Re: ScreenCapturing tool for FreeBSD-7.0 Release

2008-09-27 Thread Christian Hiris
On Wednesday 24 September 2008, dhaneshk k wrote: > HI all ; > > Can anyone recommend a working screencapturing tool such as XvidCap for > FreeBSD-7.0 graphics/scrot Cheers, ch -- Christian Hiris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | OpenPGP KeyID 0x1A9BE943 OpenPGP-Key at hkp://wwwkeys.e

Re: downloading linux_base-fc4

2008-10-21 Thread Christian Hiris
gt; > To unsubscribe, send any mail to > "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" -- Christian Hiris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | OpenPGP KeyID 0x1A9BE943 OpenPGP-Key at hkp:// and ___

Re: xfce decktop time display

2008-11-04 Thread Christian Hiris
e show_frame=false Cheers, ch -- Christian Hiris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | OpenPGP KeyID 0x1A9BE943 OpenPGP-Key at hkp:// and ___ mailing list

Re: how to filter network by MAC and IP at the same time

2012-06-09 Thread Christian Hiris
hi Bill, afaik, in your case the packets checked twice against the ipfw-rules - once for the layer2-filtering part and 2nd time for the ip-filtering part. 1st enable filtering on ethernet demux/eth. output frame: # sysctl then start your fw-script: # -- sniplet from fw-scr

Re: Aboout pptp+ipfw

2004-06-21 Thread Christian Hiris
o allow the GRE (Generic Routing Encapsulation) protocol. ipfw add allow 47 from any to my-gateway ipfw add allow 47 from my-gateway to any regards ch -- Christian Hiris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | OpenPGP KeyID 0x941B6B0B OpenPGP-Key at hkp:// and pgpJ4ayNTZfhm.pgp Description: signature

Re: pkg_delete multimedia/mplayer doesn't work

2004-06-24 Thread Christian Hiris
kg_delete -f mplayer* instead of # pkg_delete mplayer* If it's still not deinstalling enter the command # ls -l /var/db/pkg/mplayer* If it doesnt return somthing like '/var/db/pkg/mplayer-gtk-esound' no mplayer package has been registered on your system. hth ch -- Christ

Re: How do I create a freebsd local distribution point?

2004-06-28 Thread Christian Hiris
ting point that > explains all this? See the FreeBSD Handbook, Chapter 22.5 Tracking for Multiple Machines: -- Christian Hiris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | OpenPGP KeyID 0x941B6B0B OpenPGP-Key at hkp://

Re: add route called from script

2004-07-08 Thread Christian Hiris
guru for either of these commands, but I'm guessing this is a > canonical job for sed and/or awk. Something like: > > IPADDR = `ifconfig | awk ''` > route add $IPADDR If you know the number of the interface, ie tun0: IPADDR=`ifconfig tun0 | awk '$1~/inet

Re: problems getting ssh X11 fowarding

2004-07-15 Thread Christian Hiris
ed it, but whn I > ssh to these 2 boxes DISPLAY does not get set. > > Anyone have any ideas? Try ssh option -Y to enable trusted X11 forwarding. hth ch -- Christian Hiris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | OpenPGP KeyID 0x941B6B0B OpenPGP-Key at hkp:// and pgpiuMc7hT9jX.pgp Description: signature

Re: About RELEASE_5_3-p2

2004-12-09 Thread Christian Hiris
> > Now, if I use uname -a it appears for me: > > FreeBSD-RELEASE_5_3-p2 > > How do I know without doing it ... witch patch version is ? > > How can I check about a FreeBSD-RELEASE_5_3-p3 release ... without > rebuild my system ? Hi, have a look into src/sys/conf/newver

Re: Handbook is unclear about the use of maxautovhans

2004-12-13 Thread Christian Hiris
will be allowed to create. The sentence "hw.snd.maxautovchans is the number of virtual channels a new audio device is given when it is attached using kldload(8)" is possibly wrong. I must admit that I have never tested sound-module loading via kldload. - -- Christian Hiris <[EMAIL PR

Re: Xorg and mouse....

2004-12-14 Thread Christian Hiris
e86 and imake-4 packages, then remove the xorg and imake-6 packages. After that do a clean install of the xorg meta port. - -- Christian Hiris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | OpenPGP KeyID 0x3BCA53BE OpenPGP-Key at hkp:// and -BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE

Re: Changing hw.snd.pcm0.buffersize in 4.10.

