] FreeDOS 1.3-RC3 News!

2023-06-06 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Hello Jerome, On Mon, 25 May 2020 at 13:26, Jerome Shidel wrote: > > Why keyb need a 286, it’s a keyboard mapper? > It does not: KEYB /9 should work on 8088 class machines. Aitor ___ Freedos-user mailing list https:

Re: [Freedos-user] FreeDOS 1.3-RC3 News!

2023-06-07 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Hello, On Wed, 7 Jun 2023 at 11:27, wrote: > On Mon, 25 May 2020 at 13:26, Jerome Shidel wrote: > >> >> Why keyb need a 286, it’s a keyboard mapper? >> > > It does not: KEYB /9 should work on 8088 class machines. > > > Wow, this is an old thread (over 3 years)! > Well I am a little behind on m

Re: [Freedos-user] International chacarters and Open Watcom

2006-06-15 Thread Aitor Santamaría
To display other character sets in your DOS console please check the DISPLAY and MODE commands, that will help you on that. There are many examples in the bootdisks to show how to use it. I don't know which character set, just tell us which are the settings of these programs in MS-DOS that you use,

Re: [Freedos-user] FreeDOS "1.0" in the news...

2006-07-08 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Hi, > > DRDOS has DPMI. I assume FD could if it doesn't. > > What is the exact technical reason you can't start WfW 3.11 from > FreeDOS? Is it the DPMI thing or something else? I haven't looked much into this topic, but it cannot be the DPMI, as when you run "WIN" then Microsoft's nice extender

Re: [Freedos-user] FreeDOS, Borland's current status and Borland's DOS software

2006-07-09 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Hi, 2006/7/9, Arkady V.Belousov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > Hi! > > 9-Июл-2006 23:12 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Wesley Parish) wrote to > > > WP> What I want to ask is, has anyone approached Borland about the possibility > WP> of > WP> releasing their DOS compiler and databa

Re: [Freedos-user] FreeDOS, Borland's current status and Borland's DOS software

2006-07-09 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Hi Arkady, TurboPascal is by far the most used Pascal dialect, even if not standarized (and FreePascal followed the good work, much ahead of the more standard GPC). In fact, both FreePascal and Delphi has been ported to Linux (and other platforms) so that you can create platform-independent apps (

Re: [Freedos-user] FreeDOS, Borland's current status and Borland's DOS software

2006-07-09 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Hi, 2006/7/9, Arkady V.Belousov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > _If_ you persuade Borland to release TP as free(dom) software, and _if_ > you get maintain of it by you, and _if_ you will fix bugs in it - I will not I am not the only one DOS Pascal programmer in the world. > object for this. I only d

Re: [Freedos-user] Russian by UTF-8 in FreeDOS?

2006-07-09 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Hi Arkady, Here I am sending to you the links to the binary utilities, (both exec and source) with the latest versions. Both have accompaining information files. Some KEYB documentation may deem a bit incomplete, the ability for "hot switching layouts and/or codepages" (for example in Russian to

Re: [Freedos-user] web site (was: Freedos Future)

2006-07-24 Thread Aitor Santamaría
Looks good! Just a question of taste, I liked the older font better, but the rest is great! Have you tried by chance removing the underscore of links in the new version, to see how it looks like? Aitor 2006/7/24, Jim Hall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > > I've been doing a little tinkering with the web si

Re: [Freedos-user] Uninstaller?

2006-07-30 Thread Aitor Santamaría
MS-DOS does. I have never tried UNINSTALL, but perhaps it had saved already the bootsector so that you can come back to normal. Its pair is called DELOLDOS, which I suppose would remove that bootsector. Just speculating, I don't think it would remove the files (btw to Chris Evans: I would use DELTR

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