eaMonkey 2.1 is released. We expect this by the end of this year.
> Could you please switch the gecko provider to libxul. If this port does
> not work with libxul please remove the gecko dependency or remove the port.
I switched it to libxul, seems to work.
> minitest (>= 1.6.0, development)
> racc (>= 0, development)
> rake-compiler (>= 0, development)
> rexical (>= 0, development)
> rubyforge (>= 2.0.4, development)
You're right, it's a bogus dependency.
I deleted it.
Thanks for the patch! I committed it and updated the port.
Stanislav Sedov
freebsd-ruby@freebsd.org mailing list
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s has been
> discussed here before.
> Please copy me on all replies, since I'm not on the list.
Thanks a lot for the patch, I'll look into this soon.
Sorry for delay, I was busy with my $dayjob.
Stanislav Sedov
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Description: PGP signature
> I found that in /usr/local/bin there was no ruby symlink to ruby18, so that
> was my fix. Mentioned that I should write you.
Thanks, I fixed that in the latest revision of portupgrade!
Stanislav Sedov
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I'm wondering if we should deprecate this one actually,
because it's not supported by upstream anymore. :-(
Stanislav Sedov
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have no local changes from CVS.
> I'd check QAT but it seems down right now.
> Can you show me the contents of distinfo on pointy ?
It doesn't fetch here:
% fetch http://www.loveruby.net/archive/refe/refe/refe-0.8.0-withdoc.tar.gz
fetch: http://www.loveruby.net/archi
ke, even
for 1.9. Or was it rubygem?
Why this is a promlem in any case? It seems that this path should point
to the right rake location for 1.9.
Stanislav Sedov
freebsd-ruby@freebsd.org mailing list
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support for it in portupgrade.
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freebsd-ruby@freebsd.org mailing list
The following reply was made to PR ports/153965; it has been noted by GNATS.
From: Stanislav Sedov
To: Jason Helfman
Cc: FreeBSD PR followup
Subject: Re: ports/153965: [new port] security/rubygem-bcrypt-ruby :
Sophisticated and secure hash algorithm for passwords
Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2011 17:28
Why we can't patch rubygem-rails-app-installer to use a proper library instead?
The rubygem-sqlite3-ruby name looks ridiculous.
Stanislav Sedov
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On Thu, 3 Mar 2011 07:52:24 +0800
wen heping mentioned:
> 2011/3/3 Stanislav Sedov :
> > Why we can't patch rubygem-rails-app-installer to use a proper library
> > instead?
> Ok, then please patch it.
> > The rubygem-sqlite3-ruby name looks ridiculous.
maintained by ruby@, which for portupgrade
was effectively mainly me for the past years. Unfortunately, I don't have
enough resources to make significant changes there.
Stanislav Sedov
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> <http://www.google.com/url?sa=D&q=http://blog.dev001.net/post/2436585997/installing-iconv-using-bundler-on-freebsd>
> Neither has worked. I fear I am missing something simple. Alas, I
> have zero Ruby expe
On Wed, 16 Mar 2011 19:31:36 -0700
milki mentioned:
> On 13:42 Wed 16 Mar , Stanislav Sedov wrote:
> > > I've been hanging out at #bsdports@efnet and I've gathered that is the
> > > consensus of committers that portupgrade is no longer maintained and
> &g
could get past that, I could test the above PR. I wonder if
> anyone else has the same issue.
It does not work with 1.9. I submitted some pacthes to fix it, but it's
not enough to get it build. IIRC, there were some other problems knu@
Stanislav Sedov
ed, but only "rdoc19". My patch doesn't make this worse,
> but it doesn't help it either. Should I try to solve this and if so how?
It should use ${RUBY_RDOC} instead of just calling rdoc directly.
This way it will get the correct one.
Stanislav Sedov
() as
lly a way to make ruby19 not install rdoc? My
impression was that rdoc now is part of ruby and this is the way to go...