2004-12-14 Thread Christian Hiris
want to change the default buffersize of the ESS driver you need to change the line "#define ESS_BUFFSIZE (4096)" in src/sys/dev/sound/isa/ess.c. If you use the sbc driver, you need to do this changes in sb8.c or sb16.c, depending on the soundcard you are using. sbc.c is on

Re: Identical hard drives, different disklabel sectors/cylinders

2004-12-18 Thread Christian Hiris
't mounted and that it isn't locked by vinum (see also 'man 4 vinum', chapters RUNNING VINUM and AUTOMATIC STARTUP). IMHO there is only one thing that can go wrong with your configuration: If you are booting your system from the mirro

Re: RAID0 problem array broken

2004-12-20 Thread Christian Hiris
ata'. BTW - the manual page seems to be outdated. According to src/sys/dev/ata/ata-all.c sysctl hw.ata.atapi_dma defaults to 1. I sent a PR on this. - -- Christian Hiris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | OpenPGP KeyID 0x3BCA53BE OpenPGP-Key at hkp:// and

Re: Do I have to rebuild my jails too when I rebuild the server?

2004-12-20 Thread Christian Hiris
' when mergemaster asks, if you wish to delete what is left of /var/tmp/temproot. I mostly run a small script that runs installworld, cleans out /usr/include/* and runs mergemaster for every enabled jail it finds in /etc/rc.conf. I run it on 5.3. The bad thing is, that it depends on ng_rc-s

Re: Hang on install of 5.3 on old Presario

2004-12-22 Thread Christian Hiris
o tried using the 3 floppies... same problem. Try to disable acpi at the loader(8) prompt: set hint.acpi.0.disabled=1 Cheers, ch - -- Christian Hiris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | OpenPGP KeyID 0x3BCA53BE OpenPGP-Key at hkp:// and -BEGIN PG

Re: Hang on install of 5.3 on old Presario

2004-12-22 Thread Christian Hiris
move the harddisk of the 16MB box over to the 24MB box and install 5.3 there? - -- Christian Hiris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | OpenPGP KeyID 0x3BCA53BE OpenPGP-Key at hkp:// and -BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE- Version: GnuPG

Re: Mystery message from mystery cron

2004-12-24 Thread Christian Hiris
an entry in /etc/crontab. Inspect /var/log/cron to find out what goes wrong with the script /usr/libexec/save-entropy. - -- Christian Hiris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | OpenPGP KeyID 0x3BCA53BE OpenPGP-Key at hkp:// and -BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-

Re: Problems booting my computer

2004-12-24 Thread Christian Hiris
he command '/rescue/chflags -R noschg *' on each of the paths in question to remove all system immutable flags). After your have fixed your system, re-cvsup sources and do a rebuild and reinstall of world and kernel. - -- Christian Hiris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | OpenPGP KeyID

Re: Native 5.3 port of OpenOffice?

2005-01-04 Thread Christian Hiris
; FreeBSD download page is All the packages I have seen there are ver. 1.1.3. for various FreeBSD branches including 5.3. - -- Christian Hiris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | OpenPGP KeyID 0x3BCA53BE OpenPGP-Key at

Re: Native 5.3 port of OpenOffice?

2005-01-04 Thread Christian Hiris
is was 2 weeks ago; perhaps OO compiles perfectly now? No on 5.3-STABLE it doesn't. See there is a note from 2004/Dec/22 and there is also an open PR about this: Cheers, ch - -- Christian Hiris &l

Re: Updating a running jail

2005-01-10 Thread Christian Hiris
lar > process to update OpenBSD machines over NFS but have never tried it on > FreeBSD. Normally you don't need the /usr/obj tree in your jail. However, some ports need a set of /usr/src to compile. I for myself prefer to have independent sets of /usr/src and /usr/ports inside my jail

Re: dynamic mouse(d) acceleration

2005-01-10 Thread Christian Hiris
there seems to be no command available, however they provide a mouse config dialog in their settings menu. Cheers, ch - -- Christian Hiris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | OpenPGP KeyID 0x3BCA53BE OpenPGP-Key at hkp:// and -BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE- Versi

Re: openoffice 1.1.4

2005-01-10 Thread Christian Hiris
tml Cheers, ch - -- Christian Hiris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | OpenPGP KeyID 0x3BCA53BE OpenPGP-Key at hkp:// and -BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE- Version: GnuPG v1.2.6 (FreeBSD) iD8DBQFB4whH09WjGjvKU74RAqqVAJ4iAi3Ej8h9Rs2sJ7F++wzSgKxIPgCeLs45 D5fz1CZv5

Re: gmirror problem on 5.3-R i386

2005-01-13 Thread Christian Hiris
as above, this looks to me like you have entered a command like 'gmirror label -v -n -b round-robin gm0s1 /dev/ad6' instead of 'gmirror label -v -n -b round-robin gm0s1 /dev/ad6s1'? Maybe I'm wrong, or maybe there are some stale metadata on your disks? >Mediasize: 8002636

Re: FBSD boot loader?

