On Fri, 19 Aug 2011 20:09:32 -0400
Steve Wills <st...@mouf.net> mentioned:

> Hash: SHA1
> Hi,
> I'm mailing you because you are listed as part of the ruby@ team on
> http://wiki.freebsd.org/Ruby.
> The last exp-run of my patch to make Ruby 1.9 default was very clean.
> There are still a good number of ports that are marked as broken with
> 1.9, but none too critical as far as I can tell.
> Unless there are objections, I plan to go ahead and commit my patch to
> make 1.9 the default this time tomorrow. Once it's committed, I'll keep
> an eye on lists and bug reports to catch anything I might have missed.
> What say you? Silence will be taken as acceptance. :)

Sounds fine by me, but I suggest sending HEADS UP to ports@ several days
before this happens and listen for replies.

Stanislav Sedov

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