Stanislav Sedov
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s, but maybe we can help to overcome the update problem?
What was the error that prevented you from updating your ports?
Stanislav Sedov
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> RDoc 3.6 is still compatible with ruby 1.8, although it was lately marked as
> BROKEN for ruby 1.8. > The NetBSD guys have fixed the problem for pkgsrc:
It actually installs fine for me if I just kill the
Stanislav Sedov
() ascii ribbon
The following reply was made to PR ports/158827; it has been noted by GNATS.
From: Stanislav Sedov
To: Frank Wall
Cc: r...@freebsd.org, FreeBSD PR followup
Subject: Re: ports/158827: devel/rubygem-rdoc: fix compatibility with ruby
Date: Tue, 12 Jul 2011 12:17:36 -0700
> RDoc 3.6
On Tue, 12 Jul 2011 23:14:07 +
"Philip M. Gollucci" mentioned:
> On 07/12/11 19:20, Stanislav Sedov wrote:
> > > RDoc 3.6 is still compatible with ruby 1.8, although it was lately
> > marked as BROKEN for ruby 1.8. > The NetBSD guys have fixed the problem
> Why pick portupgrade when a lot of people (including myself) use it? There
> are
> probably 100's of ports more worthy of deprecation. Maybe there should be a
> policy to deprecate all unmaintained ports if nobody steps up. You can always
> drag it out of the attic if enough people squak and
ng these two ports either, I actually
requested the removal of rubygem- version immediately upon commit:
Not sure why it didn't happen though. But since other ports now depend on
it, we probably cannot do it anymore. :-(
- --
snorby to pick up the rmagick version
installed from ports instead of querying the gem database?
Stanislav Sedov
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x27;s committed, I'll keep
> an eye on lists and bug reports to catch anything I might have missed.
> What say you? Silence will be taken as acceptance. :)
Sounds fine by me, but I suggest sending HEADS UP to ports@ several days
before this happens and listen for replies.
no objection, I will commit it tomorrow.
The patch also fixes the issue when rdocs were not installed
due to unexsisting directory (it also produced a broken plist
when you already had this directory, because it would not
include those files).
Stanislav Sedov
() a
pport as an alternative VM as well).
Stanislav Sedov
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freebsd-ruby@freebsd.org mailing list
so I'll try to
figure out how to patch the gem port tomorrow.
Stanislav Sedov
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freebsd-ruby@freebsd.org mailing list
> HASH: Out of overflow pages. Increase page size
> And just keeps on going, what can i do to fix this problem?
Is it running under ruby 1
to keep 1.9 as default, just add RUBY_DEFAULT_VER=1.9 to make.conf as instructed
in UPDATING. Don't be afraid that you have two versions of ruby installed --
they can coexists successfully.
Stanislav Sedov
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see you're doing some creative things with git, it can live in /tmp
> instead I suppose...
Sorry for that.
What kind of extra files do you see? It's not supposed to do this...
Stanislav Sedov
() ascii ribbon campaign - against html e-mail
/\ www.as
On Mon, 12 Sep 2011 23:06:38 +0200
Pav Lucistnik mentioned:
> Stanislav Sedov píše v po 12. 09. 2011 v 14:01 -0700:
> > On Mon, 12 Sep 2011 22:36:16 +0200
> > Pav Lucistnik mentioned:
> >
> > > Hi folks,
> > >
> > > this came up on point
On Thu, 27 Oct 2011 13:48:26 -0400
"Steve Wills" mentioned:
> Hi,
> Now that I've updated the datamapper and rails ports, I think the
> devel/rubygem-json146 port can go away. Does anyone see a reason not to
> delete it?
Go ahead and kill it.
ood job for us all :)
As far as I know nobody is actively working on it.
You're welcome to try to update it and send us a patch though, or even
become the port maintainer if you're an active user of it.
Stanislav Sedov
() ascii ribbon
in ruby 1.9 is too old for some ports,
so FreeBSD uses the rubygem from ports instead. To get the gem
command back just install the ruby-gems port.