2005-01-13 Thread Christian Hiris
'man 8 boot0cfg', scroll down to "-o options", option packet. If your box is not too old, this should work. Cheers, ch - -- Christian Hiris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | OpenPGP KeyID 0x3BCA53BE OpenPGP-Key

Re: Replacing both disks in RAID1

2005-01-14 Thread Christian Hiris
during system startup, you will end up automatically at a shell prompt. From there you can mount your filesystems by using the 'mount' command and edit your fstab. It's maybe good to be familiar with 'man 8 boot', just in case. Cheers, ch - -- Chri

Re: gmirror problem on 5.3-R i386 (SOLVED)

2005-01-14 Thread Christian Hiris
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 On Friday 14 January 2005 20:43, Doug Poland wrote: > On Thu, Jan 13, 2005 at 09:51:03AM +0100, Christian Hiris wrote: > > On Thursday 13 January 2005 03:54, Doug Poland wrote: > > > > > > I'm having a problem wit

Re: gmirror problem on 5.3-R i386 (SOLVED)

2005-01-14 Thread Christian Hiris
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 On Saturday 15 January 2005 04:52, Doug Poland wrote: > On Sat, Jan 15, 2005 at 12:12:28AM +0100, Christian Hiris wrote: > > On Friday 14 January 2005 20:43, Doug Poland wrote: > > Yes, I tried it under both tcsh and sh. I didn'

Re: Java plugin

2005-01-15 Thread Christian Hiris > Undefined symbol "_ZTV16nsQueryInterface"] > LoadPlugin: failed to initialize shared library > /usr/local/jdk1.3.1/jre/plugin/i386/ns600/ > [/usr/local/jdk1.3.1/jre/plugin/i386/ns600/ > Undefined symbol "_ZTV16nsQ

Re: gmirror: replacing failed disks

2005-01-16 Thread Christian Hiris
v -B -I /dev/ad4', but on the other hand, it would be very interresting, if gmirror really handles the consumers as they are displayed by your gmirror list command. I would blank disk ad4 (as I described above) and see what happens when you issue the command 'gmirror insert gm0s1 /d

Re: ntpd problems since upgrading to 5.3

2005-01-17 Thread Christian Hiris
ratum 1 server server # server # restrict mask disable auth statsdir /var/log/ntpstats/ filegen peerstats file peerstats type day enable file

Re: window managers don't work over ssh

2005-01-17 Thread Christian Hiris
in a multiuser environment, please also read about the securtity considerations of options "ForwardX11" and "ForwardX11Trusted" in 'man 5 ssh_config' . Cheers, ch - -- Christian Hiris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | OpenPGP KeyID 0x3BCA53BE OpenPGP-Key at hkp://wwwke

Re: ntpd problems since upgrading to 5.3

2005-01-17 Thread Christian Hiris
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 On Tuesday 18 January 2005 05:23, Rob wrote: > Christian Hiris wrote: > > On the server I run ntpd with the following config files > > (This machine still runs 5.3-BETA-4): > > > > # cat /etc/rc.conf | gre

Re: ntpd problems since upgrading to 5.3

2005-01-17 Thread Christian Hiris
# /etc/rc.d/ntpd stop Stopping ntpd. - -- Christian Hiris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | OpenPGP KeyID 0x3BCA53BE OpenPGP-Key at hkp:// and -BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE- Version: GnuPG v1.2.6 (FreeBSD) iD8DBQFB7KwI09WjGjvKU74RAiOsAJwM4urvuaeSka6k22X2An

Re: ntpd problems since upgrading to 5.3 - found the problem!

2005-01-17 Thread Christian Hiris
3.1 ;; Query time: 1 msec ;; SERVER: ;; WHEN: Tue Jan 18 07:27:54 2005 ;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 87 # cat /etc/resolv.conf search nameserver - -- Christian Hiris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | OpenPGP KeyID 0x3BCA53BE OpenPGP-Key at hkp://

Re: ntpd problems since upgrading to 5.3

2005-01-18 Thread Christian Hiris
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 On Tuesday 18 January 2005 23:14, John wrote: > On Tue, Jan 18, 2005 at 04:04:30PM -0600, John wrote: > > On Tue, Jan 18, 2005 at 07:23:41AM -0600, John wrote: > > > On Tue, Jan 18, 2005 at 07:26:16AM +0100, Christian Hiris wrote:

Re: gmirror: replacing failed disks

2005-01-18 Thread Christian Hiris
d4 2.1. Blank out the first few blocks of ad4 # dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/ad4 bs=512 count=128 2.2. Blank out gmirror metadata on ad4 # dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/ad4 bs=512 skip=156301400 3. Initialize ad4 and create slize ad4s1 # fdisk -v -B -I /dev/ad4 4. Add /dev/ad4s1 to mirro

Re: Custom Kernel 'make depend' Failure

2005-01-19 Thread Christian Hiris
# swapon -a # mergemaster -p # cd /usr/src # make installworld # mergemaster # reboot For the details please read Good luck! -- Christian Hiris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | OpenPGP KeyID 0x3BCA53BE OpenPGP-Key

Re: gmirror: replacing failed disks

2005-01-19 Thread Christian Hiris
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 On Wednesday 19 January 2005 22:53, you wrote: > On Wed, Jan 19, 2005 at 06:55:53AM +0100, Christian Hiris wrote: [...] > > > > 2.2. Blank out gmirror metadata on ad4 > > # dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/ad4 bs=512 skip=156301400

Re: sshd configuration after mergemaster

2005-03-21 Thread Christian Hiris
dback. "-v" shows > "no more authentication methods to try". This points to commitment of rev. 1.35 for me: Cheers ch -- Christian Hiris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | OpenPGP KeyID 0x3BCA53BE OpenPGP-Key at hkp:// and pgpyT96S3Wfeq.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: What's on each FreeBSD 5.3 (i386) disc?

2005-01-25 Thread Christian Hiris
9-1/books/handbook/install-diff-media.html Cheers, ch - -- Christian Hiris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | OpenPGP KeyID 0x3BCA53BE OpenPGP-Key at hkp:// and -BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE- Version: GnuPG v1.4.0 (FreeBSD) iD8DBQFB9gOA09WjGjvKU74RAuP5AJ9NjmFnRU2vCZfK6PH5

Re: set_rcvar load_rc_config run_rc_command: all not found

2005-01-25 Thread Christian Hiris
cvar, load_rc_config and run_rc_command requires the line ". /etc/rc.subr". This line sucks in the file /etc/rc.subr and makes the missing functions available to your script. Cheers, ch -- Christian Hiris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | OpenPGP KeyID 0x3BCA53BE OpenPGP-Key at hkp:// and pgpdpPO0idMSo.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: Where I can find boot's dmesg

2005-01-27 Thread Christian Hiris
rint/Sys-Req and Pause/Break keys) to make the console display scrollable by the Pageup/Pagedown and Up/Down keys. Cheers, ch -- Christian Hiris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | OpenPGP KeyID 0x3BCA53BE OpenPGP-Key at hkp:// and pgpQq3jVw5LeB.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: Setting up RAID1 with gmirror

2005-01-27 Thread Christian Hiris
ab on /mirror/gm1s1a. After that reboot into /mirror/gm1s1a and destroy the mirror on the bigger disk (ad2) and insert /dev/ad2 into /mirror/gm1. Cheers, ch -- Christian Hiris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | OpenPGP KeyID 0x3BCA53BE OpenPGP-Key at hkp:// and http://pgp.m

Re: RAID1, a failed disk and performance

2005-01-27 Thread Christian Hiris
n a cheap none-raid Promise-Ultra-133-TX2 aka PDC20269, which costs about 25 Euros: Cheers, ch -- Christian Hiris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | OpenPGP KeyID 0x3BCA53BE OpenP

Re: RAID1, a failed disk and performance

2005-01-28 Thread Christian Hiris
mediately after hitting the damaged areas. Maybe it's the better solution to run smartd from ports/smartctl and replace flaky disks asap. -- Christian Hiris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | OpenPGP KeyID 0x3BCA53BE OpenPGP-Key at hkp:// and pgpQMiRLIbs6i.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: vmnet1 vmneet2 etc

2005-01-31 Thread Christian Hiris
et1, /dev/vmnet2, etc.) to your vmware instances. Some config and routing issues were discussed in the emulation list: Cheers, ch -- Christian Hiris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | OpenPGP KeyID 0x3BCA53BE Open

Re: IPFW config

2005-02-20 Thread Christian Hiris
Cheers, ch -- Christian Hiris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | OpenPGP KeyID 0x3BCA53BE OpenPGP-Key at hkp:// and pgpgfM8ue6Fgm.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: Autoinstall

2005-02-26 Thread Christian Hiris
kout~/src/release/sysinstall/Attic/install.cfg?rev= Altough it's listed in the Attic, I think it will still work. Cheers, ch -- Christian Hiris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | OpenPGP KeyID 0x3BCA53BE OpenPGP-Key at hkp:// and pgpXL6nJCwm6E.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: where is

