On Wednesday 19 May 2004 23:55, Eric Anderson wrote:
> I have several heavily used NFS servers, currently running FreeBSD
> 4.9-RELEASE.  I'm getting jammed up with all my nfsd processes being
> busy, so clients see slow connections to the server.  I have the nfsd
> starting with a count of 20, which is the max set in the nfsd.c file.
> Are there any risks I should be aware of before bumping up the max to
> say 40, or even 50?
> What would it take to make this a sysctl adjustable value?
> Should the max be bumped higher by default nowdays?
> Thanks - any help/hints is appreciated.
> Eric

About a year ago i observed strong nfs performance decrease when using  
RLT8139A nics. Nfs transfers leaded into high system load, because of an 
excessive high packet retransmission rate. Switching over to 3Com nics solved 
my problem.   


Christian Hiris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | OpenPGP KeyID 0x941B6B0B 
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