Stanislav Sedov
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I agree tought that should have been done at the moment the gem binary
was dropped from ruby19, but I think we just forgot about this at the
Stanislav Sedov
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On Fri, 11 Nov 2011 21:32:30 -0500
Steve Wills mentioned:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 11/11/11 21:18, Stanislav Sedov wrote:
> > Yes, we can actually do that. We're discussing the possibility of making
> > lang/ruby19 to depend on ru
> better
> than shipping a broken redmine with 9.0-RELEASE.
> I hope nobody feels offended because I'm not the maintainer of redmine
> anymore
> and I'm also not wearing a ruby hat but there was no action about this
> problem
> in the last month and it doesn
> checking first. (redmine is broken anyways for other reasons.)
> mcl
Looks good to me.
Stanislav Sedov
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JFYI, ri generates random filenames which depend on the file system for
ordering. That's why we replaced all plists in rubygems by automatic ones
a while ago. Otherwise maintainers would just put static filenames into plist,
and committees blindly commit them. I'm pretty sure the same happened h
ds fine and passes tests, and as you can see in the PR, there is an
> exp-run requested for it, but extra testing won't hurt.
Which tests?
Does it pass the rubyspec regression test suite? Did you look at possible
regression in rubyspec compared to the previous release?
contents being one from configure.log and see where and why it fails.
BTW, are you using something else than GCC by any chance?
Stanislav Sedov
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7;re still some that work with 1.8 only.
Given that most of the ports users mostly care for 3rd party applications
to work, I'm not sure if the switch to 1.9 will be a win for them...
Stanislav Sedov
() ascii ribbon campaign - against html
On Jun 5, 2012, at 1:52 AM, Konstantin Belousov wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 04, 2012 at 08:25:08PM -0400, Steve Wills wrote:
>> On 06/01/12 22:30, Stanislav Sedov wrote:
>>> I'm not sure it's a good idea.
>>> Ruby 1.9 still has some nasty bugs on FreeB
aded object. Or it is used to be that way. Exec should work
fine, I don't see how this can be an issue.
> Perhaps we need to build ruby with -pthread?
Of course, we already do. Both of them.
Stanislav Sedov
() ascii ribbon campaign - against html e-mail
On Tue, 5 Jun 2012 11:42:09 +0200
Romain Tartière mentioned:
> On Tue, Jun 05, 2012 at 02:04:33AM -0700, Stanislav Sedov wrote:
> > Actually, the problem I'm trying to debug right now is more weird.
> > When I run mono via system(3) from the ruby 1.9 process (I mean,
> &
On Tue, 5 Jun 2012 20:08:36 +0200
Romain Tartière mentioned:
> On Tue, Jun 05, 2012 at 11:01:12AM -0700, Stanislav Sedov wrote:
> > Sounds similar. Unfortunately, my app is proprietary. I'll try to
> > prepare some smaller test case today.
> Thanks! In the me
hat mono and ruby do on FreeBSD. I was not able to reproduce this
on Linux.
I'm still investigating this issue. Hopefully, we'll find out what is
it. :)
Stanislav Sedov
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Stanislav Sedov
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freebsd-ruby@freebsd.org mailing list
To unsu
managing the system-wide gems. They won't interfere.
Just set the GEM_HOME variable to point to a place where you want
gems to be installed.
Stanislav Sedov
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>Submitter-Id: current-users
>Originator:Stanislav Sedov
>Confidential: no
>Synopsis: [PATCH]: lang/ruby update to 1.8.7-p370
>Severity: non-critical
>Priority: medium
>Category: ports
>Class: update
Can you, please, send the list of installed ports (ls /var/db/pkg) and the full
ruby build log? We have not seen this kind of problem before.