2005-02-26 Thread Christian Hiris
.5" not found, required by ""] # locate /usr/compat/linux/usr/lib/ /usr/compat/linux/usr/lib/ You need to install one of the linux ports and set linux_enable="YES" in your /etc/rc.conf. Cheers, ch -- Chr

Re: Can't build openoffice-1.1 from port

2004-05-07 Thread Christian Hiris
On Saturday 08 May 2004 00:24, Bill Moran wrote: > Trying to install openoffice from ports tree cvsupped yesterday and > failing. I don't want to install from a package, as I get an icky mess > between gtk 1 (which the openoffice package wants) and gtk 2 (which the > latest gnome wants) > > Suggest

Re: Can't build openoffice-1.1 from port

2004-05-07 Thread Christian Hiris
On Saturday 08 May 2004 04:40, Bill Moran wrote: > Christian Hiris wrote: > > On Saturday 08 May 2004 00:24, Bill Moran wrote: > >>Trying to install openoffice from ports tree cvsupped yesterday and > >>failing. I don't want to install from a package, as I get an ic

Re: Hang up on boot ..

2004-05-02 Thread Christian Hiris
On Sunday 02 May 2004 14:10, Florian wrote: > Hi! > > >> I want to install using a CD with the 5.2.1-RELEASE-i386-miniinst.iso. > >> It shows the "Welcome to FreeBSD!"-screen wit hthe 7 options and that > >> ASCII-art demon to the right. > >> If I chose "1. Boot FreeBSD [default]", it starts to boo

Re: flash plug-in

2004-05-02 Thread Christian Hiris
On Saturday 01 May 2004 15:29, platanthera wrote: > On Saturday 01 May 2004 12:49, Christian Hiris wrote: > ... > > > to create a new libmap.conf try the command > > cd /var/db/pkg && pkg_info -D linuxpluginwrapper* > /etc/libmap.conf > > and edit the re

Re: OpenOffice run problem

2004-05-03 Thread Christian Hiris
On Sunday 02 May 2004 21:36, Derrick wrote: > I am attempting to run the precompiled version of OO-1.1_0.1, but am > having trouble on my 5.2 system. Whenever I try to run the setup, I get > this: > > /usr/libexec/ Shared object "" not found > /usr/libexec/ Share

Re: Sound server issue

2004-05-03 Thread Christian Hiris
On Monday 03 May 2004 19:52, David Wassman wrote: > >From HP/Compaq website the soundcard driver for Windows is ESS > > 1869/1887/1888 Audio Driver. I am guessing then the soundcard is ESS > (whatever that means). I see on the handbook that ESS Solo-1/1E is > supported. Does this driver work and ho

Re: stuck in single-user mode

2004-05-03 Thread Christian Hiris
On Tuesday 04 May 2004 02:26, William wrote: > hi, i'm more or less a newbie to BSD administration. anyway, i forgot to > close a quote on one of the lines in /etc/rc.conf. now the server on boots > into single-user mode. problem is it won't let me edit the file so i can > fix it. it goes into "rea

Re: Which package generating

2004-05-04 Thread Christian Hiris
On Tuesday 04 May 2004 15:40, Stephen Liu wrote: > Hi folks, > > Starting GNOME on Konsole window, following warning > popup > > $ gnome-session > /libexec/ Shared object "" not > found > > $ find / > find: No such file or directory > > Kindly advise

Re: Sound server issue

2004-05-04 Thread Christian Hiris
On Tuesday 04 May 2004 07:14, David Wassman wrote: > I have tried all that (recompile the kernel with the devices pcm and sbc > added) but when I type > > dmesg | grep ESS > > Nothing happens. I am going to try loading sbc manually and not PNP and see > if that works. Any other suggestions? > Yes

Re: any way to recover root password on 5.2

2004-05-06 Thread Christian Hiris
On Thursday 06 May 2004 11:28, Gregory Edigarov wrote: > Hello, > > I forgot root pasword on my just installed server. > I've tryed to recover it by going to single user, then doing > mount -a; passwd root, but no success. It says "entropy device > blocking. Dance fandago on keyboard to unlock". >

Re: any way to recover root password on 5.2

2004-05-06 Thread Christian Hiris
On Thursday 06 May 2004 12:03, Christian Hiris wrote: > On Thursday 06 May 2004 11:28, Gregory Edigarov wrote: > > Hello, > > > > I forgot root pasword on my just installed server. > > I've tryed to recover it by going to single user, then doing > > mount -a

Re: Sound server issue

2004-05-06 Thread Christian Hiris
On Wednesday 05 May 2004 18:06, David Wassman wrote: > I finally got it working using the manual settings in the LINT file. My > last question is how to configure the secondary DMA channel. The man > pages for sbc: > > The value of flags specifies the secondary DMA channel. If the > secondar

