
On Thu, 4 Feb 2021 at 23:19, Jim Hall <jh...@freedos.org> wrote:

> On Thu, Feb 4, 2021 at 3:44 PM Jim Hall <jh...@freedos.org> wrote:
>> [..]
> And there are other "like to have" things that would be great to have in a
>> FreeDOS "2.0" like an alternative DOS command.com shell. I described
>> that here long ago, and on the blog - would love to have an expanded
>> command.com that uses a BASIC-like syntax but still maintains
>> compatibility with DOS BAT files. At the time, you pointed out that Windows
>> command.com did something similar to what I proposed - but I don't use
>> Windows so I wasn't aware of that.
> For reference, this is the expanded "BASIC-like" syntax I mentioned in
> 2018. If any new developers would like to write something new, this would
> be an interesting challenge:
> https://freedos-project.blogspot.com/2018/08/expanding-freedos-commandcom.html
Well, dreaming a bit higher, I've always thought that a nice challenge
would indeed be going towards the so-called windows commands:

Comandos de Windows | Microsoft Docs
(change to your language, I seem to get that in Spanish by default)

at least in what they would make sense in a DOS world.

Way beyond that, PowerShell, at least in what refers to the basic operating
system stuff (files and such), and that may run in 16-bit with the obvious
limitations for pipes, as there might be no open source initiative to
create an environment where those may run (at least not that I know of).

By the way, and I am going a bit off-topic here and asking for help:
wanting to find a way to batch rename files using a pattern and sequence, I
came across this expression, that gives an idea of how complex this can get:

ls | %{Rename-Item $_ -NewName ("NewFileName-{0}.jpg" -f $nr++)}

and now the questions, I wasn't able to understand the  %{ }  and how does
$nr++ relate to {0}, what are these constructs?

Best and thanks in advance,
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