On Jul 18, 2012, at 3:33 AM, H wrote:
> Hi
> can you help me with this:
> ar rcu libruby18-static.a array.o big
On Jul 28, 2012, at 5:28 PM, Steve Wills wrote:
> I've done some more work on the issue of patching rubygems and have
> produced the attached patch. I'm doing some testing by building all the
> rubygem- ports on 9.0 with both 1.9 and 1.8 as default ruby. The build
> with ruby 1.9 finished and th
.d script.
> Got it, although that means picking the value at build time, but that
> seems OK.
We actually already have a practice of doing that with RUBY_SHEBANG, so it
seems reasonable.
Stanislav Sedov
() ascii ribbon campaign - against html e-mail
There is already a port for 1.9.3 in the ports tree.
Just set the DEFAULT_RUBY_VER to 1.9 in the make.conf before installing
the rails.
On Nov 6, 2012, at 4:13 AM, Syed Hasan Ziaya wrote:
> Dear Sir, Greetings,
> I have installed Ruby on Rails on FreeBSD9 using rubygem-rails. Th
On Nov 15, 2012, at 11:03 AM, Paul Schmehl wrote:
> I've been trying to port Snorby to FreeBSD. Emphasis on trying. I run into
> problems at every turn, and some seem unresolvable. Snorby requires ruby
> 1.9.2 or better. The default version on FreeBSD is 1.8. Putting
On Mon, 19 Nov 2012 14:28:56 -0600
Paul Schmehl mentioned:
> --On November 15, 2012 3:59:36 PM -0800 Stanislav Sedov
> wrote:
> >
> > All the ruby ports are already at the latest version and we do generally
> > a very good job to keep them updated (and we ba
The following reply was made to PR ports/179313; it has been noted by GNATS.
From: Stanislav Sedov
To: Garrett Wollman
Cc: FreeBSD PR followup
Subject: Re: ports/179313: ruby disagrees with bsd.ruby.mk
Date: Tue, 4 Jun 2013 16:01:21 -0700
I have never seen this. Are you sure it is
It sounds like you set RUBY_DEFAULT_VER to 2.0 when building
ruby20 (otherwise you would have /usr/local/bin/ruby20 installed),
but not when trying to install ruby-iconv (so it assumes that
ruby20 is not the default and looks for ruby20 executable).
Stanislav Sedov
On Jul 8, 2013, at 11:30 PM, Mike Carlson wrote:
> The patch I supplied above is not working as I thought...
> The problem seems to be with the lib/mkmf.rb patch, its installing=20
> compiled so' in an invalid location.
> For example, installing databases/rubygem-pg installs the pg_ext.so
The following reply was made to PR ports/180246; it has been noted by GNATS.
From: Stanislav Sedov
To: Mike Carlson
Cc: "r...@freebsd.org" ,
Subject: Re: ports/180246: [patch] lang/ruby20: update to 2.0.0p247
Date: Mon, 8 Jul 2013 21:44:27 -0500
-e "def iter(acc) puts acc; iter(acc + 1) end; iter(0)"
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freebsd-ruby@freebsd.org mailing list
The following reply was made to PR ports/181663; it has been noted by GNATS.
From: Stanislav Sedov
To: Yasuhiro KIMURA
Cc: FreeBSD PR followup
Subject: Re: ports/181663: [PATCH] lang/ruby18: mark DEPRECATED and set
Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 17:15:18 -0700
I am not sure it is a
On Oct 4, 2013, at 1:17 AM, "Ronald F. Guilmette"
> So, um, I just tried to update a bunch of my ports to the latest
> revs, which I do rather infrequently, and of course, as usual,
> I got a boat load of port build failures. (Sigh.)
> Well, anyway, one of them was this:
On Oct 23, 2013, at 4:19 AM, "Akinori MUSHA" wrote:
> Great! It's fantastic to see ruby 1.8 finally go.
> Now, why don't we make Ruby 2.0 the default version instead of 1.9?
> Ruby 2.0 is highly (upper) compatible with 1.9 and there should be no
> reason to adopt Ruby 1.9.3 by now. Ruby 1
66 matches
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