Re: Restoring system files from CD

2004-05-06 Thread Christian Hiris
On Thursday 06 May 2004 15:10, Robert Fitzpatrick wrote: > How can I restore some lost system files from the original 5.2.1-RELEASE > CD-ROM? Is there somewhere in the handbook to discuss this? I did this once under 5.1 release. I think it's still the same procedere: Insert the 5.2.1-RELEASE CD-R

Re: help! -- acroread failing to launch

2004-05-06 Thread Christian Hiris
install the x11/linux-XFree86-libs port. hth ch > > thank you very much, > epi > _______ > [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list > > To unsubscribe, send any mail to > "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" -- Christian Hiris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | OpenPGP KeyID 0x941B6B0B OpenPGP-Key at hkp:// and pgpqW7WnYX1Vz.pgp Description: signature

Re: Problems running "startx" on FreeBSD 5.2.1

2004-05-14 Thread Christian Hiris
On Friday 14 May 2004 22:19, Sanjay Chadda wrote: > Here is the attached XFree86 logfile. > Snajay > > > > > these models have the integrated chipset 82845G on them. So while > > configuring Xserver, I gave this info for this chipset. I have > > FreeBSD 5.2.1 installed. > > For the intel 8xx chip

Re: getting Mozilla Firefox port to run / libmap.conf

2004-05-14 Thread Christian Hiris
pkg-message of linuxpluginwrapper by entering the command: # cd /var/db/pkg && pkg_info -D linuxpluginwrapper* regards ch > > jms > ___ > [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list > > To unsubscribe, send any

Re: natd -redirect_port

2004-05-15 Thread Christian Hiris
config. Refer to section "RUNNING NATD" in the natd(8) manual for some more info. regards ch -- Christian Hiris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | OpenPGP KeyID 0x941B6B0B OpenPGP-Key at hkp:// and pgp1vn8BHWioG.pgp Description: signature

Re: natd -redirect_port

2004-05-17 Thread Christian Hiris
divcb sysctl or any other mechanism, it might become possible that the ipfw kld could issue the correct divert message. Disabling of the divert message in case the ipfw has been compiled as kld could be a simpler solution. > > -Original Message- > From: Micheal Patterson [m

Re: How to mount and read cdimage before burning

2004-05-18 Thread Christian Hiris
scribe, send any mail to > "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" attach md: # mdconfig -a -t vnode -f /yourpath/your.iso # mount -t cd9660 /dev/md0 /yourmountpoint list configured mds: # mdconfig -l unmount and detach: # umount /yourmountpoint # mdconfig -d -u 0 There are some examples listed in 

Re: Max NFSD processes

2004-05-20 Thread Christian Hiris
> Thanks - any help/hints is appreciated. > > Eric About a year ago i observed strong nfs performance decrease when using RLT8139A nics. Nfs transfers leaded into high system load, because of an excessive high packet retransmission rate. Switching over to 3Com nics solved my problem.

Re: gpg-agent problems...

2004-05-20 Thread Christian Hiris
89C | gpg > > You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for > user: "Eric F Crist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>" > 1024-bit DSA key, ID 33114086, created 2004-01-06 Does the window open when you use your default key? It's defined in ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf or whatever name you ch

Re: gpg-agent problems...

2004-05-20 Thread Christian Hiris
ent.conf file. You need to restart the gpg-agent if you add or change the gpg-agent.conf file. %cat ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf pinentry-program /usr/local/bin/pinentry-qt no-grab default-cache-ttl 1800 If that doesn't work, you can give the gtk window a try. change the line pinentry-program /usr/local/bin/pinentry-qt in your gpg-agent.conf to pinentry-program /usr/local/bin/pinentry-gtk -- Christian Hiris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | OpenPGP KeyID 0x941B6B0B OpenPGP-Key at hkp:// and pgpYzuTEcPM2V.pgp Description: signature

Re: What's the "bridged" option in ipfw's man page ?

2004-05-24 Thread Christian Hiris
On Monday 24 May 2004 13:04, Supote Leelasupphakorn wrote: > Hi... lists, > > I've read the "ipfw" man page and in the "RULE OPTION" > There is "bridged" option there. I'm currently set the > bridge-base firewall so my question is what's the bridged > packets and how much I take advantage from th

Re: IPFW2 Mac Address Filtering

2004-05-25 Thread Christian Hiris
0:00:00:02" eth_broadcast="ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff" ${fwcmd} add pass MAC ${eth0} ${eth1} ${fwcmd} add pass MAC ${eth1} ${eth0} ${fwcmd} add pass MAC ${eth_broadcast} ${eth0} ${fwcmd} add pass MAC ${eth_broadcast} ${eth1} [...] regards ch -- Christian Hiris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | OpenPGP KeyID 0x941B6B0B OpenPGP-Key at hkp:// and pgpxi3Pdngqfq.pgp Description: signature

fsck_ufs: cannot alloc 3221471004 bytes for inoinfo

2004-05-27 Thread Christian Hiris
0 ronly 0 clean 0 avgfpdir 64 avgfilesize 16384 flags unclean soft-updates fsmnt /jail volname swuid 0 The filesystem held about 1.3 million files, softupdates enabled. Is there any other way recover this filesystem on the fly? Thanks! ch -- Christian Hir

Re: fsck_ufs: cannot alloc 3221471004 bytes for inoinfo

2004-05-28 Thread Christian Hiris
On Thursday 27 May 2004 22:30, Christian Hiris wrote: > When I rebooted the machine I got a "giving up on xx buffers" message and > all filesystems marked dirty. After rebooting the system background fsck > run and left one filesystem dirty - "unexpected softupdate in

Re: Installworld with NFS mounts

2004-06-02 Thread Christian Hiris
p a little (man 8 mount_nfs). Try to play around with readsize and timeouts or try to use tcp instead of udp. Hth ch -- Christian Hiris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | OpenPGP KeyID 0x941B6B0B OpenPGP-Key at hkp:// and pgpxJiJqhHQUr.pgp Description: signature

Re: natd, ipfw and MS netmeeting

2004-06-03 Thread Christian Hiris
mapping and a proxy, if you are sitting behind firewall/natd. There are several ports listed in the FreeBSD ports collection, like gatekeeper and opengk. hth ch --

Re: make buildworld problem [lib/libedit]

2004-06-08 Thread Christian Hiris
, tr(1) and setlocale(3) on the freebsd-current mailing list. regards ch -- Christian Hiris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | OpenPGP KeyID 0x941B6B0B OpenPGP-Key at hkp:// and pgpkrJOGmRpwa.pgp Description: signature

Re: help setting up natd and ipfw on freebsd5.2.1

2004-06-09 Thread Christian Hiris
irewall later on. > > > Thanks if you can help > Antoine W. Solomon > > ___ > [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list > > To unsubscribe, send any mail to > "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" -- Christian Hiris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | OpenPGP KeyID 0x941B6B0B OpenPGP-Key at hkp:// and pgpDXbIqb3L6n.pgp Description: signature

Re: Using scanner with FreeBSD. A nightmare!

2004-06-09 Thread Christian Hiris
ne-config --libs -lsane -lusb -lcam -lm -ljpeg -- Christian Hiris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | OpenPGP KeyID 0x941B6B0B OpenPGP-Key at hkp:// and pgpg9eQekFjIw.pgp Description: signature

Re: Using scanner with FreeBSD. A nightmare!

2004-06-10 Thread Christian Hiris
n process of your scanner. > > Is there a configuration file where I should define the default scanner, > i.e. "hp:/dev/uscanner0" ? See SANE_DEFAULT_DEVICE above. > > A side effect of this is (I believe), that sane doesn't work as a plugin > with Gimp. I th

Re: Using scanner with FreeBSD. A nightmare!

2004-06-11 Thread Christian Hiris
usbd for reading device attachment/detachment events. I didn't snipped it when I pasted the ls command output :-) regards ch -- Christian Hiris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | OpenPGP KeyID 0x941B6B0B OpenPGP-Key at hkp:// and pgpHU6hixu9et.pgp Description: signature

Re: Using scanner with FreeBSD. A nightmare!

2004-06-11 Thread Christian Hiris
work anymore. > > I have FreeBSD 4.10-STABLE > Scanner: USB Generic Flatbed Scanner Is it completely dead now? What is it's vendor and product ID, what says 'usbdevs -v'? Is it listed in /usr/src/sys/dev/usb/uscanner.c and usbdevs? regards ch -- Christian Hiris <

Re: aix

2004-06-13 Thread Christian Hiris
> are there any fundamental differences i should be aware of before > admitting any knowledge of *nix You might find some interresting points in the IBM online library. regards ch -- Christian Hiris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Booting with multiple RAID1 configs

2005-06-18 Thread Christian Hiris
raid config data on disk. This means gmirror takes care of which disk belongs to which array. It is able to work independent of any controller/channel to disk mapping. Cheers ch -- Christian Hiris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | OpenPGP KeyID 0x3BCA53BE OpenPGP-Key at hkp:// and pgpdlCe0TYMmk.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: adding unused disk space for FreeBSD

2005-07-09 Thread Christian Hiris
> bit easier to explain using sysinstall so, here is the sysinstall way: > > #/stand/sysinstall On newer 5.x systems you may want to use /usr/sbin/sysinstall instead of /sbin/sysinstall. Cheers, ch -- Christian Hiris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | OpenPGP KeyID 0x3BCA53BE OpenPGP-Key at hkp:// and pgppDf9f3zO0V.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: Mac filtering with ipfw2

2004-08-31 Thread Christian Hiris
ed MAC. # ipfw add pass MAC any 10:20:30:40:50:60 # ipfw add pass MAC 10:20:30:40:50:60 any To use arp requests (which are addressed to ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff) you need to allow them a way out, too. # ipfw add pass MAC any ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff Cheers, ch -- Christian Hiris <[EMA

Re: 5.2.1-RELEASE and install.cfg unable to find ad0s1b dev node

2004-09-13 Thread Christian Hiris
netDev=fxp0 # Partitioning disk=ad0 partition=all bootManager=boot diskPartitionEditor # disklabel ad0s1-1=ufs 524288 / ad0s1-2=swap 131072 none ad0s1-3=ufs 524288 /var ad0s1-4=ufs 0 /usr diskLabelEditor # install sys mediaSetCDROM distSetKernDeveloper installCommit

Re: Ports config location

2004-09-17 Thread Christian Hiris
ain for configuration? You may find what are you looking for in /var/db/ports/. 'man 7 ports' points you to 'make showconfig' and 'make rmconfig'. Cheers, ch - -- Christian Hiris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | OpenPGP KeyID 0x3BCA53BE OpenPGP-Key at hkp://

Re: A problem during start up

2004-09-20 Thread Christian Hiris
mand 'vi -r' to recover files from crashed vi "sessions". If that doesn't help clean out the files under /var/tmp/vi.recover. Cheers, ch - -- Christian Hiris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | OpenPGP KeyID 0x3BCA53BE OpenPGP-Key at hkp:// and

Re: XF86(mis)Config Keyboard

2004-09-20 Thread Christian Hiris
v LANG en_US.ISO8859-15 ~/.shrc: LANG=en_US.ISO8859-15 ~/.login_conf: me:\ :charset=iso-8859-15:\ :lang=en_US.ISO8859-15:\ This works for me - if you use german language apps replace "en_US.ISO8859-15" by "de_DE.ISO8859-15". You can find some mor

Re: Screen recording utility

2004-09-22 Thread Christian Hiris
some more ressources :) Cheers, ch - -- Christian Hiris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | OpenPGP KeyID 0x3BCA53BE OpenPGP-Key at hkp:// and -BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE- Version: GnuPG v1.2.6 (FreeBSD) iD8DBQFBUgPF09WjGjvKU74RAgjpAJ0cOWaq2hVNC5CoEvPrxIpG0c9JZQCfRVa

Re: ntpd problem freebsd 5.3

2004-09-24 Thread Christian Hiris
s codes are listed in timex.h. There is also an easier way than searching timex.h :) > ntpdc -c kerninfo | grep status status: 6001 pll nano mode=fll > ntpdc -c kerninfo matrix020 | grep status status: 2001 pll nano Cheers, ch - -- Christian Hiris <[EMAIL PR

Re: Screen recording utility

2004-09-25 Thread Christian Hiris
have a look how grabbing works in scrot and ImageMagick: Search imlib/imlib2 sources for "Imlib_create_image_from_drawable" or ImageMagick soucres for "XImportImage". - -- Christian Hiris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | OpenPGP KeyID 0x3BCA53BE OpenPGP-Key at hkp://

Re: route vmnet1 host server

2004-10-10 Thread Christian Hiris
our win-guest-ip (192.168.11.nnn) in theese rules. You maybe want to do some extra-blocking of unwanted win-specific traffic. I only use ipfw, so I'm not the one that can answer your ipnat question in detail. Cheers, ch - -- Christian Hiris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | OpenPGP KeyID 0x3BCA

Re: route vmnet1 host server

2004-10-11 Thread Christian Hiris
one important thing when you start vmware and set up your virtual machine: In the Ethernet Adapters configuration dialog select Connection Type: --> Custom Vmnet:--> /dev/vmnet1 - -- Christian Hiris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | OpenPGP KeyID 0x3BCA53BE OpenPGP-

Re: route vmnet1 host server

2004-10-11 Thread Christian Hiris
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 On Monday 11 October 2004 16:37, Christian Hiris wrote: > On Monday 11 October 2004 12:27, dick hoogendijk wrote: > > The above information says it all, I guess. I was confused, because the > > vmware3 ports speaks of no support for

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